How to Grow Arugula in a Jar With the Power of Hydroponics

Niole Nelson
Heroic Hydro
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2021

Let’s grow Arugula in a jar!

Arugula in a jar really brightens up the room and is a picturesque way of playing around with hydroponic gardening.


amber ball jar, net cup, 1.5 inch rockwool cube
  1. amber ball jar: the amber color keeps algae from growing
  2. 3 inch net cup
  3. 1.5 inch rockwool cube
  4. 2–1–3 MaxiGrow Hydroponic Nutrients from General Hydroponics (not pictured)
  5. pH Down and pH Up with mL syringe (not pictured)
  6. pH meter (not pictured)
  7. Arugula seeds (not pictured)
  8. Empty jug than can hold 1 gallon (3.78 L) of water, preferably with a top.

Plant the Seed

Arugula seeds in rockwool cube in amber ball jar with water
  1. rinse your rockwool cube in water until it is soaked through
  2. place 3 Arugula seeds in the hole
  3. place in the net cup and then place that in the ball jar
  4. fill the ball jar with plain water to the bottom of the cup
  5. Place on a sunny window sill


7 days after the Arugula germinate, it’s time to add nutrients.

Here is your water change schedule for the lifetime of the Arugula plant.

0 weeks (just planted the seeds)

just water

1 week

Fill the jug with water, add a quarter tsp (1.25 ml) of MaxiGrow Nutrients, shake, pour half out and refill with plain water.

Measure the pH with the pH meter, use the pH down and the pH up to bring the pH to 6.0 by adding a couple drops at a time.

Refill the ball jar.

2 weeks

Fill the jug with water, add a quarter tsp (1.25 ml) of MaxiGrow Nutrients, shake. Adjust the pH to 6.0. Refill the ball jar.

3 weeks

Fill the jug with water, add a half tsp (2.5 ml) of MaxiGrow Nutrients, shake.

Pour out 15% of the water, ~1/7th of the jug, and refill with plain water. Adjust the pH to 6.0. Refill the ball jar.

4 weeks

Fill the jug with water, add a half tsp (2.5 ml) of MaxiGrow Nutrients, shake. Adjust the pH to 6.0. Refill the ball jar.

5 weeks onward..

Repeat week 4.

1 Month Later…

Jar Arugula is all grown up!

In Conclusion…

I hope you enjoy this little DIY hydroponics project. I especially like how pretty the amber ball jar looks with the green Arugula leaves as it sits in the window in my house.

The next thing I want to grow is Cabbage in a jar. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a cabbage growing on your desk while you work? Maybe I’m a bit weird, but I would definitely enjoy that.

