Mastering Pagination in Sequelize

Advanced Techniques for Querying Associated Tables with Where Clauses and Solving a Known Issue

Mehmed Ali Çalışkan
23 min readMar 10, 2024



Sequelize is a powerful ORM that simplifies handling complex database CRUD operations through a straightforward configuration object, eliminating the need for SQL language proficiency. While its developer-friendly interface is a significant advantage, this convenience comes at the cost of reduced flexibility compared to raw SQL. This article will address a common challenge encountered when using Sequelize, particularly with the PostgreSQL dialect. The issue arises when attempting to combine pagination (via `limit` and `offset`) with a `where` clause that involves conditions on joined (associated) tables or within the join clause itself. Such scenarios often result in Sequelize generating inefficient or incorrect SQL statements. Our focus will be on exploring this problem and providing practical solutions to overcome it.

In this article, I’ll employ a step-by-step approach to delve into a common issue faced when using Sequelize with the PostgreSQL dialect, particularly involving pagination and complex `where` clauses on associated tables. We’ll begin by reproducing the problem through a practical example, complete with real code snippets and database objects. This will ensure that the challenge is not only understood in theory but also demonstrated in a context that’s encountered in actual development scenarios.

To keep our exploration focused and accessible, the sample business domain chosen will be simple yet sufficiently reflective of real-world applications. This approach guarantees that while the example remains straightforward, it effectively highlights the core of the problem and provides a solid foundation for the solution.

Following the problem demonstration, I will present a solution, again leveraging actual code examples. This solution aims not just to address the issue at hand but also to offer insights into best practices when dealing with similar challenges in Sequelize. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to using ORMs for database management, this article is designed to equip you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of Sequelize pagination and associated table querying efficiently.

Business Domain Structure

For our exploration into handling complex queries with Sequelize, especially concerning pagination and associated table conditions, we’ll focus on a business domain within the e-commerce sector. This domain involves managing product inventory across different warehouse locations, a common scenario for online retail operations.

Product Table

This table forms the core of our domain, detailing the items available for sale. Each product record will include:
— Name: The name of the product.
— Image: A link or reference to the product’s image.
— Price: The selling price of the product.
— Weight: The weight of the product, which could influence shipping logistics and costs.

Warehouse Table

To manage the distribution and storage of products, we’ll have a Warehouse table that includes:
— Name: The name of the warehouse, typically indicating its location to hint at logistical considerations like shipping times and costs.

ProductStock Table (Through Table)

This table represents the many-to-many relationship between Products and Warehouses, indicating the stock level of each product at each warehouse. It includes:
— ProductId: A foreign key linking to the Product table.
— **WarehouseId**: A foreign key linking to the Warehouse table.
— Quantity: The number of units of the product available in the warehouse.

Target Scenario

The scenario we’ll address involves querying this setup to find products based on certain criteria (e.g., price, weight) while also considering the stock levels in various warehouses. For example, a query might seek products under a certain price, weighing less than a specified amount, and available in a warehouse located within a certain region. Adding pagination to this query introduces the complexity we aim to solve: efficiently paginating through products that meet all these criteria, including their associated stock information from different warehouses.

By working through this scenario, we’ll demonstrate the challenges of performing such queries in Sequelize, especially when combining pagination with conditions on associated tables. The goal is to provide a clear solution that allows for efficient and accurate data retrieval in complex business domains such as this.

The Code

The model file

This file includes the necessary Sequelize model definitions for our business domain, setting up the many-to-many relationship through the ProductStock table. Remember to adjust the database connection settings in the Sequelize instance to match your actual database configuration.

