Find the Eggs, get the Flakes!

Hexagon Finance
Hexagon Finance
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2022

The Hexagon Easter Competition is about to start.

To celebrate the special weekend, Hexagon is launching a new competition. We have hidden a total of five Easter eggs on our social media and documents. Users who find at least one are entitled to win a prize. And of course, the more you find, the higher the prize will be!

  • 1 Egg: 5 flake for 45 winners (225)
  • 2 Eggs: 10 flakes for 25 winners (250)
  • 3 Eggs: 15 flakes for 15 winners (225)
  • 4 Eggs: 20 flakes for 10 winners (200)
  • All Eggs: 25 flakes for 4 winners (100)

Total winners: 100

Total FLAKE: 1000

The competition will run from 00:00 UTC +14 on Sunday, April 17, to 23:59 UTC -12 on Monday, April 18. Only the responses received within this timeframe will be valid. Should all available spots be taken, users will qualify on a first-come-first-serve basis. In this case, users with enough eggs to qualify for a tier already filled will qualify automatically for the next (lower) tier.

In order to participate, you should fill in this form with 1) take a screenshot of the egg clearly showing the page where you have found it 2) your email address and 3) A valid c-chain address in this form.

Please know that sharing the location of any of the eggs on our social media channels will cause you to be banned from our community. (Nor is it in your interest to do so, since the number of prizes available is limited and more users entail more competition.)

Good luck!

