How did we generated +1300 creativities automatically?

Case Study Renault

Herolens Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2018


About the client

Renault is an international company with French roots, today has a presence in more than 120 countries. They design, manufacture and sell both personal and commercial vehicles, within diverse customer segments.

A comienzos del 2017 incorporamos plataformas dinámicas por primera vez en la región. Para ello, desarrollamos una campaña de marca con la Fórmula 1 como eje central, representativa para los países de la región.

Destaco la flexibilidad de todo el equipo de Herolens que nos brindó soporte en todo momento, adaptando las necesidades de los 4 países. Sin dudarlo, continuaremos trabajando en conjunto en las próximas campañas regionales!”

- Noel CastilloAmerica Region Advertising & Media Coordinator

The Challenge

Renault presented us their need to reinforce one of its MotorSport brand pillars linked to Formula 1. They needed to communicate information acquired in real time, such as race results along with a message and personalized image per audience.

Support customized messages for each audiences

The audiences which Renault wanted to reach were Gamers, passionate about Extreme Sports, Women and car lovers, who were in four different countries: Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil. That is a total of 16 segments, adding a language change variable for Brazil.

A flexible context to schedule a campaign capable of taking contextual data not yet available

One of the reasons why Renault chose Herolens was because of the flexibility of the platform to embed creativities’ information in real time in a very simple way. To each of the 16 segments the messages to communicate according to the date were:

The campaign was not only about sending the right message to the right audience, but also at the right time, which added an extra variable to the campaign configuration.

Increase exponentially the capacity of the creative team

To reduce Ad Fatigue, that is, to prevent a users from seeing many times the same ad and starting to ignore it, and at the same time increase the engagement per segment, more than 100 personalized messages were created. The dynamism and flexibility that Herolens added to the campaign made it possible to reduce the effort of the different partners involved in the design of the campaign and increase their production capacity.

The Strategy

To be able to implement this campaign in only 2 weeks was essential the orchestration with different strategic partners:

With the visual identity of the campaign, Herolens designed the dynamic animations. The integration of the creativities with the messages was done through a spreadsheet integrated into Herolens technology that was manipulated by Renault team. This information reflected automatically in the dynamic ads, allowing agility in communication with contextualization.

In this way we generated more than 1300 creativities, from 8 creative templates with dynamic fields and 168 messages provided programming a 5-month length campaign in less than 2 weeks of work.

Example creativity for Car Lovers and Extreme Sports Fans
Example creativity for gamers and women

Originally published at



Herolens Blog

Product Manager en, Co-Founder de Tech Trek, Ex-Organizer en SABF, Graduada ITBA, fotógrafa amateur.