// model.js

const { Sequelize,DataTypes } = require('sequelize');

const sequelize = new Sequelize('pagination', 'postgres', "178906", {
host: "localhost",
port: 5432,
dialect: "postgres",
logging: false,
pool: {
max: 9,
min: 0,
idle: 10000,

const Product = sequelize.define('Product', {
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
image: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: true
price: {
type: DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2),
allowNull: false
weight: {
type: DataTypes.DECIMAL(10, 2),
allowNull: false
}, {
// Other model options go here

const Warehouse = sequelize.define('Warehouse', {
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
allowNull: false
}, {
// Other model options go here

const ProductStock = sequelize.define('ProductStock', {
quantity: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
allowNull: false
}, {
// Other model options go here

// Associations
Product.belongsToMany(Warehouse, { through: ProductStock });
Warehouse.belongsToMany(Product, { through: ProductStock });

module.exports = { Product, Warehouse, ProductStock, sequelize };

The Index File

This is index.js file that establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database with Sequelize, syncs the database schema, and sets up an Express.js server with CORS enabled. This script includes the main function that initiates the Sequelize connection using a placeholder PostgreSQL connection string. Make sure to replace 'postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb' with your actual database credentials. It also demonstrates how to sync the models with the database and start an Express server on a default or environment-specified port, with CORS policy enabled for cross-origin requests.

// index.js file
const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const { Sequelize } = require('sequelize');
const models = require('./model.js');

// Initialize Express app
const app = express();

const sequelize = models.sequelize;

async function main() {
try {
// Test the database connection
await sequelize.authenticate();
console.log('Connection to the database has been established successfully.');

// Sync all models with the database
await sequelize.sync({ force: true });
console.log('All models were synchronized successfully.');

// Express server setup
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', error);


The Init File

The init.js file that inserts sample data into the Product, Warehouse, and ProductStock tables using Sequelize functions. This script includes a subset of products and warehouses to demonstrate the process. Each product is given a placeholder image URL, which you can replace with actual image links from public online sources. The script also randomly assigns stock numbers to products in each warehouse, intentionally leaving some products out of certain warehouses to simulate a realistic scenario.

// init.js file
const { Product, Warehouse, ProductStock } = require('./model.js');

const productData = [
{ name: 'Laptop', image: '', price: 999.99, weight: 2.5 },
{ name: 'Smartphone', image: '', price: 599.99, weight: 0.2 },
{ name: 'Tablet', image: '', price: 459.99, weight: 0.9 },
{ name: 'Bluetooth Headphones', image: '', price: 89.99, weight: 0.5 },
{ name: 'Smart Watch', image: '', price: 199.99, weight: 0.3 },
{ name: 'E-Reader', image: '', price: 129.99, weight: 0.4 },
{ name: 'Portable Charger', image: '', price: 29.99, weight: 0.6 },
{ name: 'Wireless Mouse', image: '', price: 24.99, weight: 0.2 },
{ name: 'Keyboard', image: '', price: 49.99, weight: 0.8 },
{ name: 'Webcam', image: '', price: 70.99, weight: 0.2 },
{ name: 'External Hard Drive', image: '', price: 59.99, weight: 1.5 },
{ name: 'USB Flash Drive', image: '', price: 19.99, weight: 0.1 },
{ name: 'Gaming Console', image: '', price: 299.99, weight: 3.5 },
{ name: 'Action Camera', image: '', price: 119.99, weight: 0.7 },
{ name: 'Drone', image: '', price: 749.99, weight: 1.5 },
{ name: 'VR Headset', image: '', price: 399.99, weight: 1.2 },
{ name: 'Wireless Speaker', image: '', price: 99.99, weight: 1.0 },
{ name: 'Fitness Tracker', image: '', price: 59.99, weight: 0.2 },
{ name: 'Digital Camera', image: '', price: 499.99, weight: 1.0 },
{ name: 'Projector', image: '', price: 249.99, weight: 2.0 }

const warehouseData = [
{ name: 'California Warehouse' },
{ name: 'Texas Warehouse' },
{ name: 'New York Warehouse' },
{ name: 'Florida Warehouse' },

async function insertSampleData() {
try {
// Insert Product data
for (const product of productData) {
await Product.create(product);

// Insert Warehouse data
for (const warehouse of warehouseData) {
await Warehouse.create(warehouse);

