
Project Heuristics
Published in
1 min readAug 21, 2020

I never liked the place,

That city just wasn’t for me.

It brimmed with tourists;

Teeming crowds,

Nesting on the colored streets.

Bathing in the sun,

Drowning in the neon lights

And you know me,

Crowds make me reek.

People came there

From grey cities dissolved

In gallons of smog;

To watch rivers merge and bleed

And to view the red trees in bloom,

Or to witness the sun set

Between pointed peaks.

Yes, it was all too beautiful

But sightseeing has

never been a priority.

I, for one,

Couldn’t live there

If it rained gold instead of acid.

It lacked a certain charm

Maybe a Starbucks or a zoo,

Or maybe a little less sulfur

Would have been good too.

maybe, I could even say perhaps

The city is clean and serene

It was just that it lacked you.

