Embracing My Identity in Tech

UXR Julia Meriel shares her personal story about claiming her identity as a woman, person of color, and an LGBTQ person working in tech.

Julia Meriel
Hexagon UX


Hello, world! I’m Julia, a user experience researcher inspired by design, and doing good. I’m powered by coffee, an invigorating exercise, and meaningful conversations. I volunteer as a writer with Hexagon and my home chapter is in Toronto. Today, I’m sharing with you my journey as I began to embrace my identity in tech, as a queer, female, first-generation Filipino-Canadian.

Me on the right, chatting with a student at a lunch and learn for Canada Learning Code. Photo by Lorraine Chuen.

I was a fresh graduate entering the tech world as a UX intern. I had a UX certificate from a local strategy firm, and experience from a UX class, a research entrepreneurship, and my thesis on human-computer interaction. I was (and still am) so excited about UX, especially when I realized it married my interests and that it had applications across varying fields.

I was set to start right out of school, but I had a hard time being confident in what I knew about UX. Was it enough? Am I supposed to be here? I was uncomfortable, and had thought it was because I was new. That wasn’t the case—my discomfort was with my identity as a person of color, a woman, and a member of the LGBTQ community working in tech.



Julia Meriel
Hexagon UX

User Researcher swinging through the jungle gym of life. Intrigued by design, research, history, culture, and new ideas. Playing sports fuels me.