// Insert ProductStock data with random quantities
const products = await Product.findAll();
const warehouses = await Warehouse.findAll();

for (const product of products) {
for (const warehouse of warehouses) {
if (Math.random() > 0.2) { // 80% chance to have the product in each warehouse
await ProductStock.create({
quantity: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1, // Random quantity between 1 and 100

console.log('Sample data inserted successfully.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error inserting sample data:', error);

module.exports = insertSampleData;

Now, we will integrate the `insertSampleData` function call into the `index.js` file, enabling the insertion of sample data automatically after the application initiates.

const insertSampleData = require('./init.js');


async function main() {
try {
// Test the database connection
await sequelize.authenticate();
console.log('Connection to the database has been established successfully.');

// Sync all models with the database
await sequelize.sync({ force: true });
console.log('All models were synchronized successfully.');

// Insert sample data after models synchronization
await insertSampleData();

// Express server setup
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', error);

Exploring Database Queries

Next, we delve into crafting query scenarios that challenge the database’s capabilities. Initially, we’ll query the products within specific price and weight ranges, observing the straightforward SQL generated by Sequelize. Subsequently, we introduce pagination to the same query. This modification will primarily add limit and offset clauses, demonstrating that despite the pagination, the core query structure remains largely unchanged. This step-by-step escalation allows us to better understand the nuances of Sequelize-generated SQL, especially when handling more complex querying requirements.

Adding getProductsByRange function

Below is a JavaScript function named getProductsInRange that uses Sequelize's findAll method to query products within specified price and weight ranges, including support for pagination through limit and offset parameters.

async function getProductsInRange({ priceMin, priceMax, weightMin, weightMax, limit, offset }) {
try {
const products = await Product.findAll({
where: {
price: {
[Sequelize.Op.between]: [priceMin, priceMax]
weight: {
[Sequelize.Op.between]: [weightMin, weightMax]
return products;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching products in range:', error);
throw error; // Re-throw the error to be handled by the caller

This function takes an object params containing the minimum and maximum values for price and weight, as well as pagination parameters limit and offset. It constructs a query to find all products within the specified price and weight ranges, applying the pagination constraints.

Ensure that the import statement for Product matches the location of your model file and that Sequelize.Op is accessible for defining the between operator, which may require adjusting the Sequelize import as needed.

When we make a call this function with below parameters the generated sql and the data results are as follows:

    const results = await getProductsInRange({
priceMin: 0,
priceMax: 1000,
weightMin: 0,
weightMax: 1,
limit: null,
offset: null,
SELECT "id", "name", "image", "price", "weight", "createdAt", "updatedAt" 
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
WHERE "Product"."price" BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
AND "Product"."weight" BETWEEN 0 AND 1;
id: 2,
name: 'Smartphone',
image: '',
price: '599.99',
weight: '0.20',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.324Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.324Z
id: 3,
name: 'Tablet',
image: '',
price: '459.99',
weight: '0.90',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.325Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.325Z
id: 4,
name: 'Bluetooth Headphones',
image: '',
price: '89.99',
weight: '0.50',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.326Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.326Z
id: 5,
name: 'Smart Watch',
image: '',
price: '199.99',
weight: '0.30',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.327Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.327Z
id: 6,
name: 'E-Reader',
image: '',
price: '129.99',
weight: '0.40',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.328Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.328Z
id: 7,
name: 'Portable Charger',
image: '',
price: '29.99',
weight: '0.60',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.329Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.329Z
id: 8,
name: 'Wireless Mouse',
image: '',
price: '24.99',
weight: '0.20',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.331Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.331Z
id: 9,
name: 'Keyboard',
image: '',
price: '49.99',
weight: '0.80',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.332Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.332Z
id: 10,
name: 'Webcam',
image: '',
price: '70.99',
weight: '0.20',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.334Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.334Z
id: 12,
name: 'USB Flash Drive',
image: '',
price: '19.99',
weight: '0.10',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.335Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.335Z
id: 14,
name: 'Action Camera',
image: '',
price: '119.99',
weight: '0.70',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.336Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.336Z
id: 17,
name: 'Wireless Speaker',
image: '',
price: '99.99',
weight: '1.00',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.338Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.338Z
id: 18,
name: 'Fitness Tracker',
image: '',
price: '59.99',
weight: '0.20',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.339Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.339Z
id: 19,
name: 'Digital Camera',
image: '',
price: '499.99',
weight: '1.00',
createdAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.339Z,
updatedAt: 2024-03-09T21:48:54.339Z

