A Message to Our Community

As the ICO and cryptocurrency landscape faces growing pains, HEROIC continues to blaze a trail forward.

4 min readOct 11, 2018


Q3 Updates

The last three months have been some of our most productive and promising months since embarking on this journey. We’ve traveled all around the world spreading our message and growing our footprint abroad. From New York, Boston and Orlando to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Iceland we’ve created memorable experiences by presenting at blockchain conferences and meeting new friends at local meetups.

Even though we’ve had a blast traveling to new locations and meeting new faces, we’ve still been hard at work back at home hiring new employees, adding thousands of new community members, solidifying partnerships, and having a hyperfocus in developing key components of our ecosystem in preparation of the upcoming alpha releases within the next few months.

Timeline Updates

We greatly appreciate all of the effort and hard work that you, our community, has put forth in establishing HEROIC as the up-and-coming blockchain-based cybersecurity company. However, as all crypto enthusiasts and followers know, the industry as a whole is facing growing pains. We knew this would happen. Crypto is so new and disruptive that growing pains are inevitable. Sadly, the high volatility and buyer skepticism are causing hundreds of financially-backed ICOs and blockchain startups to fail at alarming rates.

Luckily for us, this slow period in the crypto craze has been a blessing in disguise. We collectively made the decision to extend our token generation event, which has allowed us to avoid large losses that other ICOs are now having to face. Additionally, It’s given us the chance to step back and realistically assess the market and our plans moving forward. We are in the final stages of updating all HEROIC timelines in addition to the official ICO close date. Detailed information and updated dates will be announced in the coming weeks.

We understand that updated timelines might anger our community members or raise questions to our legitimacy. It is our responsibility to do what is best for the company, team, investors, partners, and those that have already contributed to our pre-sale. We have no interest in distributing our tokens prematurely only for them to immediately lose the majority of their value. HEROIC will not be another statistic added to the list of fluttering ICOs.

Added Domain

When we formally embarked on this journey, we collectively felt that the url of ‘tokensale.heroic.com’ was sufficient in representing what we sought out to achieve with regards to the blockchain and cryptocurrency side of the company. We have since come to the realization that our long-term vision and mission require much more representation than a simple token sale site on a subdomain.

We have begun transitioning everything related to the HEROIC blockchain-based ecosystem and the ICO over to HEROIC.org. By moving all blockchain related content to HEROIC.org, we will be able to provide a greater impact and footprint beyond the token sale and token generation event. Our mission is not to just have a successful token sale, but to build a robust cybersecurity community while we work towards intelligently protecting the world’s information.

Bounty & Airdrop Program Updates

Back in August, we decided as a company to extend our Bounty and Airdrop programs an additional eight weeks as we grew and strengthened our community. The results of the extension have been overwhelming.

With the updated ICO timelines, we are also extending our Bounty and Airdrop programs. We will no longer have a compensation schedule composed of 8 to 16-week blocks. We will let the Bounty Program continue to run and grow until the official close of our ICO and the subsequent token launch onto exchanges.

What does this mean for you? If you’re a Bounty Program participant, the extended time frame provides you with more chances to earn HRO tokens. We will be releasing an online portal in the coming weeks to allow everyone to manage and update their information. Those that have helped our community to this point — and that have followed all the bounty rules and requirements — will still receive correct compensation for their respective work and effort throughout the initial 16 weeks. We will continue to require bounty and airdrop participants to submit the required forms for proper compensation.

What to expect in Q4

As we enter into Q4, our focus will continue to be growing and strengthening the HEROIC community as well as working towards a successful launch and listing of the HRO token on top exchanges. Additionally, we will focus on:

  • Releasing our ICO Management Portal
  • Releasing our alpha version of key ecosystem software
  • Continuing software development
  • Earning national media coverage
  • Hiring specialized team members (http://careers.heroic.com/)
  • Forming strategic and creative partnerships
  • Engaging with large investment firms and contributors
  • Launching the HEROIC Tribe (more on this in the future)

We are extremely proud of the community involvement we’ve seen. It is our hope that you continue to support our mission and help us move forward through these challenges. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us directly at contact@heroic.org or message us on our Telegram channel.


