#FDF — Fun Dates Fridays

Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2016

Okay folks…. Fun Dates Fridays is a weekly article where we give you inexpensive, fun ideas for dates. Feel free to use our ideas for a first date, just hanging out or can’t wait until this weekend to see you situations.


He said: So one of my favorite past times is casual drinking. Don’t judge me but a few cocktails gets rid of most of the tension between two people.

One thing that’s really simple and really fun to do is Drunk Miniature Golf. I know you’re probably looking at your phone or computer screen like what is he talking about… But this is so much fun!!!

Stop by a Wine & Spirits and purchase a bottle of your liking. I prefer Tequila, which is usually liked by males and females. Create your own cocktail before you get to the Mini Golf Course and drink it really quick.

The thing is you want to be tipsy while you’re both trying to get a hole in one. Be silly with each other. Try to be competitive. Talk a little trash even.

Even make bets on each hole — “I make this and you have to drink,” “I miss and I’ll drink” or “I make this one and you give me a hug”. It sounds really simple, but the simple things are the ones that stay on the brain the longest.

Don’t forget to be safe and use Uber or Lyft as transportation for this fun date. I hope you guys try it and let us know how it went.


She said: Here is my cheap and fun date idea. This date could cost the budget savvy dater anywhere from $20 to $30.

I love to sample different types of food but I want all of my food options close by. So I am suggesting a Food Truck Festival, which has multiple food trucks all in one location.

You can buy snacks, meals and desserts without breaking the bank. Plus, you get to spend time with your date walking around and talking, while you try out your favorite foods or something new.

It is not as boring as sitting across someone during dinner at a typical restaurant. It provides a more relaxed atmosphere.

You can ride together to the festival or decide to meet up at the location. So the next time, one is in your area don’t be afraid to try it out as a date option.

Writers: He Said & SheSaid




Writer, Counselor, Teacher & Overall Great Friend.