Sponsor Heretic

Ian Stephen
Heretic Mobile
Published in
May 29, 2023

“Yes, of course I’ll buy from a company, whose ads ruin my reading experience!”

-a 24-year-old millionaire with a floppy penis, looking to buy a new car and apartment in Dubai.

No. If you advertise like this ^, then everyone hates you.

Make people’s days better, not worse, through tasteful sponsorship.

Sponsorship, built into the format:

Doesn’t affect the reading experience.

Reaches twice as many people (Nearly half of internet users use adblocker).

Directly supports culture and philosophy (we pay freelancers $1/word).

For details, email: Sponsorship@hereticonline.com

Don’t be the enemy of your audience!



Ian Stephen
Heretic Mobile

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