Top 8 Spanish Breakfast Dishes

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
7 min readOct 5, 2023
Sunrise over the beach in Andalusia, Spain (Photo by merc67 on Getty Images Pro)

Spaniards are known for their delicious breakfast dishes. From the classic Tortilla Española to the savory Empanadas to the sweet Churros with hot chocolate dip, Spain’s diverse culinary culture offers something special for everyone who visits.

Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty meal or just looking for a quick snack, there’s no shortage of Spanish breakfast dishes to enjoy. So let’s take a look at some of these delectable treats and learn a bit more about their history and preparation.

1. Ensaïmada de Mallorca

I still remember my first bite of Ensaïmada de Mallorca when I visited Spain. One word: heavenly. This delicate pastry hails from the Balearic Islands, specifically Mallorca, and is a Spanish breakfast staple.

Now, let me tell you a little secret about the name. The word “ensaïmada” comes from the Catalan word for lard, which is the key ingredient in this mouthwatering treat. But don’t worry, it’s not as heavy as it sounds!

The recipe for Ensaïmada de Mallorca is actually quite simple. All it takes is a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, yeast, lard, and water. The dough is rolled into long cords and then coiled up into a swirl that kind of resembles a snail. It’s usually served plain with a sprinkling of powdered sugar, but some people add sweet fillings like cream, custard, or jam (yum!).

If you ever get to Spain and can try this amazing treat, I recommend having it with a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate while you enjoy the peace and quiet of the early Spanish morning!

2. Magdalenas

When I first traveled to Spain, I fell in love with their breakfast culture. The aroma of freshly baked Magdalenas instantly caught my attention. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Magdalenas are sweet, fluffy, olive oil-based cakes that are the perfect way to start your day.

The recipe is quite simple with just whisked eggs, flour, sugar, and of course, olive oil. What makes them unique is their distinct lemony flavor from the fresh lemon zest — a touch that you’ll either love or hate. Either way, it is undeniable that Magdalenas hold a special place in Spain’s culture.

One delightful way to savor Magdalenas is by dunking them into your favorite hot beverage, whether it’s a cup of coffee, tea, or the renowned hot liquid chocolate that’s typically enjoyed with churros!

3. Empanadas

As someone who loves Spanish cuisine, I can honestly say that Empanadas are one of my absolute favorites. Did you know that Empanadas originated in Galicia, Spain? They were initially created as a convenient and hearty meal for hardworking individuals, providing them with the necessary energy and nutrients for long days of labor.

They’re made by folding dough over a savory filling and baking or frying until golden brown and crispy. The filling can vary greatly depending on the region, but common ingredients include ground meat, vegetables, and spices.

Empanadas are often enjoyed as a snack or appetizer, but did you know that they can also make a hearty breakfast? Some regions even stuff them with scrambled eggs and cheese for a delicious morning treat. No matter how you enjoy them, Empanadas are a true culinary delight with a rich history and endless possibilities for flavors!

4. Churros

So, let’s talk about Churros! These delicious treats have been a staple in Spanish cuisine, particularly for breakfast, for centuries. Made from simple ingredients such as flour, water, olive oil, and salt, the dough is piped into sizzling hot oil and fried until it’s crispy and golden. The Churros are often dusted with cinnamon sugar and served with a bowl of hot chocolate for dipping — a classic combination!

But here’s a fun fact: Churros were actually introduced by Spanish shepherds who cooked the dough over campfires in the mountains. Nowadays, you can find Churros just about anywhere, from food trucks to high-end restaurants. They’re a real treat, and I highly recommend them — especially if you’re looking for a sweet breakfast!

5. Pa amb Tomàquet

I recently discovered an amazing Spanish breakfast dish called Pa amb Tomàquet that I want to share! This simple yet delicious dish has been a staple in Spain for generations dating all the way back to 1884. Back then, people used to rub stale bread with tomatoes to make it soft. Nowadays, it’s best to use a rustic sourdough bread called pa de pagès and some juicy, ripe tomatoes right from the vine — trust me, they have this amazing and intense flavor that you’ll love!

Pa amb Tomàquet consists of just a few key ingredients — crusty bread, juicy tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and salt. To prepare it, you simply rub a halved tomato onto the bread, drizzle it with olive oil, sprinkle on some garlic, and finish it off with a pinch of salt. It’s incredibly easy to make, but the flavor is out of this world!

I really love how the sweetness of the tomato pairs so well with the crunch of the bread and the saltiness! I highly recommend giving this dish a try if you’re looking to bring a taste of Spain into your own home!

6. Bocadillo de Calamares

So, let me tell you about one of my brother’s favorite breakfast meals from Spain — Bocadillo de Calamares. This traditional Spanish dish dates back to the early 20th century and has become a staple in many regions of Spain, especially in the coastal areas.

The simple yet delicious sandwich is made with fresh calamari rings that are battered and fried to perfection, then served with a generous squeeze of lemon juice and some alioli sauce, all wrapped up in a soft, crusty baguette.

In Madrid, you’ll find Bocadillo de Calamares on every corner. People typically enjoy this tasty treat right where they buy it, either standing at the bar or for a more enjoyable experience, they often savor it al fresco while relaxing on one of the benches in Plaza Mayor.

7. Mollete

Let me tell you about Mollete, a delicious traditional Spanish bread from Antequera. It’s made with a delightful combination of yeast, plain flour, whole-wheat flour, a pinch of salt, a hint of sugar, some milk, and a generous drizzle of olive oil. The dough is rolled into oval shapes and baked to perfection until they turn a beautiful golden brown color.

In Andalusia, these delicious treats are typically served for breakfast. You slice them in half, give them a nice toasting, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top, and add some fresh tomato slices with a pinch of salt. Sounds like a great way to start your day, don’t you think?

8. Tortilla Española

Let’s talk about one of my absolute favorite Spanish dishes: Tortilla Española! This tasty dish is a staple in Spain, and it’s actually a type of omelet that’s typically eaten for breakfast or as a snack.

The traditional ingredients are simple: potatoes, onions, olive oil, and eggs. But don’t let the simplicity fool you, because the end result is absolutely delicious. The method to make this dish involves thinly slicing the potatoes and onions, frying them up in a pan with olive oil, and then adding in the eggs to make the thick omelet.

Fun fact: Tortilla Española is actually the most popular dish in Spain, even more so than paella! So if you ever find yourself in Spain, make sure to taste Spain’s national dish — I think you’ll love it!

Wrapping It Up

Whether you prefer savory or sweet, Spanish breakfast dishes have something for everyone. From Empanadas to Churros and Molletes to Tortilla Española, these delicious treats are sure to tantalize your taste buds and give you the energy needed to start your day off right!

So why not try out a few of these classic Spanish breakfast dishes and experience the flavors of Spain for yourself?

Buen provecho!



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