Hermes Is Inside The Membrane

Publication Guidelines

Cyrl's Corner
Hermes Is Inside The Membrane
8 min readJan 11, 2024


Cover Image is designed by the Hermes Is Inside The Membrane (Tool: Canva Pro)

Hermes Is Inside The Membrane

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Hermes Is Inside The Membrane, my second Publication.

Why Hermes? Well, Hermes is one of the most versatile Greek/Roman Gods out there, and if you have been following me for a while, you probably know that He is one of my faves.

Check out one of my older poetry dedicated to Hermes: Holy Cows!

Fun fact:

Hermes (or Mercury, his Roman name) is a patron of travellers, merchants, lawyers, thieves, and rogues. It is also said that he oversees Business, Careers, Entertainment, Travel, Mail and News Delivery, and Communication.

So, I thought, it is only appropriate to name this publication under Him. 🍀

I also write about various topics―wherever my mind takes me. Just like Apollo, Dreams, and Poetry, I started this publication to organize the topics that I write about.

I also want to provide an option and community to others who are still looking for a home for their articles!

This Publication will have similar rules and guidelines as Apollo, Dreams, and Poetry. If you are also a writer for Apollo, Dreams, and Poetry, you will find that some of the rules and scheduling here are familiar.

This article will cover:

  1. Non-Negotiable Guidelines
  2. Publication Schedule
  3. Topics
  4. Keywords
  5. Online Writing Tips

With that in mind, let’s get started!

Non-Negotiable Guidelines:

  • I will only accept Non-Fictional Blogs for this Publication. Although I appreciate Fiction, Short Stories, and Poetry (I write them too), this publication is dedicated to Non-Fiction only. If you submit a fictional article, I will not publish it

Don’t worry, I am working on making another publication that is dedicated to Fiction. Stay tuned!

  • Always have a Photo Cover with your article/poetry and please CREDIT THEM properly! Artists work hard for their creations. Please do not steal their work. If you make your Photo Cover from Canva like me, simply just state that you did. If you took a photo from Pinterest, credit the artist. Just tell me where you got the photo from. If you do not have a Photo Cover, I will leave an Editor’s Note and I won’t publish your submission until you have one
  • Edit your work as best as you can before you submit it. Even though I optimize and edit your work, please make sure that you keep the grammatical errors to a minimum. If I see way too many grammatical errors, I will leave an Editor’s Note and I won’t publish your submission until you have gone through the errors as best as you can. E.g. Proper Punctuation (.) (,) (…) (―) (;) (?) (!) (?!), Capitalization, Spelling Errors, Correct Usage of the Words, etc.

I also suggest using Grammarly or any editing software to help you. I also bend grammatical rules to keep the rhythm going, but please try to keep your work coherent

  • Have a Title (this is that big T) and a subtitle (the small T). If you do not have a subtitle, that is okay as well. I will have your name as the subtitle so the readers know who it is by. However, having a Title is a must. If you do not know how to turn the text into a Title, simply just have it in quotations for me and I will edit it for you. Or tell me in brackets that you want this to be your title.

E.g. “Why You Shouldn’t Steal Apollo’s Cows” or Be Nice To Your Mail Man! (Title)

  • Be original and do not plagiarize. Please do not steal from other writers. You don’t want your hard work to get stolen too, right?

If I find out that you have been plagiarizing and stealing other people’s works, I will delete your article and remove you without warning

  • It is okay if you have some affiliation right after as long as you have proper disclaimers and disclosures (just don’t be spammy). I affiliate too and I understand the hustle ☺️
  • State what your blog is about. Not all readers have the same tolerance

E.g. This blog is dark and it talks about sensitive issues such as mental health struggles. Reader discretion is advised.

  • Absolutely no child pornography, or anything that glorifies abuse and violence (I am all for creative horror but glorifying abuse and violence is not it). If you are writing a review/blog about horror, erotica, or NSFW, put on proper disclaimers. It is an excellent habit to always have one
  • Once you become a writer for this publication, be respectful to everyone. Abuse and harassment will not be tolerated. I will immediately remove you
  • I will not accept articles that are geared to spread scandal or anything that I find abusive and harmful

E.g. Articles that promote racism, discrimination, political agendas, slander and libel, violence, sexual assault, weapons, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, gambling, human trafficking, illegal conduct, stealing (yes, I know. Hermes is also the patron of thieves but this publication is not for that), pyramid schemes, money laundering, and/or any criminal activities

  • Max submissions from each author that will be published every Sunday will be eight (8 means good luck — I am not superstitious but…I am LOL). If you submitted more than eight, I will schedule the rest for the following Sunday! Don’t worry. Your creation will still be seen ☺️
  • I will only accept submissions that are written in English

