Updated Emission Schedule for MAVIA Token

Heroes of Mavia
Heroes of Mavia
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2024

The updated unlock/emission schedule for $MAVIA will see reduced inflation and longer vesting for team, advisors, ecosystem and more.

Lower inflation, longer cliffs and vesting for MAVIA token — effective immediately.

We are pleased to announce to the Mavia community that after discussions with our early partners and advisors, the emission schedule for the Mavia token will be modified to significantly reduce the inflation rate up until February 2025.

With the new changes, Mavia’s circulating supply will remain under 14% until February 2025.

This change comes on the cusp of the launch of the upcoming Ruby marketplace.

The changes to the emission schedule will be as follows:

  • The “Private Sale” allocations will have the next 3 unlocks reduced by 80%, with normal vesting resuming in February 2025.
  • The “Team” allocations will have the cliff extended to 1 year (first unlock in February 2025).
  • The “Advisor” allocations will have the cliff extended to 1 year (first unlock in February 2025).
  • The “Gameplay Rewards” will have the next 3 unlocks reduced by 80%, with normal vesting resuming in February 2025.
  • The “Community & Ecosystem” will have the next 3 unlocks reduced by 80%, with normal vesting resuming in February 2025.

These adjustments mean that there will be no token distributions for advisors or the team for the next 10 months. Additionally, all other token allocation categories will see an 80% reduction in emissions until February 2025.

As a result of the reduced emissions, the circulating supply will remain under 14% up until February 2025.

All token unlocks are released from the multi-sign wallet labeled “Heroes of Mavia: Vault” on Etherscan. Mavia’s circulating supply can always be calculated by taking 250,000,000-(Vault Balance).

