A Detailed Look: First Heroes of Mavia Gameplay Preview

Heroes of Mavia
Published in
8 min readNov 5, 2022

We’re proud to present the first official Heroes of Mavia alpha gameplay to our readers! This article will contain a detailed explanation of the gameplay and exciting features you may have missed upon first viewing the gameplay footage.

NOTE: All user interfaces, graphics, unit selection, base selection, game mechanics, et cetera are still in development. This is a very early preview of Heroes of Mavia gameplay and many core features have not been finalized yet.

1: Base Birds-Eye View

Players will use the Base Builder tool to construct their defenses and manage their day-to-day operations. From this Bird’s-Eye view, players can conveniently look over their entire base in one screen to decide where to put their next defenses, gather resources, and continue base development.

The birds’ eye view, ideal for base planning and defensive planning.

The amount of land given for a player’s base won’t be fully utilized until the higher levels of the game, when the selection of buildings, walls, and troops increases significantly. Until then, will you utilize the extra space to spread out, or condense buildings together? Make your Mavia land your own.

User Interface

The user interface is a very important aspect of the game’s design. We want to ensure a great experience for players. The user interface has undergone significant changes since our last preview and will continue to see further improvements in the coming months.

It takes careful development to include all the features Heroes of Mavia has in one convenient mobile screen.

Which profile picture will you choose?

The Heroes of Mavia Live Chat appears in the top left of the game. Live chat is a feature that will help keep our community connected during the game.

Also in the top left is the player’s profile picture and username. Players may change their profile picture to any compatible image file, including Heroes of Mavia Units, profile pictures, and NFT art. The player’s current level and XP bar is also shown. Track your progress & fill the XP bar through gameplay to attain the next level and unlock more features of the game.

HQ Level, Indicators, and Resources

Important information about your base is shown in the Resources category. The player’s HQ level determines which troops and buildings they have access to. Find the best units and structures available at your level to plan out how many resources you’ll need.

Essential information for managing your base is located in the top right of the screen.

HQ Levels

Increase your HQ Level to access better troops and building selections. As the building and troops variety grows, the playing strategy will change as well. Keep that in mind while deciding whether to upgrade existing assets or purchase new ones.

Engineer Status

The current number of active engineers is 3/4 in our example shown above. Engineers are a dedicated unit used for building and upgrading the base. The engineers’ number is limited, and they perform essential tasks to the base’s construction, so allocate them wisely.

Shield Timer

A shield timer begins when your base is attacked, preventing further attacks and saving your resources from dropping rapidly in subsequent attacks. When the defending player creates a new attack of their own, their shield timer will drop instead.

Shields are important for protecting our community against abusive practices, giving players time to update their defenses, and introducing balancing for a cryptocurrency game. In Heroes of Mavia, players enjoy true ownership of their in-game assets, which includes RUBY.

Key Resources

Oil and gold are the two main in-game resources for Heroes of Mavia while $RUBY is the main gameplay token.

In the top right, the player can view their all their current resource levels conveniently in one place. Players should keep an eye on their resources, since their playing strategy may change depending on how many of each resource they have currently.

Battle Button, Armory, Indicators, and Settings

Once you’ve finished building your base, you can start an attack in the bottom left of the screen.

Player controls for beginning an attack, accessing their armory, and settings are located on the bottom of the screen. The bottom buttons are for accessing core gameplay mechanics.

2: Base Close-up

Players can take a closer look at their base to examine walls for holes, which might seem like a small issue but is a match-losing error in games such as Age of Empires. Make sure your turrets are just in range to cover your defenders and your buildings are where they should be.

Troops & Buildings are Real 3D Assets

Did you know all Heroes of Mavia troops and turrets are true 3D assets? Sprite files, which older games use, do not have access to the full range of motion that 3D assets do.

Combat, animations, and movements will all appear more smoothly because they are made and rendered in 3D. This is an essential piece of the player experience.

