Akhavan Sales Poem— قاصدک

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3 min readApr 16, 2024

Akhavan-Sales was a key Iranian poet and a pioneer of Free Verse in Persian, blending traditional and modern themes poignantly in his works.

His poetry, deeply rooted in Persian literature’s treasures, often reflected the socio-political atmosphere of his times, showcasing his despair and philosophical insights. Akhavan-Sales’s contributions have left a significant mark on contemporary Persian poetry, earning him a place among the most revered poets.

  1. Ghasedak (قاصدک) by Akhavan Sales w/ Transliteration
  2. Meaning of the Poem in English
  3. Meaning of the Poem in Farsi
  4. Iranian Community
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1) Ghasedak (قاصدک) by Akhavan Sales

Take a minute to read this beautiful poem by Mehdi Akhavan Sales in Farsi (Persian). The transliteration of the poem is there to help you read the words in Farsi.

This poem by Persian poet Akhavan Sales delves into the themes of despair and disillusionment. Through the metaphor of a messenger (قاصدک), it explores the poet’s longing for genuine connection and truth in a world where such hopes seem fruitless. The poem reflects on the futility of waiting for good news that never comes, symbolizing a broader existential discontent.

قاصدک ! هان ، چه خبر آوردی ؟
از کجا ، وزکه خبر آوردی؟
Qasedak! Han, che khabar avordi?
Az koja, vozkhe khabar avordi?

خوش خبر باشی ، اما ، اما
گرد بام و در من
بی ثمر می گردی
Khosh khabar bashi, ama, ama
Gerd bam o dar man
Bi samar mi gardi

انتظار خبری نیست مرا
نه زیاری ، نه زدیار و دیاری ، باری
Entezar khabari nist mara
Na ziyari, na zdiyar o diyari, bari

برو آن جا که بود چشمی و گوشی با کس
برو آنجا که ترا منتظرند
Boro an ja ke bood cheshmi o gooshi ba kas
Boro anja ke tora montazerand

.در دل من همه کورند و کرند
Dar del man hame koorand o karend

دست بردار از این در وطن خویش غریب
قاصدک تجربه های همه تلخ
Dast bardar az in dar o vatan khoysh gharib
Qasedak tajrobe haye hame talkh

با دلم می گوید
که دروغی تو، دروغ
که فریبی تو، فریب
Ba delam migoyad
Ke doroghi to, dorogh
Ke faribi to, farib

!قاصدک ! هان ، ولی … آخر …. ای وای
راستی آیا رفتی با باد ؟
Qasedak! Han, vali… akhar… ay vay
Rasti aya rafti ba bad?

…با توام ، آی ! کجا رفتی ؟ آی
راستی آیا جایی خبری هست هنوز ؟
Ba toam, ay! Koja rafti? Ay
Rasti aya jayi khabari hast hanoz?

مانده خاکستر گرمی جایی؟
در اجاقی — طمع شعله نمی بندم — خردک شرری هست هنوز؟
Mande khakestar garmi jayi?
Dar ojaqi — tam’e sholeh nemibandam — kherdak shorri hast hanoz?


ابرهای همه عالم شب و روز
در دل ام می گریند
Abrha-ye hame alam shab o rooz
Dar delam migirand

2) Meaning of Poem in English

In this poem by Akhavan Sales, the speaker talks to a dandelion, asking what news it brings and from where. The dandelion, symbolizing news or messages, wanders around the speaker’s home, finding no receptive ears or eyes. Sales captures a sense of isolation and resignation, suggesting that the speaker no longer expects news or visitors from afar. This indicates a disconnection from the world and a sense of being lost in one’s space.

As the poem progresses, Akhavan Sales delves deeper into the speaker’s disillusionment, revealing that all the dandelion’s messages feel like lies and deceptions. Despite this cynicism, the speaker still shows a glimmer of hope, questioning whether there’s still a place where warmth remains or a spark in the ashes — a metaphor for longing for a sign of life or connection. However, the overwhelming sentiment is despair, as even the skies seem to weep within the speaker’s heart, highlighting a universal sorrow and a profound sense of alienation.

3) Poem’s Meaning in Farsi

4) Iranian Community

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