Part II — The Cleanse: What We Want in 2018? by He Said SheSaid

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3 min readJan 16, 2018



He Said: I have had a very strenuous couple of years. Four years to be exact. Each year I have broken through issue after issue, from headaches to heartaches. I’ve mostly addressed the things around me that put me in numerous positions. Now in 2018 I choose to address the things that I have done. The things I can work on within myself. I’ve learned from each of my experiences and I’ve been taking the steps to grow from them.

The things that I plan on incorporating into my life in 2018 are:

  1. Keeping a more humble demeanor. That means not reacting or commenting on every little thing. That means learning when to walk away. That means focusing on the positive in every situation, even when it doesn’t turn out how I wanted or expected it to. That means having conversations to better understand people rather than to insult or ridicule them.
  2. Not expecting anything from anyone. That means learning to accept people for exactly who they are. Understanding that everyone has different qualities and sometimes they will be a help towards your goals and sometimes they will not.
  3. Being more empathetic and understanding of other people’s point of view. Improving my communication skills to allow me put myself in someone’s predicament as they’re explaining something to me. Being able to incorporate that empathy into my future thoughts, plans and decisions.

Hopefully by incorporating these things into my life I can become a better person than I was in 2017 which would be more beneficial for me and the people closest to me in my life.


She said: As I get older, I place more value on the quality of my relationships and less value on the number of people I have in my life. Life is full of ups and downs but what matters most for me is who is in my corner.This year I believe I will be happier and more successful so I want my team to consist of keepers, who are people that support and motivate me to be better.

My keepers are:

  1. Ride or Die: They got your back no matter what. You could be stranded on a dark road and they would get out of bed to come get you. Or you ran out of money to pay a parking ticket and they pay it for you. You just had a bad breakup so they stay on the phone all night until you feel better. Or you had a rough day so they take you out so you can relax. They don’t remind you of all the things they have done for you. They support you when you are up and down in life. You don’t speak all the time but you connect when it matters most. They keep you grounded, inspired and most of all focused.
  2. Pushers: They are your motivators when you get down or you are struggling with making changes in your life. You don’t have to be super close or speak to one another on a deeper level. Pushers can be family members, friends, mentors, co-workers or bosses. They remind you to keep going and to not give up. They tell you to do the right thing and to work hard at your goals. They are always looking for ways to help you be better and push you to the next level. They tell you the truth even if it hurts your feelings because they know you are capable of being the best.

At the end of 2017, I decided to commit myself to not settle when it comes to my relationships. If I handle things like a BOSS in my career and family, then I need to manage my relationships the same way. No excuses — this year I will evaluate my relationships so that I am surrounded by those who care about me and I care about them.




Writer, Counselor, Teacher & Overall Great Friend.