Dominic H. Choi — First Korean American to Lead LA Police

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2024

Los Angeles has made history by appointing Dominic H. Choi as its first Asian American interim police chief. Before this, he was the assistant chief. The Board of Police Commissioners unanimously chose him, praising his vast experience and leadership skills. They believe he’s the right person to guide the police department forward.

Choi started his career in the police force in 1995 and has steadily climbed the ranks. As the son of Korean immigrants, his promotion to captain in 2014 marked significant progress. He acknowledges the significance of his role as the first Korean American to hold this position and aims to serve all communities in LA equally.

Mayor Karen Bass supports Choi’s appointment, highlighting his over 28 years of service. She believes his experience positions him well to lead and improve the police department, especially when the department faces increased scrutiny over issues like excessive force.

Under the previous chief, Michel Moore, there were concerns about the police department’s practices. However, Choi has a clean record, having never used deadly force in his career. Moore, now retired, will stay on as a consultant, continuing efforts to diversify the department to reflect LA’s demographics better.

Choi’s tenure as interim chief is set for six to nine months, during which a permanent chief will be sought. Although he can’t apply for the permanent position, Choi is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for his successor, aiming to maintain stability and continue positive changes in the department.

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