Top Culture and Business Etiquettes in Spain

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2023
Business and Financial District in Madrid, Spain (Photo by Diego de Antonio Carballo on Getty Images)


Welcome to the vibrant world of Spanish business culture, where passion, warmth, and a zest for life converge with professionalism and etiquette. Spain, with its rich history, flamenco rhythms, and mouthwatering cuisine, offers a unique business landscape that blends tradition with modernity.

To thrive in the Spanish business environment, it’s essential to grasp the nuances of Spanish etiquette and business practices. In this article, I’ll guide you as we explore everything from communication style to networking customs, so let’s get started!

Communication Style

The Spanish are known for their warm and friendly nature, and this is reflected in their communication style.

  • Greetings often involve a handshake, a warm smile, and a polite “¡Hola!” or “Buenos días.”
  • Expect to engage in lively conversations, as the Spanish value personal connections and enjoy meaningful discussions.
  • Non-verbal communication, such as expressive gestures and maintaining eye contact, is also common. It is very beneficial to learn about the Spanish hand gestures before embarking on your travels.
  • Always allow a Spaniard to express their thoughts fully while interjecting appropriately (as interruptions are common). Ensure that by the end of the meeting, the Spaniard feels they have had the opportunity to share all their thoughts and opinions.
  • Embrace the warmth and expressiveness of the Spanish language, and don’t be afraid to let your passion shine through.

Professional Appearance

While Spain embraces a more relaxed approach to attire compared to some other European countries, it’s still important to dress professionally.

  • Smart business casual is the way to go, especially in more formal settings.
  • Men can opt for trousers, a collared shirt, and a blazer (if desired).
  • Women can choose a blouse paired with a skirt or slacks.
  • Remember to pay attention to personal grooming, as well-groomed hair and neat attire show respect for yourself and others.

Business Meetings

In Spanish culture, relationships are highly valued, and this extends to business meetings.

  • Arriving on time is important, but don’t be surprised if meetings start a few minutes late.
  • Spaniards prefer a more relaxed and informal approach to meetings — there might be an agenda but don’t expect it to be adhered to.
  • Meetings start with introductions and quite a bit of friendly small talk before diving into business matters.
  • Spaniards enjoy engaging in lively discussions and appreciate open and honest communication.
  • Be prepared to present your ideas with enthusiasm and be receptive to the opinions and ideas of others.


Networking in Spain is not just about exchanging business cards — it’s about building genuine connections.

  • Spaniards value personal relationships and enjoy getting to know their counterparts on a more personal level.
  • Networking events can range from formal conferences to social gatherings, so be prepared to engage in conversations about a variety of topics, including culture, sports, and food.
  • Show genuine interest in others, be attentive, and be willing to share aspects of your own life.
  • Building rapport and trust are essential for successful networking in Spain.

Dining Customs

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary adventure because dining in Spain is a feast for the senses.

  • When invited to a business meal, expect a leisurely affair filled with delicious food, lively conversation, and camaraderie.
  • Spaniards love to socialize over meals, and it’s common to engage in discussions about a range of topics, including business matters.
  • Table manners are important, so remember to use utensils properly and keep your hands visible but keep your elbows on the table!
  • Show appreciation for the cuisine and the company, and embrace the conviviality and enjoyment of the dining experience.
  • Tip: Take the time to learn a little about the food you will encounter in Spain, such as Spanish breakfast dishes, Spanish seafood dishes, Spanish meat dishes, Spanish vegetarian dishes, and their amazing Spanish desserts and sweets. You might like to read up on Spanish alcoholic drinks and Spanish non-alcoholic drinks too!

Five Practical Tips for Success

  1. Embrace Relationship Building: Building strong relationships is crucial for success, so take the time to get to know your colleagues and partners on a personal level, because building trust and rapport will not only enhance your professional relationships it will also open doors to new opportunities.
  2. Adapt to the Relaxed Pace: Be adaptable, patient, and embrace Spain’s cultural aspect and use it as an opportunity to establish connections and foster a collaborative environment.
  3. Showcase Your Passion: Don’t be afraid to let your enthusiasm shine through by using gestures and expressive language to convey your point of view. By showcasing your passion, you’ll captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.
  4. Be Flexible and Adaptable: Be open to unexpected changes or shifts in plans. Embrace the concept of “mañana,” because being adaptable and demonstrating a willingness to go with the flow will help you navigate the dynamic nature of Spanish professional and business interactions.
  5. Enjoy the Culinary Experience: Business relationships often flourish over shared meals, so show appreciation for the food and engage in conversation beyond business matters. Trust me, taking part in these social traditions will deepen your connections and enhance your overall success in the Spanish business landscape.


¡Fantástico! You’ve now embarked on a journey through the business culture and etiquettes of Spain. By embracing the warmth, passion, and professionalism that define the Spanish way of doing business, you’ll unlock a world of opportunities and form meaningful connections (some that may last a lifetime!).

Remember to communicate with openness, dress professionally yet comfortably, embrace the relaxed nature of meetings, network with genuine interest, and savor every culinary experience. With these insights, you’re ready to dive into the spirited world of Spanish business and create lasting relationships and success.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of Spanish cultural and business etiquette tips. So if you have any great points to add, just include them in your comments!

¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)



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