Hafez Poem — صـبا بـه لطـف بگو آن غزال رعنا را

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5 min readMar 19, 2024

Hafez, a revered figure in Persian literature, is known for his profound and intricate poetry that often weaves together themes of love, nature, and spiritual inquiry. His work is celebrated for its deep symbolism and emotional depth.

Hafez, prominent 14th-century Persian poet, entreats the gentle breeze in this poem to convey a message to a graceful gazelle-like beloved, symbolizing a yearning lover’s plea. He skillfully employs metaphors of nature and animals to express the complexities of love and beauty.

  1. Ghazal 4 by Hafez (Hafiz)
  2. Meaning of the Poem in English
  3. English Translation of the Poem w/ Transliteration
  4. Meaning of the Poem in Farsi
  5. Heritage Web Spotlight
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1) Ghazal 4 by Hafez (Hafiz)

You can read Ghazal 4 from Hafez’s divan (دیوان) here.

A divan in the Persian language is a compilation of a poet’s lifetime work. The numbering, non-sequential and not narrative-driven, is one of over 400 in Hafez (Hafiz) collection.

صـبا بـه لطـف بگو آن غزال رعنا را
که سر به کوه و بیابان تو داده‌ای ما را

شـکرفروش کـه عمرش دراز باد چرا
تفـقدی نـکـند طوطی شکرخا را

غرور حسنت اجازت مگر نداد ای گـل
کـه پرسشی نکنی عندلیب شیدا را

به خلق و لطف توان کرد صید اهل نظر
بـه بـند و دام نـگیرند مرغ دانا را

ندانم از چه سبب رنگ آشنایی نیست
سهی قدان سیه چشم ماه سیما را

چو با حـبیب نـشینی و باده پیمایی
بـه یاد دار مـحـبان بادپیما را

جز این قدر نتوان گفت در جمال تو عیب
کـه وضع مهر و وفا نیست روی زیبا را

در آسمان نه عجب گر به گفته حافـظ
سرود زهره به رقص آورد مـسیحا را

2) Meaning of Poem in English

This ghazal of Hafez explores themes of unrequited love, the allure of beauty, and the longing for deeper connections. The poem opens with a request to the breeze to convey the poet’s feelings to an unattainable beloved, symbolized as a gazelle. The verses touch upon various figures, such as the sugar seller and the nightingale, symbolizing different aspects of love and longing.

Hafez contrasts superficial attraction with the deeper understanding and wisdom that true love requires. He laments the lack of recognition from the beloved and the superficiality of beauty that lacks emotional depth. The poem concludes with a mystical touch, suggesting that even celestial bodies like Venus are moved by the profound expressions of love, as depicted in his poetry.

3) English Translation of Poem

صـبا بـه لطـف بگو آن غزال رعنا را
که سر به کوه و بیابان تو داده‌ای ما را

“O breeze, kindly tell that elegant gazelle
That you have given your head to the mountains and wilderness because of her.

English Transliteration

Saba beh lotf begoo aan ghazal-e ra’na ra,
Ke sar be kouh o biaban to dadah-ai ma ra.

شـکرفروش کـه عمرش دراز باد چرا
تفـقدی نـکـند طوطی شکرخا را

The sugar seller, long may he live, why does he not
|Check on the parrot of the sugar eatery?

English Transliteration

Shakarfroosh ke omresh daraz bad chera,
Tafaghdhi nakonad tooti-e shakarkha ra.

غرور حسنت اجازت مگر نداد ای گـل
کـه پرسشی نکنی عندلیب شیدا را

Perhaps the pride of your beauty, O flower, did not allow
You to ask about the madly in love nightingale.

English Transliteration

Ghurur-e hosnat ejazat magar nadad ey gol,
Ke porseshi nakoni andaleeb-e sheyda ra.

به خلق و لطف توان کرد صید اهل نظر
بـه بـند و دام نـگیرند مرغ دانا را

With grace and kindness, one can hunt the people of insight,
But with snares and traps, one cannot capture the wise bird.

English Transliteration

Be khalgh o lotf tavan kard said-e ahl-e nazar,
Be band o dam nagirand morgh-e dana ra.

ندانم از چه سبب رنگ آشنایی نیست
سهی قدان سیه چشم ماه سیما را

I do not know for what reason there is no color of acquaintance,
With the tall, black-eyed, moon-faced beauties.

English Transliteration

Nadanam az che sabab rang-e ashna’i nist,
Sehi qadan-e siyah cheshm-e mah-e sima ra.

چو با حـبیب نـشینی و باده پیمایی
بـه یاد دار مـحـبان بادپیما را

When you sit with the beloved and drink wine,
Remember the wind-drinking lovers.

English Transliteration

Cho ba habib neshini o badeh peyma’i,
Be yad dar mohaban-e badepima ra.

جز این قدر نتوان گفت در جمال تو عیب
کـه وضع مهر و وفا نیست روی زیبا را

Nothing else can be said about your beauty’s flaw,
Except that the face of beauty lacks the disposition of love and loyalty.

English Transliteration

Joz in ghadr netavan goft dar jamal-e to aib,
Ke vaz’e mehr o vafa nist rooy-e ziba ra.

در آسمان نه عجب گر به گفته حافـظ
سرود زهره به رقص آورد مـسیحا را

In the sky, it is no wonder if, as Hafez says,
The song of Venus brings the Messiah to dance.”

English Transliteration

Dar aseman nah ajab gar be gofteh-e Hafez,
Sorood-e Zohreh be raqs avarad Maseeha ra.

4) Poem’s Meaning in Farsi

Poem Meaning in Farsi — Hafez (Hafiz) Ghazal 4
Hafez (Hafiz) — 1325–1390

5) Heritage Web Spotlight

In this “Heritage Web Spotlight,” we’d love to share a few words about Iranianagents.com, a standout professional directory published by our team at Heritage Web for the Iranian community.

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