News for the modern recluse.

Risa Mickenberg
Hermette Magazine
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2022

A life with no strings attached.

Be a kite and cut the cord!

Fellowe Hermettes,

Have you been accused of living in your “own little world?”

Was “Go to your room” the best punishment you could imagine?

Do you occasionally use your hands to block people from your peripheral vision?

Do you crave being alone?

What sounds better? A big group dinner or eating an apple?

Do you ever wish you were invisible?

Do you live under a rock and like it?

Do you enjoy being invited places and then not going?

Do you truly not give a rat’s ass what people think of what you do with your time and your life?

Or would you like to feel that way?

In a society where we are bombarded by things we don’t want to see, feel or hear… in a world where our language, our structures, our lives are corrupted by crap that rubs us wrong or worse,

in a culture that has expectations for us that we don’t actually aspire to,

living a more hermetic life is the only response that feels remotely human.

The Hermette “Lifestyle” is a reconsidering and re-centering and reclaiming and opening up of your life to the things that matter to you, whether you know about them yet or not.

It gives you a chance to think and experience the world with fresh eyes, while wearing old clothes.

It turns you into a “onan-influencer:” prizing the influence of your own true self.

Creating individuality, originality, and genuine feeling - promoting yourself to admiral of your own vessel,

saving up for your own place in the universe..

exploring the world with as faint a footstep as possible…

that’s the loveliness of being your own rudder, living a truth-directed life,

finding things and places and people you truly enjoy spending your precious time with, or near…

and giving them all the space they need to float their own boats too.

If being alone is the scariest thing you can imagine, why drag someone you love into it?

It’s time to find out how beautiful and fulfilling and magical, coincidental and fun it might be to be.

Let’s end the stigma of being alone.

If we’re going to be stigmatizing something, let’s stigmatize forcing other people to do things they don’t want to do.

Let’s stigmatize doing things that go against your grain.

Let’s stigmatize the excess that comes with architecture and accommodation for co-dependents/people who travel in groups.

Let’s live a life of bicycle-riding freedom and happiness.

Let’s not come to the table until we can show up as complete human beings, meeting each other on common ground, speaking from the heart, learning how to live an original life, navigating an interesting and fulfilling path, and connecting in genuine ways with creatures and nature and the moment.

Let’s let other people go and see where we stand.

Rethinkers, let’s get lost!



Risa Mickenberg
Hermette Magazine

This reclusive enigma/enchantress is the Editor of Hermette Magazine, the CEO of Hermette Wireless, the CCO of Djoodie CEO Hermette Productions LLC @thedjoodie