Who can you REALLY trust?

Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018
Source: https://www.kncb.org/2018/02/03/therefore-not-put-trust-man/

He Said: Who can you really trust these days? Family? Friends? Relationships? Associates? This isn’t a tough question for some people. But for others this is really a difficult decision.

Trust usually goes hand in hand with time, but lately we decide to trust people way too soon. We want to have people that we can depend on and count on so badly that we rush the process. We don’t make people earn our trust anymore. It’s basically whomever is around us the most is who we delegate this responsibility to.

It’s a little different from a man’s perspective because of the many different things a man endures during the day from a expectation stand point. Many times a man falls and fails but has to keep those things to himself so that he’s not judged by his peers, his family, even his significant other. This forces some men into a shell.

For some men this shell is impenetrable. Superman himself couldn’t break through it. For those who do, they become special people to this man. People he can trust. But there are also men whose shell is just a layer that’s easy to break through. These men let anyone through with hopes that only people who really want good things for them will break through. When that doesn’t happen it can push that man into a deeper darker hole that he may not return from.

Trust is a very delicate thing. You don’t know a person’s history of trusting people and you could either be their savior or their executioner. Getting to know a person’s history is very important. Take the time to get to know people and have them get to know you as well. Real trust is rare these days.


She said: Trust for me is very important. I place a higher value on trust than love. I think it should be built over time as we both get to know one another. It is hard for me to instantly trust someone. I need time and patience to slow open up myself to that person as well as I need to show that person I can be trusted.

Yet, trust can be easily broken if my actions or their actions disrespect our relationship or friendship. Like small lies that build up to the point you question if the person is honest or it’s repeated excuses when you need that person to be there for you. In those instances, I find it hard to trust if he/she can change or stay in this relationship/friendship.

In the beginning, I am forgiving and understanding…but over time I will hit a wall where I say “enough is enough.” If you don’t value what we have or who I am, then I won’t waste my time trying to save this relationship.

I think what some men don’t realize is that once a woman no longer trusts you then she is close to leaving you…And if she slowly stops seeing, calling or texting you then she doesn’t want to be involved with you anymore. You may think she is just playing because she was so forgiving in the past. But women have this threshold for nonsense and problematic behaviors….once that threshold is met — it’s a wrap for us.

It is so hard to gain trust back when you have been repeatedly let down by others. So when you lose the trust of someone, take time to slowly show and prove to them that you can be trusted again by changing your actions/attitude, being considerate of their feelings and working on becoming a better version of yourself.