As demonstrated, our query returned a total of 14 products. To paginate these results in sets of five, for fetching the first page, we will specify a limit of 5 and an offset of 0 in our query parameters.

Here’s the generated SQL. To conserve space, I’ll omit displaying the results.

SELECT "id", "name", "image", "price", "weight", "createdAt", "updatedAt" 
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
WHERE "Product"."price" BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
AND "Product"."weight" BETWEEN 0 AND 1

As observed, the SQL has been modified to include just the limit and offset parameters.

Enhancing Queries with Associated Tables

We will now upgrade our getProductsInRange function to incorporate the ProductStock and Warehouse models. This enhancement allows us to retrieve not only the products fitting our search criteria but also their stock levels across different warehouses. Initially, our search parameters will remain unchanged; we are simply extending the query to include related tables for a more comprehensive view of each product's availability.

async function getProductsInRange({ priceMin, priceMax, weightMin, weightMax, limit, offset }) {
try {
const products = await Product.findAll({
where: {
price: {
[Sequelize.Op.between]: [priceMin, priceMax]
weight: {
[Sequelize.Op.between]: [weightMin, weightMax]
include: [{
model: ProductStock,
include: [{
model: Warehouse
return products;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching products with stock information:', error);
throw error; // Re-throw the error to be handled by the caller

Here’s the SQL generated when invoking our enhanced function, which now includes associated tables but excludes pagination. Although the query has grown longer, it still follows a straightforward pattern, utilizing left joins for the associated tables. In our specific example, while our initial query returned 14 unique products, executing this enhanced SQL directly in PostgreSQL (e.g., through the pgAdmin tool) could lead to a dataset larger than 14 rows, reflecting the multiple entries due to joins. In our case, this expanded to 40 rows, accounting for the various stock levels across warehouses. However, it’s essential to note that these numbers — 14 for unique products and 40 for the resultant rows — are specific to our scenario and may differ based on the dataset and user environment. Sequelize adeptly condenses these repeated rows into distinct product objects, effectively preserving the dataset’s logical structure while providing a richer data view through intelligent aggregation.

SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image", 
"Product"."price", "Product"."weight", "Product"."createdAt",
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity",
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId",
"ProductStocks->Warehouse"."id" AS "",
"ProductStocks->Warehouse"."name" AS ""
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "Warehouses" AS "ProductStocks->Warehouse"
ON "ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" = "ProductStocks->Warehouse"."id"
WHERE "Product"."price" BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
AND "Product"."weight" BETWEEN 0 AND 1

Given the scenario where the original data consists of 40 rows representing 14 distinct products, directly applying a limit of 5 and an offset of 0 in our SQL to fetch the first 5 products won't yield the expected outcome. This straightforward approach would retrieve the first 5 rows out of the 40, which may not correspond to 5 unique products due to the repeated rows from joins with the ProductStock table. This method risks fragmenting the data, potentially returning incomplete information about the products.

Sequelize, recognizing the intricacies of managing associated data, adeptly navigates this challenge by constructing a more nuanced query. Instead of directly applying the limit and offset to the entire dataset, Sequelize formulates a subquery. This subquery first isolates the initial set of products—identifying the distinct products that meet the query criteria. Following this, Sequelize executes the outer query, performing the necessary joins with the associated tables. This approach ensures that the limit and offset accurately apply to distinct products, thereby preserving the logical grouping of data.

