Become a Brand Ambassador

Wyatt Semanek
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2018

As we continue to attend release additional information and attend conferences, interest in the HEROIC token sale continues to grow. Individuals are whitelisting on our token sale site and our social presence grows every day — and we’re just getting started.

Over the course of the next few weeks, we want to exponentially grow our community in order to get our vision and mission out to as many individuals across the world as possible.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the HEROIC Ambassadors Program.

Apply to be a HEROIC Ambassador by Clicking Here

So what exactly is the HEROIC Ambassador Program?

We’ve embarked on a journey to intelligently protect the world’s information. It’s a daunting task, but not an impossible one. With collective focus and participation across the world, we can make HEROIC the strongest and most advanced cybersecurity ecosystem ever to be created. As more individuals and organizations join our ecosystem, all participants and their respective information will become more safe and secure.

HEROIC Ambassadors will play crucial role in helping educate and connect people around the world who speak foreign languages or may have needs beyond what our core team can immediately serve.

We’re looking for people with the ability and willingness to find, share, and engage with newcomers to HEROIC. Language abilities aren’t necessarily required, but they definitely help. We’re trying to find Ambassadors who speak Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Spanish, and multiple other non-English languages. You’ll need to speak English too for direct communication with the HEROIC core team and potentially HEROIC advisors.

These people will help us:

  • Answer questions on Telegram and other community channels
  • Translate and proof translations of various documents from HEROIC
  • Review and promote press about HEROIC published in English and other languages
  • Organize meetups and events in your area (we’ll provide more instruction at a later date)

HEROIC Ambassadors will become a part of the extended HEROIC team. We will have weekly communication with our Ambassadors to discuss strategic ways in which we can drive the community forward and spread our mission to intelligently protect the world’s information to a wider audience.

Apply to be a HEROIC Ambassador by Clicking Here

The Perks of Being a HEROIC Ambassador

We do not expect our Ambassadors to put forth valiant effort for free. We have pieced together a plan to adequately compensate Ambassadors for their time and willingness to help.

Top HEROIC Ambassadors will enjoy the following perks:

  • Percentage of tokens for every signup you bring to the ecosystem
  • Attendance at industry events with the HEROIC team
  • Name added to the top of our whitelist
  • Access to the HEROIC team in regular calls
  • VIP access to HEROIC events in your area

Thanks for being with us at the start of something amazing. The truth is, your involvement is part of what makes this effort so amazing to begin with.

Apply to be a HEROIC Ambassador by Clicking Here

