Why is it so difficult to start using AI within your organization?

Joshua Touati
Heroes Herald
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2020

There’s no doubt that companies that don’t respond to market changes brought about by innovation tend to miss out on opportunities. The newest “innovation revolution” is driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and many think that AI is only used in the tech industry by giants, such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to possible industries in which AI can be applied. Whatever industry or sector you come up with, AI is everywhere, and this is the moment to start exploring how AI can be applied in your organization.

The problem, however, is that many organizations find it difficult to recognize AI use-cases and to execute such cases independently. Failure is often the outcome and according to Gartner this is the case for 85% of AI projects. So why is it so difficult to identify an AI use-case and why do so many AI projects fail? Multiple factors play a role here and some are listed below.

  • Many companies simply don’t have the experience to generate and validate ideas.
  • Leaders of a company don’t fully understand AI and are likely to have unrealistic high expectations.
  • A clear “Data Strategy” is missing, and the AI project is started without having at least centralized the necessary data from the different systems and data silos.
  • AI projects are often started with selecting the data, the algorithm or the tool that will be used, rather than an understanding of the business problem first. Framing the business problem is a key determinant to understand if the business objective is met and should be the first step.
  • The knowledge transfer is often not good after hiring an external party, which causes the end-users to not use the product properly. Therefore, ensure that knowledge is transferred properly from the experts to your employees and build up in-house capabilities.
  • A plan for ethics, risk and compliance is lacking, causing the project to come to a halt during implementation phase.

Although these factors play a significant role in identifying AI use-cases and making them into a success, it does not mean that everything should already be realized before starting the project. Instead, you should carefully take all factors into account and don’t rush into the AI project. Still, it remains difficult for organizations to start using AI for the simple reason that they don’t have the knowledge and experience.

At Heroes, we want to help organizations overcome these obstacles and that’s why we offer our AI-Masterclass. During this Masterclass we will help you to identify and develop an AI use-case for your organization. In addition, we will give support in the further development of your project.

The Heroes learning path for your AI project.

So, if you recognize the roadblocks mentioned above or if you are just curious about new technologies and their applicability in your organization, please let us know (here).

Do you want to know more first?

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  • Call me +31 6 22 40 66 80
  • Or send me an e-mail: joshua.touati@heroes.nl

