Top 10 Brazilian Desserts & Sweets

Heritage Web
Heritage Digest
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2023

Brazilian cuisine is strongly influenced by the country’s various cultural influences, such as African, European, and Amerindian. It has become a fusion of these cultures and is known for its unique flavor combinations and use of ingredients. The cuisine draws on the vast diversity of Brazilian ingredients including tropical fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices.

Brazilian sweets and desserts are known for their delicious flavors and unique ingredients. Traditional Brazilian desserts include Brigadeiro (chocolate truffles), Bolo Formigueiro (Anthill Cake), and Beijinhos (coconut kisses). There are also plenty of modern interpretations of Brazilian sweets, such as Tapioca Pancakes.

Whatever type of Brazilian dessert you’re in the mood for, you’re sure to find something that’s both delicious and unique! So let’s take a look at my 10 favorite traditional Brazilian desserts!

1. Brigadiero

Brigadiero, the beloved Brazilian treat, is quickly becoming a worldwide favorite! Made with only three to four ingredients — condensed milk, butter, cocoa powder, and sometimes chocolate sprinkles — this delicious dessert is perfect for special occasions.

While traditionally made of dark or milk chocolate and rolled into balls before being covered in toppings like ground nuts or flaked coconut, Brigadiero has now come to include an array of tasty combinations that can satisfy any sweet tooth. With its simple yet delectable flavor profile, it’s no wonder these traditional treats keep gaining popularity across the globe!

2. Pé-de-moleque

If you’re looking for an “a-peeling treat”, look no further than Pé-de-moleque! This traditional Brazilian candy is made with peanuts and rapadura — unrefined cane sugar. All the ingredients are melted together before being poured onto a flat surface to cool; later it’s broken into irregular smaller pieces of delicious sweetness.

Even better? You can customize each batch: add butter, milk, or peanut oil — even substitute the peanuts for a different nut if that tickles your fancy!

3. Queijadinhas (Coconut Tarts)

Craving something sweet and scrumptious? Queijadinhas are the perfect Brazilian delight for you! Coconut-infused and full of flavor, this cross between cakes and flans has been gracing kitchens since colonial times.

A super simple treat made with sweetened condensed milk, butter, egg yolks, sugar, coconut, and an added surprise ingredient: cheese (YUM!). Gooey centers make this award-winning dessert even more delectable!

4. Mousse de Maracuja

Satisfy your sweet tooth with a Brazilian delicacy that’s an explosion of flavor — Mousse de Maracuja. Just three simple ingredients of condensed milk, fresh cream, and passion fruit, with no baking involved and plenty to love, its fresh sweetness is the perfect taste of summer.

Serve it up in shot glasses at parties or enjoy it directly from the spoon — one bite and you’ll be hooked! Saddle up for an easy-to-make yet outstandingly delicious passion fruit treat.

5. Beijinho de Coco

Make every special occasion a little more festive with Beijinhos, the star of Brazilian birthday parties! These delectable truffles are made from heavenly condensed milk, sugar, and crunchy coconut flakes for an unmistakable sweetness that’ll have you coming back for seconds (and thirds!).

So if your sweet tooth is craving something to satisfy it after a hearty meal this Christmas season — look no further than these delightful “little kisses of coconuts”.

6. Bolo de Rolo

Bolo de Rolo is an exquisite Brazilian treat with roots in the stunning state of Pernambuco. It’s like a delightful spin on jelly roll cake or Swiss Roll, but its preparation takes extreme delicacy and finesse! Imagine a cake so elaborate it could unravel like an undiscovered adventure — that’s Bolo de Rolo! With up to twenty layers of sponge, each one crafted with precision and care. This labor-intensive Brazilian treat is mainly found in Brazilian pastry shops or supermarkets.

Bolo de Rolo is a sweet treat that beautifully reveals its carefully-crafted jelly spirals when cut. An ideal complement for this sweetness? A dollop of creamy, unsweetened whipped cream!

7. Canjica

Travel to Brazil and savor the deliciousness of Canjica! This sweet treat is made with dry white maize kernels simmered in milk until it reaches a creamy porridge-like consistency. To give it that extra special flavor, cinnamon, and grated coconut are added — upgraded versions often contain condensed milk or coconut milk too!

A national favorite, this sweet Brazilian pudding is a delightful treat enjoyed all year round. But the real party starts during Festa Junina — Brazil’s annual celebration of the end of the harvest season and the arrival of winter! From local fairs to food stands, you can find these delectable delights just about anywhere for those special occasions.

8. Tapioca Pancakes

Move over waffles and crepes because Brazilian Tapioca Pancakes are the newest dessert craze! This gluten-free delight originates from Brazil’s northeastern coast and has been gaining popularity worldwide. These crepe-like pancake creations made with tapioca flour come with an array of sweet fillings to choose from — think chocolate, condensed milk, guava, or strawberries!

Make sure you check out this scrumptious street food when visiting coastal cities in Brazil — your taste buds will thank you for it.

9. Rabanada

Get your sweet tooth ready to indulge in Rabanada, Brazil’s delectable take on French toast! Their version features thick slices of stale bread coated with a mix of milk (or the more decadent combo: milk, sugar, and vanilla) and eggs. After being fried up in cooking oil for that golden crunchiness, it’s dusted off with cinnamon sugar — making this sweeter and even crispier than its American counterpart!

Way back in the 15th century, Juan del Encina wrote about a recipe for what we now know as Rabanada! Back then it was known as fatia parida — which translates to “slices for the new moms” since it had historically been used to help new mothers recover from childbirth.

By the 20th century, it was being served for the Lent Festival in Madrid’s taverns alongside jugs of wine. During Portugal’s colonization of Brazil, the dessert migrated from Portugal to Brazil. Nowadays, it has become an absolute Christmas classic in Brazil!

10. Bolo Formigueiro (Anthill Cake)

If you’re looking for an exotic, out-of-this-world treat to satisfy your sweet tooth, then Bolo Formigueiro is it! This Brazilian delicacy combines the most delectable ingredients — flour, butter, sugar plus milk, eggs, and vanilla — into a spongy masterpiece dotted with dark chocolate shavings. After one bite of this “anthill cake”, you’ll understand why its unique name perfectly captures its unforgettable flavor.

Bolo Formigueiro, an irresistibly sweet and decadent treat, is perfect for family celebrations! Its secret to success? Showering it with chocolate shavings while it is still warm from the oven (for extra indulgence, try glazing too). One bite of this cake treats you to a party in your mouth — savor the celebration!

Wrapping It Up

There is a wide variety of sweet treats to explore in Brazil. Whether it’s Bolo de Rolo with its stunning jelly swirls, creamy Canjica pudding with a hint of cinnamon and grated coconut, or traditional Bolo Formigueiro with its chocolate shavings — Brazil’s desserts are sure to please even the most discerning sweet tooth. From the classic Rabanada to modern-day Tapioca Pancakes, there are endless possibilities to explore when it comes to Brazilian desserts.

So, next time you are in Brazil check out the amazing desserts or try a few of these delicious recipes at home!

Bom apetite!



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