This sophisticated query strategy enables Sequelize to deliver precisely the first 5 unique products, fully populated with their associated data from ProductStock and other related tables, effectively addressing the potential discrepancy between the raw row count and the logical dataset composition. This demonstrates Sequelize's ability to handle complex querying scenarios with associated data, ensuring that developers can implement pagination and other query modifications without compromising data integrity or structure.

SELECT "Product".*, 
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity",
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId",
"ProductStocks->Warehouse"."id" AS "",
"ProductStocks->Warehouse"."name" AS "",
FROM (SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image",
"Product"."price", "Product"."weight" FROM "Products" AS "Product"
WHERE "Product"."price" BETWEEN 0 AND 1000
AND "Product"."weight" BETWEEN 0 AND 1
LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0) AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "Warehouses" AS "ProductStocks->Warehouse"
ON "ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" = "ProductStocks->Warehouse"."id";

The Challenge of Complex Queries

We’re now faced with a more nuanced requirement: to refine our getProductsInRange function to include search criteria based on both the minimum price of products and a minimum quantity available in any warehouse. This adjustment mandates that our query criteria span both the main Product table and the associated ProductStock table, a scenario that introduces complexity due to the need to filter based on conditions across associated models.

First, we’ll adapt our getProductsInRange function to accommodate these new parameters. Following this update, we'll conduct tests to scrutinize the SQL queries generated by Sequelize under these conditions, as well as to evaluate the accuracy and relevance of the results returned. This exercise will not only highlight Sequelize's capabilities in managing queries across associated tables but also shed light on its behavior and limitations in scenarios requiring advanced query logic. Here's how we might begin to adapt our function:

async function getProductsInRangeWithStock({ minPrice, minQuantity, limit, offset }) {
try {
const products = await Product.findAll({
where: {
price: {
[Sequelize.Op.gte]: minPrice
include: [{
model: ProductStock,
where: {
quantity: {
[Sequelize.Op.gte]: minQuantity
required: true // Ensures an INNER JOIN to only get products with sufficient stock
return products;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching products with stock information:', error);
throw error;

In this revised function, we’re looking for products that not only meet the minimum price requirement but also have a stock quantity exceeding a specified threshold in any of their associated warehouses. Post-adjustment, testing this function will provide insights into how Sequelize constructs and executes SQL queries for complex filtering across related tables, as well as its efficiency and accuracy in data retrieval under such constraints.

When executing our refined function without pagination parameters, Sequelize constructs a straightforward SQL query that incorporates joins. These joins are not limited to merely matching IDs between tables but extend to include additional criteria specified in the ON clause. Here's a conceptual overview of how such a SQL query might appear:

SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image", "Product"."price",
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity",
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId"
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
INNER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
AND "ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 40
WHERE "Product"."price" >= 100;

This query effectively retrieves products that meet the minimum price criterion and are available in quantities surpassing the specified minimum in any warehouse. By including conditions in the JOIN clause (ON criteria), Sequelize refines the join operation to align with the filtering requirements for both price and stock quantity.

This methodology showcases Sequelize’s capability to execute complex queries involving conditions on associated models directly within the SQL joins, providing a seamless and efficient way to fetch data that meets multi-faceted search criteria.

Adding pagination to the Sequelize findAll call introduces a significant complexity, particularly when the query involves filtering based on conditions in associated tables. When pagination is applied, Sequelize needs to ensure that the pagination accurately reflects distinct entities from the primary model, in this case, Product, while also adhering to search criteria that span across associated tables like ProductStock.

