Philadelphia Welcomes First Filipino Bishop: Esmilla’s Ordination

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
Mar 27, 2024

Reverend Efren Esmilla became the first Filipino bishop in Philadelphia. The ordination at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter and Paul drew bishops and Filipino priests nationwide.

Pope Francis appointed Esmilla as Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia. He joins two other auxiliary bishops in the ceremony, Keith Chylinski and Christopher Cooke.

Cardinal Pierre personally read Esmilla’s appointment. Bishop Oscar Solis and Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara also attended.

Father Gregory Ramon Gaston from Rome’s Pontificio Collegio Filipino participated, adding an international aspect.

Esmilla’s family and friends celebrated the event. Consul General Senen Manglile praised Esmilla’s appointment and recognized the Filipino community’s contribution to the Catholic Church in the US.

You can read more about the article by clicking here.

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