Rumi Poem— ای قـوم بــه حج رفتـه کجایید کجایید

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3 min readMay 7, 2024

Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, and Sufi mystic wrote in multiple languages and influenced various literary traditions. His works, especially the Masnavi, explore themes of divine love and human transformation. Rumi remains a globally celebrated poet, revered across cultures.

  1. Ghazal 648 by Rumi w/ Transliteration
  2. Meaning of the Poem in English
  3. Meaning of the Poem in Farsi
  4. Iranian Community

1) Ghazal 648 by Rumi

Take a minute to read this beautiful poem by Rumi in Farsi (Persian). The transliteration of the poem is there to help you read the words in Farsi.

This poem by the Persian mystic and poet Rumi explores the theme of spiritual journey and the quest for divine love. Rumi challenges the notion of pilgrimage as a physical journey, suggesting that the true beloved, or the essence of the divine, is closer than one might think — within oneself and one’s immediate surroundings. He invites the reader to look inward rather than outward for spiritual fulfillment, emphasizing that the ultimate destination of a spiritual quest is not a physical place but an internal state of being.

ای قـوم بــه حج رفتـه کجایید کجایید
معشــوق همیــن جـاست بیایید بیایید
Ey qhom be haj rafta kojayid kojayid
Ma’shuq haminjast biayid biayid

معشــوق تــو همسـایه و دیــوار به دیوار
در بادیه ســـرگشته شمـــا در چــه هوایید
Ma’shuq to hamsaye va divar be divar
Dar badiye sarghashta shoma dar che havaid

گــر صـــورت بی‌صـــورت معشـــوق ببینیــد
هــم خـــواجه و هــم خانه و هم کعبه شمایید
Gar surat bisurat ma’shuq bbinid
Ham khwaja va ham khane va ham ka’ba shoma’id

ده بـــــار از آن راه بـــدان خـــانه بـــرفتیــــد
یــک بـــار از ایـــن خانــه بــر این بام برآیید
Dah bar az an rah be dan khane raftid
Yek bar az in khane bar in bam barayid

آن خانــــه لطیفست نشان‌هـــاش بگفتیــد
از خــواجــــه آن خــــانـــــه نشانـــی بنماییـــد
An khane latifast nishan-hash bgoftid
Az khwaja an khane nishani bnamayid

یک دستـــه گــل کــو اگـــر آن بـــــاغ بدیدیت
یک گـــوهر جــــان کـــو اگـــر از بحر خدایید
Yek daste gol ko agar an bagh bdidit
Yek gowhar jan ko agar az bahr khuda’id

با ایــــن همـه آن رنج شما گنج شما باد
افسوس که بر گنج شما پرده شمایید
Ba in hame an ranj shoma ganj shoma bad
Afsus ke bar ganj shoma parde shoma’id

2) Meaning of Poem in English

In this poem, Rumi speaks about the search for spiritual enlightenment and the realization that the divine or the beloved (God) is closer than we think. He challenges the notion of seeking God in distant places through pilgrimage, suggesting that God is near and accessible to everyone, just like a neighbor.

Rumi implies that the journey to God doesn’t require physical travel but rather an inward journey of the soul. He encourages seekers to look within themselves to find the divine, emphasizing that the essence of God is found in the human heart, not just in holy sites. This poem invites readers to discover the spiritual treasures within themselves rather than seeking them in the external world.

3) Poem’s Meaning in Farsi

4) Iranian Community

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