#20FunFactsChallenge by He Said & SheSaid

Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2016



Do you want to know more about the person you’re dating? Then you and your partner/spouse should take the 20 Facts Challenge.

Each person writes down 20 fun and interesting facts about himself/herself, then shares the list with his/her partner.

We tried it out and here are our results. Enjoy!

She said: I had fun doing this challenge. I kept my list simple and clean.

  1. I am super smart and graduated 6th in my senior HS class.
  2. My old nickname was Sneaker because I had a very large sneaker collection in HS.
  3. I love fashion so my day starts with the perfect outfit.
  4. I am the third child out of four children.
  5. I survived two near fatal car accidents.
  6. I love styling hair and I do almost everyone’s hair in my family.
  7. I love dancing and I have won 2nd place in a talent show before.
  8. I mentor troubled youth and like helping them get back on track after a setback.
  9. Favorite artist is Lauren Hill.
  10. Favorite color is pink.
  11. Favorite season is winter.
  12. Favorite holiday is Christmas because I love decorating the tree and giving gifts.
  13. Favorite type of shoe is BOOTS!!!
  14. I am definitely a night owl.
  15. I have a nose piercing, which I got it in the 9th grade but I no longer wear a nose ring.
  16. I have one tattoo on my shoulder.
  17. I have a super close family and most of us live within 30 minutes of each other.
  18. I am a Gemini and I change my mind ALOT!
  19. I am stubborn when I think I am right.
  20. I am humble and prefer to let my actions speak louder than my words

He said: I guess I’ll give this a try….

  1. Both my mother and father had children before me, but I am the oldest of their 7 children together.
  2. I stole my nickname from my older brother because people have a hard time saying my name.
  3. I’m an April Taurus.
  4. I believe heavily in “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
  5. I have over 15 tattoos.
  6. Favorite color is blue.
  7. Favorite season is summer.
  8. My all time favorite song is “Knocks Me Off My Feet” by Stevie Wonder.
  9. I love to play basketball and workout.
  10. I am strong minded but willing to compromise.
  11. I’m also a mid morning person.
  12. I’ve survived two house fires as a child.
  13. I’d like to get married one day and have more children.
  14. I have always been a smart person and always achieved high citywide test scores as far back as elementary school.
  15. I played the trumpet and was on the chess team as a kid.
  16. I have no piercings.
  17. I’ve lost over five remotely close relatives to death in the last 15 years.
  18. I am definitely a sneakerhead.
  19. I wear a suit very well.
  20. I used to have dreadlocks as a child.

That’s me in a nutshell….




Writer, Counselor, Teacher & Overall Great Friend.