Hafez Poem — بیا تا گـل برافـشانیم و می در ساغر اندازیم

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6 min readDec 4, 2023

Hafez, the esteemed 14th-century Persian poet, is celebrated for his eloquent and deeply symbolic poetry. This poem exemplifies his unique style, blending earthly joys with spiritual insights.

In this ghazal, Hafez invites us to break free from conventional restraints and celebrate life with passion and wine. His verses evoke a spirit of rebellion against the world’s sorrows, suggesting a transcendental escape through joyous indulgence and poetic expression. The poem is a tribute to the pleasures of life and the power of poetry to transport us to other realms.

  1. Ghazal 4 by Hafez (Hafiz)
  2. Meaning of the Poem in English
  3. English Translation of the Poem w/ Transliteration
  4. Meaning of the Poem in Farsi
  5. Heritage Web Spotlight

1) Ghazal 4 by Hafez (Hafiz)

You can read Ghazal 4 from Hafez’s divan (دیوان) here.

A divan in the Persian language is a compilation of a poet’s lifetime work. The numbering, non-sequential and not narrative-driven, is one of over 400 in Hafez (Hafiz) collection.

بیا تا گل برافشانیم و می در ساغر اندازیم
فلک را سقف بشکافیم و طرحی نو دراندازیم

اگر غم لشکر انگیزد که خون عاشقان ریزد
من و ساقی به هم تازیم و بنیادش براندازیم

شراب ارغوانی را گلاب اندر قدح ریزیم
نسیم عطرگردان را شِکَر در مجمر اندازیم

چو در دست است رودی خوش بزن مطرب سرودی خوش
که دست افشان غزل خوانیم و پاکوبان سر اندازیم

صبا خاک وجود ما بدان عالی جناب انداز
بود کان شاه خوبان را نظر بر منظر اندازیم

یکی از عقل می‌لافد یکی طامات می‌بافد
بیا کاین داوری‌ها را به پیش داور اندازیم

بهشت عدن اگر خواهی بیا با ما به میخانه
که از پای خمت روزی به حوض کوثر اندازیم

سخندانیّ و خوشخوانی نمی‌ورزند در شیراز
بیا حافظ که تا خود را به ملکی دیگر اندازیم

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2) Meaning of Poem in English

The poem begins with a call to celebrate life and embrace the joy of existence, symbolized by scattering flowers and pouring wine into cups. This act of revelry is not just a celebration of the mundane but an invitation to break free from the rigid structure of the cosmos, as suggested by the line “let’s split the sky’s roof and start a new design.” It implies a desire to transcend the ordinary, to create a new reality beyond the confines of the physical world.

However, the poem also acknowledges the presence of sorrow and pain, personified as an army causing destruction. The poet and the cupbearer (saqi) symbolize companionship and unity against these adversities. They plan to overthrow this army, suggesting a defiance against the sorrows and struggles of life, and perhaps, a deeper struggle against personal inner demons or societal constraints.

The poem further delves into the sensory experiences, mentioning the pouring of purple wine mixed with rosewater, a symbol of blending the intoxication of worldly pleasures with spiritual purity. The reference to music and dance (“let the musician play a sweet tune, so we can sing and dance”) is an invitation to immerse oneself in the celebration of life, possibly hinting at the mystical dance and music that are often part of Sufi rituals.

The final verses of the poem highlight the contrast between those who boast of their intellect and those who weave fantasies, possibly criticizing those who are entangled in worldly illusions or intellectual arrogance. The poet invites the reader to leave these judgments to a higher authority, perhaps God, and join him in the tavern, which is metaphorically linked to the spiritual paradise (Eden). The tavern, a common symbol in Persian poetry, represents a place of spiritual enlightenment and escape from the illusions of the material world.

3) English Translation and Transliteration

بیا تا گل برافشانیم و می در ساغر اندازیم
فلک را سقف بشکافیم و طرحی نو دراندازیم

“Come, let us scatter flowers and pour wine in the cup;
let us split the roof of heaven and think up a new design.

English Transliteration

Bia ta gol barafshanim va mey dar saghar andazim
Falak ra saqf beshkafim va tarhi now darandazim

اگر غم لشکر انگیزد که خون عاشقان ریزد
من و ساقی به هم تازیم و بنیادش براندازیم

If sorrow raises an army to shed the blood of lovers,
I’ll join with the wine-bearer and we’ll overthrow them.

English Transliteration

Agar gham lashkar angizad ke khun-e ashiqan rizad
Man o saqi be ham tazim va bonyadash barandazim

شراب ارغوانی را گلاب اندر قدح ریزیم
نسیم عطرگردان را شِکَر در مجمر اندازیم

With the wine that is red as rose, we’ll fill the cup and pour it;
we’ll respond to the breeze’s lure with sugar in the brazier.

English Transliteration

Sharab-e arghavani ra golab andar qadah rizim
Nasim-e atar gardan ra shekar dar majmar andazim

چو در دست است رودی خوش بزن مطرب سرودی خوش
که دست افشان غزل خوانیم و پاکوبان سر اندازیم

When a flowing river is in our hand, O minstrel, sing a sweet song;
|let us throw our hands in the air and dance.

English Transliteration

Chu dar dast ast rudi khosh bezan motreb sorudi khosh
Ke dast afshan ghazal khanim va pakoban sar andazim

صبا خاک وجود ما بدان عالی جناب انداز
بود کان شاه خوبان را نظر بر منظر اندازیم

O breeze, throw the dust of our existence to the high heavens;
let it be that the king of beauties glances towards this scene.

English Transliteration

Saba khak-e vujud-e ma bedan aali janab andaz
Bud kan shah-e khuban ra nazar bar manzar andazim

یکی از عقل می‌لافد یکی طامات می‌بافد
بیا کاین داوری‌ها را به پیش داور اندازیم

One boasts of reason, another weaves fantasies;
let us bring these judgments before the true Judge.

English Transliteration

Yeki az aql mi-lafad yeki tamat mi-bafad
Bia kain davari-ha ra be pish-e davvar andazim

بهشت عدن اگر خواهی بیا با ما به میخانه
که از پای خمت روزی به حوض کوثر اندازیم

If you desire the Eden of Heaven, come with us to the tavern;
one day from the foot of the jug we’ll leap into the Pool of Kawthar.

English Transliteration

Behesht-e Adan agar khahi bia ba ma be meykhane
Ke az pay-e khamat ruzi be howz-e kowsar andazim

سخندانیّ و خوشخوانی نمی‌ورزند در شیراز
بیا حافظ که تا خود را به ملکی دیگر اندازیم

In Shiraz, the practice of eloquence and sweet singing is not pursued;
come, Hafez, let us cast ourselves into another realm.”

English Transliteration

Sokhandani va khoshkhani nemivarnad dar Shiraz
Bia Hafez ke ta khod ra be malki digar andazim

4) Poem’s Meaning in Farsi

Poem Meaning in Farsi — Hafez (Hafiz) Ghazal 4
Hafez (Hafiz) — 1325–1390

5) Heritage Web Spotlight

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