SELECT "Product".*, "ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity", 
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId" FROM
(SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image",
"Product"."price", "Product"."weight", "Product"."createdAt",
"Product"."updatedAt" FROM "Products" AS "Product"
WHERE "Product"."price" >= 100 AND
(SELECT "ProductId" FROM "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
WHERE ("ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 40
AND "ProductStocks"."ProductId" = "Product"."id") LIMIT 1 ) IS NOT NULL
LIMIT 4 OFFSET 0) AS "Product"
INNER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
AND "ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 40;

Examining the Sequelize-generated SQL query with pagination applied, we see a sophisticated approach to addressing the challenge of combining pagination with search criteria on associated tables. The query consists of two main components:

  1. Subquery for Pagination: The outer SELECT statement targets the Product table but wraps a subquery that selects products. This subquery applies the initial filter ("Product"."price" >= 100) and an additional condition to ensure that only products with a sufficient quantity in stock are considered. This is achieved through a correlated subquery within the WHERE clause, which checks for the existence of at least one ProductStock record meeting the quantity requirement for each product. The LIMIT and OFFSET are applied within this subquery, ensuring that pagination applies to the distinct products meeting the search criteria.
  2. Join with ProductStocks for Detailed Data: After identifying the products of interest in the subquery, the outer query then joins these results with the ProductStocks table. This join is not merely on the product ID but also re-applies the stock quantity condition. This ensures that the final result set includes, for each selected product, the associated stock information meeting the specified criteria.

This query illustrates a complex but efficient strategy to tackle the dual requirements of filtering by both main and associated table attributes while also implementing pagination. By first narrowing down the products of interest through a subquery that incorporates both price and stock quantity filters, and then performing a join to fetch detailed stock information, Sequelize manages to preserve the logical integrity of paginated results. This approach ensures that the pagination accurately reflects distinct products rather than individual stock records, which could lead to misleading or incomplete data sets if handled differently.

Diving Into More Complex Queries

In the previous section, we explored how Sequelize adeptly manages queries involving both pagination and conditions on associated tables, employing a strategy that combines subqueries for product selection with subsequent joins to related data. This approach ensures accurate pagination and data integrity by isolating the pagination mechanism from the complexities of joins that might otherwise lead to duplicated entries.

Now, we venture into an even more intricate scenario: constructing a query that necessitates combining conditions on both the main table and associated tables within a single where clause. This setup challenges Sequelize further, as it requires the ORM to navigate a delicate balance. The objective is to produce an SQL query that not only filters the main entity based on its attributes but also incorporates filtering criteria that span related entities, all within the same query structure.

For this advanced scenario, we’re tasked with crafting a query that selects products based on a combined condition: either the product meets a minimum stock quantity in any warehouse, or it surpasses a minimum price threshold. This necessitates a WHERE clause that integrates conditions spanning both the main Product table and the associated ProductStock table, linked by an OR operator. To reference fields from associated tables directly in the main WHERE clause, Sequelize employs a notation using $ symbols surrounding the field reference.

Let’s redesign our getProductsInRange function to incorporate this sophisticated WHERE clause utilizing Sequelize's special syntax for associated table references:

async function getProductsInRangeWithComplexCondition({ minPrice, minQuantity, limit, offset }) {
try {
const products = await Product.findAll({
where: {
[Sequelize.Op.or]: [
{ price: { [Sequelize.Op.gte]: minPrice } },
{ '$ProductStocks.quantity$': { [Sequelize.Op.gte]: minQuantity } }
include: [{
model: ProductStock,
required: false // Use required:false for OUTER JOIN to include products that may not have stock records
return products;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching products with complex conditions:', error);
throw error;

When the function is executed without pagination parameters, Sequelize generates a SQL query that effectively addresses both conditions specified in the WHERE clause—either the product has a minimum price or a certain stock quantity across any warehouse. The SQL Sequelize generated is a direct reflection of this logic:

SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image", 
"Product"."price", "Product"."weight",
"ProductStocks"."id" AS "",
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId",
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity",
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
WHERE ("Product"."price" >= 200 OR "ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 60);

This query does several things:

  • It selects product and product stock information, using a LEFT OUTER JOIN to include products even if they don’t have associated entries in the ProductStocks table.
  • The WHERE clause combines the conditions for product price and stock quantity using the OR operator, ensuring that products meeting either criterion are included in the results.

