Mavia Land Owner’s Manual — Roadmap, Benefits and More!

Heroes of Mavia
Heroes of Mavia
Published in
10 min readMar 5, 2022

This article is primarily directed towards the new Mavia land owners (last updated on March 5, 2022). If you are not currently a land owner, you can purchase a land NFT on OpenSea:


We would first like to congratulate all of our new Mavia Land NFT holders! Our mint was a massive success, reaching a ranking of #8 on the 24-hour OpenSea volume charts within 12 hours of mint!

Mavia was also the #1 trending project on OpenSea’s explore screen!

Mavia reached #8 ranking on OpenSea for top 24-hour volume, all within the first 12 hours of launch.
Mavia reached #1 in trending for all categories on OpenSea.

As of writing this, the Mavia Land floor price is sitting at 1.1 ETH (almost 4x mint price)!

Now on to the purpose of this article. We want to provide detailed information about the use case for your land, upcoming land development milestones, benefits and more below. We will try to cover most of the main questions we are asked often, and get you excited for what is coming for all land holders!

Land Inflation and Future Drops

We have made very clear since the first AMAs we began to do with our community that our team puts the interests of our land owners (and future token holders) first.

The first land drop had 7,000 whitelists + 1,000 NFTs in the public sale on Binance. These 8,000 Land NFTs are the initial supply.

While creating more land is critical to growing the game, as it allows our community to grow and our player-base to expand, this should not come at the expense of existing land owners.

This is why we aim to release future land plots slowly over time. How slowly this process is will be discussed with existing Land NFT holders and the community.

While necessary to grow, releasing more land and creating inflation is a delicate process that must be balanced properly, and we have every intention of making sure our existing Land holders voices are heard and implemented in this process!

As for the process of how these future lands are released to the public, we do not currently believe the traditional whitelist process is the best route. Instead, we will reward future token stakers and other vested community members with opportunities to buy land. The form of payment for new lands when minted may be MAVIA token (once released), and in the future, RUBY also. More information will be released on this at a later time.

Discord Perks

Custom Badge: When you purchase land, you are able to connect your wallet to the Mavia Discord, and through Collab.Land, your NFT will be verified and you will be assigned a new role called “Land Owner”. This will allow you to stand out from other non-landowners in the community.

Private Discord Channel: All landowner roles will also be granted access to a private channel on the Mavia Discord server, where devs and landowners can all discuss together new ideas and help shape the direction of the Mavia game.

Different Land Types

Common: Common land makes up 70% of the Mavia Island NFTs (consistent for all regions of island). Common land has all of the same functionality and utility as Rare and Legendary, except the appearance is less lavish and the location on the map is not in prime areas. No defensive/offensive differences exist between any of the land types, nor do their sizes differ.

Rare: Rare land makes up 20% of the Mavia Island NFTs. Rare has a more luxurious design than the common, and also has a more desirable location on the land map itself. Additionally, Rare land has extra luck factor included when removing obstacles, which over time will prove to be very valuable!

Legendary: Legendary land makes up just 10% of the Mavia Island NFTs. Legendary has the most luxurious design out of all land types, and also has the highest luck factor when removing obstacles, as well as the peak location on the Mavia map. In the case of the Tropical type, Legendary has waterfront beach location.

Land Uses and Utility

In Mavia, land is the most valuable asset. Initially, all land starts out with a Level 1 Base. As players develop their land and re-invest RUBY into upgrading their Base HQ level and building their walls, troops and other defensive structures, the land improves in value. As the base grows stronger, the value of the land increases, creating multiple options for potential monetization by the owner:

1: Playing the Mavia game

The owner of the land can use the base they own to battle other bases and players across the island of Mavia, and compete for RUBY. As the base increases in strength, the player can battle stronger opponents, also yielding higher rewards in the event of victory.

2: Selling Base on Mavia Marketplace

The owner of the base can sell the land on the Mavia marketplace for MAVIA token, passing down all of the progress made on the base to the new owner. Once a base or it’s buildings are upgraded, they will always remain that level or higher, making it permanently more valuable. There will be “Buy it Now” and “Auction” style sales available.

3: Renting out base

Similar to the “AirBnB” model, base owners are able to rent out their base according to a range of dates and a price set by the owner. The tenant of the base will pay upfront MAVIA to the owner, but will in turn be able to earn and keep all of the RUBY generated from using the base. This includes RUBY won from battling opponents, successful defensive battles, completing challenges, finding rare items, and other events which earn players RUBY. The owner of the base will not benefit from this RUBY being generated by the player, but will instead be generating passive income in the form of MAVIA from the rental agreement.

Additionally, the owner of the base will benefit from the base structures being improved or upgraded by the tenant, such as walls and turrets. The tenant will be inclined to upgrade these base structures, as they do not require RUBY, but instead only Gold and Oil, and upgrading these structures helps the base succeed in defending from invaders.

