Don’t Forget to #ThankaFirefighter!

Firehouse Subs
Firehouse Subs HeroFuel
3 min readSep 29, 2016

Although Firefighter Appreciation Month was in September, it’s never too late to celebrate our heroes and she-roes. In fact, we should be grateful year-round, because when we are running away from the danger, these first responders are running toward it, putting their own safety at risk for the safety of others. Brave, courageous, fearless and selfless are only a few words to describe these men and women — but here are a lot more from the men and women whose lives have been touched by firefighters.

Whether they hashtagged #ThankaFirefighter, #FirefighterAppreciation, or even #WeLoveFirefighters, we rounded up some of our favorite posts that express how we feel. Want to hear what people had to say? Check out these tweets below!

1) A Gentle Hero

Firefighters go beyond the call of duty. When they’re not using their sheer strength to carry people out of threatening situations or breaking through barriers in emergencies, they are strong enough to be gentle. In this case, a Mississippi firefighter comforts a child after a car crash by watching a movie with him on his phone.

2) Superheroes — They’re Just Like Us

Just because they’re heroes, doesn’t mean they’re not human. Here, a friend recognizes his hero by appreciating the fact that this firefighter is also a lover of pizza.

3) Father First, Firefighter Second

They have to make time with the ones they love in whatever way they can. In this photo, a firefighter, even while all decked out in his gear, FaceTimes with his son on an early morning on the first day of school.

4) They Keep Your Loved Ones Safe

And speaking of loved ones, @katejohnstonn puts it best. They give up time with their loved ones to save yours! (And kudos to police, EMTs and all other first responders, too!)

5) The Meaning of Courage

No truer words have been spoken. We praise our firefighters as fearless, but we have to remember that even they, too, experience fear, especially the more perilous a rescue becomes. However, what sets them apart is also what makes them heroes — it’s not they have an absence of fear, but that their bravery results in them acting selflessly in the face of fear.

6) Looks Like This Cat Didn’t Need Nine Lives

Firefighters don’t just care about human lives, they care about our furry, four-legged family members, too. Like the post says, firefighters value every life and it’s clear when we see this team successfully revive a house fire victim’s pet cat.

7) Meet These Wonder Women

But the ladies are not to be outdone! The newest class of firefighters in one Massachusetts town is entirely made up of all strong women. Great new role models little girls can look up to!

8) New Roster on the Justice League

This cartoon says it all. Do you have any heroes in your life who would appreciate this photo?

9) No Pencil-Pushing Here

Firefighting is not a typical 9 to 5. Day or night, we can rest easy knowing they’ll be there to save the day.

10) Thank You for Every Day!

Ain’t that the truth. Keep #ThankaFirefighter trending!

This only scratched the surface. Want to join in on the conversation? Tweet us at @FirehouseSubs or #HeroFuel and tell us: What do you appreciate most about firefighters?

