Hexagon Finance and Copper Launch will cooperate on AVAX launchpad

Hexagon Finance
Hexagon Finance
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2022

Raising liquidity will not be the same ever again

Hexagon is thrilled to announce Copper Launch, the well-known Ethereum launchpad that is about to deploy on Avalanche. And if possible, we are even more excited to say they will rely on Hexagon’s innovative LBP pool, an official fork of the original one from Balancer, to bring a whole new experience to fundraisers and investors in the ecosystem.

The backstory

Hexagon Finance is Balancer’s official fork on Avalanche, bringing users the whole innovative technology of the original platform. Including their popular Liquidity Bootstrapping Protocol (LBP, which allows platforms to raise liquidity in a fairer and overall more efficient way.

Copper Launch has built extensive experience — and a reputation — by using the original LBP on Ethereum, being instrumental in the launch of several projects there.

With Hexagon bringing the one technology Copper has been popularizing, and with Avalanche incessantly growing in the crypto space, it is only natural that the two teams will work closely to raise awareness about the potential of the LBP and spearhead its adoption.

A whole new world for projects and users alike

The Liquidity Bootstrapping Protocol (LBP) which Hexagon is deploying on Avalanche and Copper Launch will use for its auction, is so far the best guarantee against whales and bots during DeFi fundraising, providing a novel price discovery mechanism.

The protocol is a tool designed for crypto projects to generate liquidity from a small amount of seed capital and allows them to set up a fundraising pool. However, unlike in the Uniswap model, where the two pairs/assets in a fundraising pool must have the exact weight (50% to 50%), the weight in the Balancer’s LBP can be programmed to change over time.

Along with the weighting ratio, prices shift as well, with users trading tokens throughout the auction. This means that no one can predict where the price will end up at the end of the auction — ensuring all users have a fair chance.

It would be too long to get into the details of how the LBP works here, but we recommend those who are interested check this article.

About Hexagon Finance

Hexagon is the upcoming premier decentralized exchange and lending platform on Avalanche. An official fork of Balancer, Hexagon is incubated by Terraform Labs and supported by both Defrost Finance and Wanchain.

About Copper Launch

Copper is the most open, transparent, and user-friendly way to participate in Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools.

Liquidity and price discovery for an idea can now be easily bootstrapped by any community. Copper is here to help make LBPs accessible for everyone.