4: Base Partnerships

Partnerships are a good way for new players to enter the Mavia world, requiring no MAVIA payment upfront. Similar to Axie Infinity’s Scholarship program, Base Partnerships allow a base owner to lend their land to another player, expecting the player to use the base, continue to grow the army and improve the base, and also battle other players, yielding RUBY rewards. In return for this work done by the player, the base owner will keep a fixed % of the RUBY earnings, as an owner’s fee. The RUBY split is decided by the owner before the partnership is formed, and can be adjusted as time goes on, at the owner’s discretion.

The RUBY proceeds are automatically distributed to the player and owner immediately upon any RUBY earnings being realized in the game. This model also makes it possible for skilled players to demand a higher RUBY split form the owner, as their gameplay will likely yield higher earnings than newer or less-skilled players. On the flip-side, players who are new to the game and looking to work for RUBY in the form of a partnership will likely accept less of a split from the owner, in order to build up a name for themselves in the Mavia game.

Land Reveal

Example of our Mavia land (basic woodlands region) with varying designs and unique fingerprinting, making each land NFT unique in look and location. This is not the same design as the tropical, this is displayed to illustrate the subtle differences between each land plot.

Each land has a unique location on the map, as well as a unique design.

However, designing 8,000 functional bases each with a unique design and location on a realistic looking map takes some time! We are building the flows and tools to be able to render these lands individually for players when they build their base, attack neighbors, or defend against invaders.

This design process will be complete in Q3 2022, and it is at this time that we will reveal to everyone their individual base designs!

Land Owner Roadmap

March Roadmap:

  • Land Soft-Staking Launched
  • Tier-1 Partnership Announcements
  • First-Ever Mavia Cinematic Trailer Release(end of March or early April)


  • MAVIA Token Launch
  • Hero and Statue NFT Drops
  • Gameplay footage
  • Constant updates, sneak peeks and community events
  • More cinematic trailers


  • Game beta released for land owners
  • E-sports team division formed (tournaments and marketing)
  • Much more to be announced!


  • Global game launch

Land Soft-Staking Mechanics and Rules

How It Works

Mavia Land Soft-Staking is a brand new staking model created to give more flexibility and control to our players, while also rewarding strong hands with rewards in the game.

Soft-staking means Land owners can stake Land without their NFT ever actually leaving their wallet. Users simply press the “Stake” button, and our Backend will begin watching the associated wallet and ensuring the NFT never leaves or is sold on a secondary market.

The holder will agree to a specific stake duration (6–12 months), and only after this time has passed with the staker receive the reward, as long as they did not transfer or sell the NFT from their wallet.

Because this process is entirely off-chain, there is no gas fee associated with staking/un-staking.

The entire process will be accessible on when it is released (later this month in March 2022).


We have not officially announced the rewards for soft-staking, but we can say this for now:

  • Common, Rare and Legendary will receive different rewards (or Rare and Legendary will receive additional rewards than common). This is another way for us to deliver value to our higher-end land holders, while remaining fair to all stakers.
  • We are considering offering Hero and Statue NFTs for stakers (this will require gas to mint the reward, but not to stake the land).
  • We will add the ability to whitelist 1 other wallet when you stake, to give you the chance to move your NFT to a hardware wallet or other cold storage wallet without breaking your stake. Any transfer to a non-whitelisted wallet results in your stake being terminated.
  • Land staking rewards and details will be announced on March 12, 2022.

Gas-Free Utility

Since we began designing and developing Mavia, we have always put user-experience at the top of our priority list.

We want to create an environment with as little friction as possible for new players to enter Mavia. And gas fees are the biggest hurdle when it comes to blockchain games remaining low-friction.

Our solution is simple: move as much game logic as possible off-chain.

We have designed the servers and platform itself to only require you to hold an NFT, and the rest will be taken care of by us. All battles, in-game RUBY transactions and earnings, tournaments and upgrades will all occur off-chain. As long as you hold Mavia Land in your wallet, you do not need to do anything else — and that means you do not have to pay any additional gas to use Mavia after you own the Land.

Even when Land owners form partnerships with other players, no gas needs to be paid by either party. All logic will be handled by us, gas-free!

Mavia Alliances

Perhaps one of the most alluring aspects of the Mavia game is the ability to forge alliances with other players, and battle rival Alliances to compete for NFTs, RUBY rewards and glory!

However, we do not want you to wait until the game comes out for you to begin forging these Alliances, so we are building our the functionality to form your own Alliances with other land owners in March! All land owners who soft-stake their land will have the ability to join or create an Alliance, which will have additional perks and functionality prior to game launch as well!


Please be cautious of scammers looking to steal your valuable land. Bad actors will make Mavia look-alike UI and website and try and trick you into interacting with their smart contracts which can end up resulting in you losing your Mavia land!

ALWAYS make sure the URL you are visiting is before interacting with any smart contracts, or signing any transactions.

Closing Remarks

We are extremely excited to build Mavia with our community, and we will continue to share updates on all developments, designs and project plans with all of our land owners!

If you have not already, follow Mavia on our socials to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments:

Mavia YouTube

Mavia Instagram

Mavia Twitter

Mavia Discord

Mavia Facebook

