Do the opinions of others validate your relationships?

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4 min readOct 24, 2016

He said: Social media is really a gift and a curse. It allows you to find old friends and lost family members. But it also allows tons of people to take a quick glimpse into your life.

Now social media posts can be things you want to share, things you will only share if the moment is right, the right picture or many other prerequisites. These posts can carry over to relationships as well.

People now let the opinions of their friends, friend’s friends and strangers dictate how their relationship should be. People seem more interested in “appearing” happy in their relationship instead of actually being happy with their partner.

In a relationship, the only people you should be concerned with impressing are your mate and yourself. You should take the time out to actually get to know your partner.

Once you truly know him/her, you will start to enjoy each other’s company more. You won’t have to brag to people, who don’t really care if you’re happy or not.

When you’re genuinely happy, everyone around you will already know.

When making serious decisions, people actually think about how others will look at them. My opinion is if you think and feel it’s the best decision for you, then just do it and take the good with the bad.

Have confidence in yourself! Those outsiders that are looking at your relationship — don’t have to live with your decisions or are not a part of YOUR relationship.

Be content with your own mind and heart. Let things play out when you make decisions.

Don’t waste your time trying to impress someone, who doesn’t even know 10% of your story.

She said: I think the bond of a couple should be strong and what others say should have no effect on it. But honestly the opinions of some people do affect my relationships.

As for social media posts, I do not post information about who I am dating or what is going on with us. My thoughts are it’s none of their business. I know what is going on with us and I don’t care if people know what we do or how happy we are.

I am a firm believer that your good news or happiness will attract supporters and haters. Social media sites have a lot of haters and some will use your personal information to destroy you or your relationship.

I mostly get advice from people I know in real life — friends or family members. For me, it really depends on who is offering their opinion — my mom vs. a casual friend.

If I am close to that person, then I value their input and may consider what he/she has to say. Now if I am not close to them, then what they share goes in one ear and out the other.

I need to think about the motives of the person who is commenting on my relationship. Ladies, we all have those friends or family members who are haters. They are waiting for you or your mate to mess up so they can point out why things won’t work out.

In the past, I would break up with a guy over what my sister or friend said about him. I was too immature and stubborn to actually talk things out with the guy. Many times I did not even verify if the rumor I heard was true.

Sometimes the most opinionated friend has unhealthy relationship habits or is unable to keep a partner. He/she should not offer you any advice on your relationship.

Yet, we will entertain their opinions because I knew her/him from way back when or I believe that this person has my best interests at heart.

Experience has taught me that it is best to talk things out with your partner first. The concerned person may have good intentions, but I should discuss things with him if I want things to work out.

Now if I need to share my thoughts about my relationship, then I limit the amount of people I talk to. All of my best friends or family members do not need to know about our problems.

It is best to protect your relationship by any means necessary. Communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Share how you feel and what is upsetting you.

I have learned that when you value others’ opinion over your mate then your relationship is headed for trouble.

Writers: He Said & SheSaid




Writer, Counselor, Teacher & Overall Great Friend.