Given your observation that running this SQL in pgAdmin yields 37 rows, while Sequelize interprets this as 17 distinct products, it’s evident that Sequelize is effectively aggregating the results based on product identity. This distinction between the raw row count and the logical count of distinct products showcases Sequelize’s ability to intelligently process and consolidate data fetched through complex queries, ensuring that the final output aligns with the application’s logical data model.

The difference in row counts — 37 from the direct SQL execution versus 17 distinct products identified by Sequelize — highlights the ORM’s capability to navigate and reconcile the complexities introduced by JOIN operations and conditions spanning across main and associated tables. This underscores the utility of Sequelize in abstracting and managing the intricacies of SQL queries and result set processing, facilitating the development of applications that require sophisticated data retrieval logic.

The problem

When introducing pagination parameters to collect the first 4 products matching the criteria, Sequelize attempts to construct a SQL query that first selects the matching products in a subquery with pagination, and then attempts to join these results with the associated ProductStocks table. However, this approach encounters a significant challenge:

SELECT "Product".*, "ProductStocks"."id" AS "", 
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId",
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity",
SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image",
"Product"."price", "Product"."weight",
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
WHERE ("Product"."price" >= 200 OR "ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 60)
) AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks" ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId";

The SQL generated encounters a runtime error: missing FROM-clause entry for table “ProductStocks”.

This error occurs because the subquery attempts to reference the ProductStocks table for filtering based on stock quantity before this table is joined in the outer query. Since the ProductStocks table isn't associated in the subquery's scope, the SQL engine doesn't recognize the ProductStocks reference, leading to the error.

The core of the problem is Sequelize’s handling of complex conditions that span main and associated tables within a paginated subquery. In cases where the condition requires data from an associated table, constructing a subquery that only operates on the main table and expecting to apply conditions from associated tables is problematic. Sequelize, in this instance, cannot automatically resolve how to structure the query to satisfy both the pagination applied to the main table and the filtering condition that relies on data from an associated table.

This scenario illustrates the limits of ORM-generated queries when dealing with complex inter-table conditions and pagination, highlighting the need for developer intervention in certain cases.

In certain online discussions, a workaround involving adding a subQuery: false configuration to the options of the findAll function is sometimes proposed. This configuration instructs Sequelize to produce a flat SQL statement without employing a subquery, effectively bypassing the aforementioned error. However, while this approach resolves the immediate error, it introduces a new issue: pagination is applied to the entire set of rows returned by the query, potentially leading to an inaccurate count of objects and an incorrect starting offset. This is because the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses now operate on the combined result set, including joined rows, which may not reflect the intended pagination of distinct products.

Nevertheless, this workaround can still prove useful under specific conditions. If the associated tables are related to the main table in a one-to-one relationship and you can guarantee that there won’t be any duplicate rows resulting from the join, the approach becomes viable. In such scenarios, since each row in the associated table uniquely corresponds to a single row in the main table, the pagination applied to the flat result set correctly reflects the desired pagination of distinct entities.

Solution : A revised Query Logic

Solving this challenge typically requires a more manual approach, thse 3 workarounds can be suggested as a solution to the issue:

  • Custom SQL: Writing custom SQL that correctly structures the joins and subqueries to satisfy the conditions and pagination requirements.
  • Sequelize Hooks or Raw Queries: Utilizing Sequelize’s hooks or executing raw queries directly to manage the complex logic outside of the standard Sequelize query generation mechanisms.
  • Revising Query Logic: Simplifying or restructuring the query logic to separate concerns, possibly by first fetching the IDs of products that match the conditions and then retrieving the detailed information in a separate query.

