Rumi Poem — بشنو این نی چون شکایت می‌کند

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3 min readMay 21, 2024

Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic, wrote in Persian, Turkish, Arabic, and Greek. His Masnavi is a pinnacle of Persian poetry, influencing diverse languages and cultures for seven centuries. Rumi’s works, emphasizing love and spirituality, remain globally revered and translated.

  1. Masnavi (مثنوی معنوی) Introduction Ghazal by Rumi w/ Transliteration
  2. Meaning of the Poem in English
  3. Meaning of the Poem in Farsi
  4. Iranian Community

1) Masnavi (مثنوی معنوی) Introduction Ghazal by Rumi

Take a minute to read this beautiful poem by Rumi in Farsi (Persian). The transliteration of the poem is there to help you read the words in Farsi.

This poem by the Persian poet Rumi delves into the theme of separation and the deep longing for reunion. Through the metaphor of a reed flute lamenting its detachment from the reed bed, Rumi explores the universal experience of yearning for return to one’s origin, suggesting that true understanding comes from within and cannot be fully comprehended through external senses.

بشنو از نی چون شکایت می‌کند
از جدایی‌ها حکایت می‌کند
Beshno az ney chon shikayat mikunad
Az jodayiha hikayat mikunad

کز نیستان تا مرا ببریده‌اند
در نفیرم مرد و زن نالیده‌اند
Kaz neystan ta mara bboride-and
Dar nafiram mard o zan nalide-and

سینه خواهم شرحه شرحه از فراق
تا بگویم شرح درد اشتیاق
Sine khaham sharhe sharhe az firaq
Ta begoyam sharh-e dard-e ishtiyaq

هر کسی کو دور ماند از اصل خویش
باز جوید روزگار وصل خویش
Har kasi ku dur mand az asl-e khwish
Baz joyad roozegar-e vasl-e khwish

من به هر جمعیتی نالان شدم
جفت بدحالان و خوش‌حالان شدم
Man be har jom’eati nalan shodam
Joft badhalan o khoshhalan shodam

هر کسی از ظن خود شد یار من
از درون من نجست اسرار من
Har kasi az zann-e khod shod yar-e man
Az daroon-e man najost asrar-e man

سر من از نالهٔ من دور نیست
لیک چشم و گوش را آن نور نیست
Sar-e man az naley-e man dur nist
Lek chashm o gosh ra aan noor nist

تن ز جان و جان ز تن مستور نیست
لیک کس را دید جان دستور نیست
Tan ze jan o jan ze tan mastur nist
Lek kas ra did-e jan dastur nist

2) Meaning of Poem in English

This poem by Rumi speaks about the deep pain of separation and the universal quest for reconnection with our origins. Rumi uses the metaphor of a reed flute, expressing how being cut from its source causes it to lament, a feeling that resonates with humans who feel distant from their true essence.

Rumi further explores the theme of longing and the inner journey to find one’s true self. Despite being in the company of various people, the poet feels that no one truly understands his inner secrets and pain. This reflects the idea that true understanding and connection come from within, and the journey back to one’s essence is solitary and profound.

3) Poem’s Meaning in Farsi

4) Iranian Community

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