Why You Must Challenge Everything

the world will thank you later

Blessing Mpofu
Heretics | Heresy
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2013


You must challenge everything because nothing ever gets better without being challenged. Unless you see and desire better things the status quo is what will prevail.

Unless you challenge people’s perceptions they will never fully understand why they have the perceptions they have. It is when you have to defend something that you realize how much you believe in it.

It is when you ask, “can we not do and be better” that you will start moving toward the better. Until you get to the point of challenging whatever you need to challenge there will be no change.

Innovation is a fruit of challenging the idea that things cannot be done. That they are impossible… that some things are meant to be accomplished by someone else and not us…

Challenging yourself will help you stop undermining yourself. Does it not scare you that you could be a slave of to your own mediocrity? The reason you have no basis to change the world is that you tolerate your own complacency.

Some people only want to challenge things with a crowd watching. They need applause first. They feel obscurity is not a platform good enough for their effort.

Such people will never change anything, let alone the world. The world can only be challenged and changed by people willing to act in obscurity… To act without hearing a, “thank you” first…

The Thanks

People like the results of change more than the process of change. It is highly unlikely that you will get thanks as you challenge the status quo. The thanks will only follow at the end…

In fact, that might not be the case. History proves that some of the geniuses and heroes we celebrate today were not even considered in their time. Never be worried about thanks while in the process.

Do you believe in leaving a greater world for posterity, so much so you’re willing to play the fool? People that are always challenging things, the heretics, are often labeled fools. It comes with the territory...

You may never hear the thanks but be committed to challenging things for the greater. You owe it to the world. You owe it to yourself.



Blessing Mpofu
Heretics | Heresy

just guy changing the world. husband to @inkiebouts. blogger, writer, growing leader and communicator | editor in chief @churchmag |