The Wedding Date by He Said & SheSaid

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4 min readNov 14, 2016


He said: Most people say that going to a wedding makes you want to get married….. I disagree. Going to a wedding makes you go over your present situation to figure out where you and your partner are going. Sometimes going to a wedding shows you that you WON’T be marrying the person you are with right now…… Let that sit on your brain for a minute.

I’ve attended several weddings and I’ve been apart of a few as well. It’s a very beautiful experience. I become genuinely happy for the newlyweds and I admire them because they’ve found someone they’re willing to spend the rest of their lives with.

Now the very first wedding I went to did give me a chill that ran through my body. You know, the one that makes you think maybe it’s time for me to get married. It’s crazy to think this way especially when you aren’t at that point with anyone.

There was a time when I attended a wedding and ended a relationship right there on the spot. In that moment, I realized that I had no business being in that situation in the first place. I was on the fence about fighting to make it last, but after the ceremony I knew in my heart…. I was done.

So I never entertained that possibility again. Each wedding I’ve been to afterwards has been fun, exciting and beautiful because the pressure was gone.

Although I’ve always dressed well, when I go to a wedding I make sure my suit is on point. I go to enjoy the party because at the end of the day it’s a celebration of a new union.

There’s no need to put that additional pressure on yourself to be where the bride and groom are. When and if it’s your time you’ll know it, and we’ll have a ball celebrating your union as well.

She said: I love weddings! I like to take in all the details — her dress, the color scheme, location of the ceremony, the attire of the wedding party, the DJ, the food and more.

I have attended too many to count because marriage is a big thing in my family. In fact, I was in my first wedding at the age of 9.

I do want to get married but to the right guy at the right time. I don’t need my family pressuring me to tie the knot or reminding me that it is time for me to settle down.

That being said, I don’t feel any pressure to be a bride when I attend wedding. I do get emotional seeing the love between the bride and groom as they exchange vows, dance together for the first time and taste their wedding cake.

When I attend a wedding, I am living in the moment and I am celebrating that couple’s day. I can sit back and be grateful that the couple included me in this special moment. Their wedding symbolizes what I want some day in the future…

So I usually go to weddings solo, with friends or with my sisters. I no longer attend a wedding with a date because I do not want the pressure of him thinking that we are more serious than we are. In the past, my date and I would go to a wedding and then afterwards he wanted to have a serious conversation about where are we headed.

My date felt he needed to PUSH me to discuss our future together because he wanted us to go to the next level. That push for a definition of what are we and where are we going usually ended our relationship. I am not against marriage or weddings but I feel that going to a wedding should not mean we are headed to the altar also.

If you go with a date to a wedding, then you should treat it as any other date. Yes, your friends or family members may be there but it does not mean he wants to marry you or you want to marry him. So enjoy the wedding and have fun!




Writer, Counselor, Teacher & Overall Great Friend.