The Super Chicken Study Part 3: Making our teams match the reality of our Oneness

Daniel Hope
Heroic Presence
Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2019

The Super Chicken Study Part 1: Why Collaboration is the New Competition
The Super Chicken Study Part 2: What we’ve been taught about survival of the fittest is wrong

How can we succeed without competition?

The revolutionary thing about the Prosocial model is that by focusing on collaboration within and between groups, we actually achieve an evolutionary advantage. In fact, we would not be here if it were not for our cooperative ancestors. Remember what Wilson said, “Teamwork is baked into the genetic architecture of our minds.”

Also, remember the Super Chicken study, if we are looking solely through a competitive lens, the cooperative chickens were the winners by far. They produced the most eggs and also, did not peck each other to death! The paradox of the Prosocial model is that, by moving our focus from competition to collaboration, we actually gain an evolutionary advantage.

Collaboration acknowledges our Oneness

Have you ever felt that you were “in the flow” while working with others on a team? Maybe you were on a sports team or maybe you were at work. Regardless of where you were, the reason collaboration like this feels so good is because it acknowledges a deep and fundamental truth: we are already one. As Fr. Richard Rohr so eloquently states, “Oneness is less a goal toward which life is pressing, as it is a return to the truth in which we have always been held.”

It is up to us to live into the integrity of this truth by choosing collaboration in every aspect of our lives, and in the groups and communities to which we belong.

“Oneness is less a goal toward which life is pressing, as it is a return to the truth in which we have always been held.”
— Fr. Richard Rohr

How can we get started using this model of emphasize collaboration in our own groups?

Whether you are part of a Homeowners Association or running the department of a large company you can begin to implement the Prosocial model by looking at your group through the 8 Core Design Principles or CDPs. Below are the 8 CDPs with corresponding questions we can ask right now about the groups in which we participate:

Even if you only answer a few of these questions within your group, you will have taken meaningful steps toward building cooperation into the culture of your team. If you are interested in learning more about the Core Design Principles and how they can help us steer evolution in positive ways we hope you will join us as we welcome David Sloan Wilson at our next McPhee Lecture and Workshop series. We hope to see you there!

2019 McPhee Lecture & Workshop

Originally published at on October 2, 2019.



Daniel Hope
Heroic Presence

Trained psychotherapist, spiritual director and tech entrepreneur - bringing it all together in meaningful ways. Husband/Father.