Heroes of Mavia graphic designs are fast approaching a AAA game level of quality and will be able to deliver a unique experience for our players. Our studio plans to produce features that are rarely seen in the mobile game space. With the implementations we’re making to reduce load on devices, Mavia is looking to lead the way for the next generation of quality mobile games.

Watch this rocket tower rotate perfectly pixel by pixel with a full 360 degrees range of motion.

Heroes of Mavia Cosmetic Upgrades

The development team has also ensured there will be scalable loading mechanics to allow a wide variety of 3D models, also known as skins. Players will have access to a wide selection of cosmetic upgrades for their troops, buildings, and base.

The Big Axe King and his Big Axe from the 70s. True power never looked so nostalgic.

Without this innovative file-loading system, it wouldn’t be possible to offer a wide selection of skins for players. Skins are what empower players to express their unique identities and we’re pleased to announce that Heroes of Mavia can deliver a customizable experience for its community.

3: Interacting With Buildings

We want Heroes of Mavia base building to feel intuitive and easy to begin for our community, while also being hard to master.

Wall Building Mechanics

Wall connections are an essential part of base-building in Heroes of Mavia. So how do wall building interactions work?

When players place down their wall fortifications, wall blocks will automatically locate the closest wall block to them and connect to them conveniently. When multiple Wall blocks are in range, more than one connection can be made at once. With enough wall blocks, the player can construct an extra-thick line of defense.

These player-friendly wall-connection features will make for quick work when adjusting your defenses.

Walls are being placed around a Turret as protection.

Rally Points

The player’s defensive-based troops are positioned around buildings known as Rally Points. Moving the Rally Point will cause the assigned troops to move until they are back within the boundaries of the Rally Point.

Rally Points will reinforce and guard your base’s critical positions. Place them next to your base defenses such as defensive towers to maximize the value of the troops.

Troops will sense when they are outside of the rally zone.

Storage Buildings

The defending player’s storage buildings are an important objective for the attacking player. The positions of the storage buildings can be customized in the base building interface.

Try to keep your resource deposits out of the raiders’ reach.

Turret Placement

Heroes of Mavia base defense towers include the rocket tower and rapid-fire turret. These buildings should be placed behind a line of walls in order to protect the buildings and maximize their value.

Not space rockets — these rockets won’t take you to the moon, but they will defend your base.

4: Demo Battle Scene

Attacker Troop Placements

The attacking player can select from the troops that they have available to them and place them down on the map. Heroes of Mavia units are AI controlled. After troops are placed, they’ll enter into combat automatically. Players will control when and where they deploy their troops.

We anticipate extra controls around how to deploy troops in the future.

Deployment of an attacking army. The Walls’ health bars appear, helping indicate status of the attack.

Building & Troop Interactions

At the moment, troops will target walls first and have very low health compared to the strength of the defensive buildings. A quick reminder, Heroes of Mavia has not finalized these game balancing features or mechanics. These are still in development.

Battle Scene preview and more to come

Heroes of Mavia combat is visually appealing and engaging for its players. Our studio is able to bring these 3D assets to life, with unique run, attack, and death animations for each category of troop. There is even a new unique death animation for each troop depending on which defensive turret causes their demise.

Combat animations in action.

We want the combat viewing experience to be detailed and immersive, since the viewing experience is especially important for arenas such as eSports.

Closing Thoughts

Remember that the Hero-type units are capable of changing the entire tide of a battle, and our preview does not yet include those. There are so many features we have yet to showcase!

There will be many more types of troops, walls, and defensive buildings to look forwards to, which will all greatly change the strategy at higher levels. We hope you appreciate what the studio has developed so far, as we’ve laid the groundwork for amazing new features in the months ahead.

About Heroes of Mavia

Heroes of Mavia is a AAA MMO strategy game allowing players to buy land, build a base and battle other players for the in-game token RUBY. There exists three NFT types in the game — Land, Heroes and Statues, each of which can be bought and sold on the Mavia marketplace. RUBY is the main play-to-earn currency in the game, and can be earned by winning battles against other bases.

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