I speak different languages too, but this Publication is dedicated to English Readers

  • If you have published your article somewhere else, please let me know and provide a link for it! Make sure that you are also not violating any Copyright rules and Exclusivity Contracts. The last thing you want is to legally get in trouble. I will not be responsible for you

Publication Schedule:

  1. Submissions will be published every Sunday
  2. Max submissions from each author that will be published every Sunday will be eight (8 means good luck — I am not superstitious but…I am LOL)
  3. I will release a Newsletter at least once a month (every first Sunday of the month). The Newsletters will act as updates, announcements, tips and tricks, and highlighting the awesome writers (once there are other writers than me) that make this Publication a great place!
  4. Once a month (every first Sunday of the month) I will put out prompts that you can use as an inspiration! You do not have to use the prompt, but I thought it would add some fun and inspiration if you are experiencing writer’s block. The prompts will be included in the Newsletter
  5. As I have previously mentioned, if you have submitted more than eight this week, I will schedule the others for next Sunday. 🖤 If you are particular like me, make a note for me which ones you want published that week


As I have mentioned, this Publication is dedicated to various topics! I will organize your submission to the best of my ability that best fits your article.

The topics that this Publication covers are:

  1. Advice: If you have an expert opinion about something or just want to share your knowledge, this is the place for you. This can be about anything as long as you don’t violate the Non-Negotiable Guidelines
  2. Business: Anything that deals with business! It can be your experiences as a business owner, business advice, business development, sales, etc.
  3. Careers: Anything that deals with careers. You can even share your experiences and insights here
  4. Fun Facts and Mythology: Do you have any fun facts to share? Do you have a pool of knowledge in Mythology? If so, this is the place for you!
  5. Personal Essays: Share with us your story! Whether it is inspirational or you just want to share what is going on Inside your Membrane
  6. Reviews: Do you have a movie, show, product, or anything else you want to review (or rave about)? If so, you will find a home here!
  7. Travel: Talk about your travel experiences and places you are interested in travelling to. Tell us what you know and share your passion with us

If you are unsure where your articles fall on, leave a note for me.

E.g. Note to CyCy: This article talks about several things but the focus is Real Estate/Sales/Interview Tips.


For keywords and subtopics, you are allowed five. I will always put “Hermes — The Membrane” as one of them.

Your keywords should state what your article is about. If you are not sure what to put, leave a note for me again and I will do it for you.

E.g. “Hi CyCy! Help! I don’t know what keywords to use. My article is about this awesome anime and what I think about it!”

In that case, I will most likely put: Anime, Title of the Anime, Anime Review, and the Genre of the Anime (e.g. Shonen, Shoujo, Slice of Life, etc).

Keywords will help your work to be seen by others. Thus, I will try my best to get your stuff out there ☺️

Online Writing Tips:

Proper formatting is necessary if you want to rank high in SEO aka Search Engine Optimization.

Thus, to avoid negatively influencing your content’s performance, increase the readability of your work:

  1. Use point forms when you can (just like what I’m doing now)
  2. Avoid writing in big blocks
  3. Incorporate your target keywords and place them well
  4. Correctly format your links
  5. Understand the nuances in writing numbers

If you want to read more about this, check out my older article: Guidelines for Online Writing.

Additional Notes:

This is my passion project and all my Publications are currently a one-man show. If for some reason, I cannot publish the submissions on time, I will send out an announcement via Newsletter (e.g. I fell ill, an emergency came up, or I am on a Hiatus/Break/Vacation).

My goal is to eventually create different communities where people would feel safe and welcome. Therefore, I will have zero tolerance for abuse and bullying.

Even though the goal of this Publication is to sort out my articles as well, the door is open to other writers.

I encourage it!

This Publication is open to the public, and there is no commitment to keep submitting to me. Your creative work BELONGS TO YOU! Just make sure you let me know if the article you are submitting has been published somewhere else as well.

How to get added as a writer:

  1. Leave a clap (or several claps to boost it so others can see this too)
  2. Follow Hermes Is Inside The Membrane
  3. Leave a comment below and tell me what your username is. E.g. Hi CyCy! I am interested. Add me please! Username: @ I_am_not_a_Pantheon_God

P.S. Please always refer to this article to guide you once you have become one of the writers!

Thank you for stopping by and I hope this publication will become one of your favourite homes! 🖤



Cyrl's Corner
Hermes Is Inside The Membrane

Writer & Blogger | Multi-Genre | Beta-Reader | Fiverr, Twitter, TikTok: @cyrls_corner