Welcome Terra to Avalanche: +30% APR!

Hexagon Finance
Hexagon Finance
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2022

A new whitelist only for UST holders

Incubated by Terra, Hexagon Finance is the prime dex on Avalanche, an official fork of Balancer supported by Defrost Finance and Copper Launch. As the first fully UST-centric dex on the chain, we are looking forward to welcoming the Terra community to the fastest-growing chain out there!

And what better welcome party than a 30% extra reward for those who deposit wormhole UST on our DEX?

For one month following the deployment of our pool, users who are whitelisted and deposit UST in Hexagon’s single token pool will get an extra 30% reward compared to standard stakers. To be more precise, the APR for whitelisted users will be WL = APR of standard UST stakers * (1+30%).

The whitelist initiative runs from April 18 at UTC 14:00 to April 25 at UTC 14:00.

Tasks and regulations

Users who have at least 100 UST in their wallets, cross-chained on Avalanche, as of April 25 at 14:00 UTC can participate by completing the tasks shown below. Please be aware that the c-chain address you provide when applying must be the one holding the UST and will be the one to be whitelisted. To cross-chain UST, investors can use the Portal Bridge.

The whitelist is being managed through Sweepwidget, so please make sure you follow the link at the end of this post to log into their software before completing each action. (Again, please be aware we can whitelist only wormhole UST.)

We kindly remind users that failure to successfully complete every step will automatically result in disqualification.

  • Follow Hexagon on Twitter
  • Retweet our whitelist post
  • Post a tweet of your own and tag 5 friends
  • Join Hexagon’s official Telegram group
  • Join Hexagon’s official Discord Server
  • Provide your Avalanche C-chain address
  • Complete the above before April 25 at UTC 14:00