To effectively navigate the challenges posed by complex queries involving pagination and conditions across associated tables, I present a refined manual strategy using the third method as a workarond. This approach utilizes Sequelize’s capabilities to perform operations in two distinct stages, ensuring both accuracy and efficiency in data retrieval:

  1. Initial Identification of Product IDs: We begin by executing a query that leverages Sequelize’s functionalities to fetch distinct product IDs meeting our specific criteria. This step smartly integrates conditions that span both the main Product table and the associated ProductStock table, employing an OR operator to encapsulate our complex filtering logic. By including the associated table and specifying a required: false flag, we ensure an inner join is performed only to validate the condition without retrieving additional fields from the ProductStock table. Furthermore, setting subQuery: false instructs Sequelize to construct a flat SQL statement, eliminating potential subquery complications and ensuring accurate pagination directly on the distinct product IDs.
  2. Retrieval of Comprehensive Product Details: Armed with the list of product IDs from the initial step, we conduct a second query to gather all relevant information for these products. This includes detailed attributes from both the Product table and associated data from the ProductStock table. This sequential querying method sidesteps the difficulties inherent in applying complex conditions and pagination in a single operation.

Here’s the refined function demonstrating this approach:

async function getProductsInRange(options) {
const { minPrice, minQuantity, limit, offset } = options;

// Step 1: Fetch distinct product IDs
const productIdsData = await Product.findAll({
attributes: [[Sequelize.literal('DISTINCT "Product"."id"'), "id"]],
where: {
[Sequelize.Op.or]: [
{ price: { [Sequelize.Op.gte]: minPrice } },
{ "$ProductStocks.quantity$": { [Sequelize.Op.gte]: minQuantity } },
include: [{
model: ProductStock,
required: false,
attributes: [],
subQuery: false,
raw: true,
const productIds = =>;

// Step 2: Fetch detailed product info
const products = await Product.findAll({
where: { id: { []: productIds } },
include: [{ model: ProductStock }],

return products;

By adopting this two-step querying process, we leverage Sequelize to handle complex query requirements effectively. This method not only circumvents the limitations seen with traditional querying strategies but also provides a clear and scalable pattern for fetching data that satisfies intricate conditions, showcasing a powerful and flexible use of Sequelize for complex data retrieval scenarios.

In tackling complex query requirements with Sequelize, especially when involving conditions across main and associated tables, a strategic approach can significantly enhance both performance and accuracy. This article demonstrates a two-step querying technique that efficiently addresses these complexities.

Step 1: Identifying Relevant Product IDs

The initial phase involves fetching distinct product IDs that meet our specified criteria. Here’s the SQL statement Sequelize generates for this purpose:

SELECT DISTINCT "Product"."id" AS "id"
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
WHERE ("Product"."price" >= 200 OR "ProductStocks"."quantity" >= 60)

This query adeptly navigates the conditions set forth — selecting products based on price or stock quantity. The application of DISTINCT ensures only unique IDs are considered, with LIMIT and OFFSET facilitating direct pagination at this juncture.

Step 2: Gathering Detailed Product Information

Following the acquisition of product IDs, a second query is executed to retrieve comprehensive details for these products:

SELECT "Product"."id", "Product"."name", "Product"."image", "Product"."price", 
"Product"."weight", "ProductStocks"."id" AS "",
"ProductStocks"."ProductId" AS "ProductStocks.ProductId",
"ProductStocks"."WarehouseId" AS "ProductStocks.WarehouseId",
"ProductStocks"."quantity" AS "ProductStocks.quantity"
FROM "Products" AS "Product"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "ProductStocks" AS "ProductStocks"
ON "Product"."id" = "ProductStocks"."ProductId"
WHERE "Product"."id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4);

This SQL statement focuses on extracting all pertinent attributes and associated ProductStock information for the identified products, ensuring a comprehensive dataset is compiled.

Conclusion: Insightful Observations

In conclusion, our exploration of complex querying techniques with Sequelize underscores the adaptability and robustness of this ORM in navigating intricate data retrieval scenarios. Through a meticulously structured two-step process, we demonstrated how to efficiently manage conditions spanning both main and associated tables, a task that initially seemed daunting due to the complexities of pagination and associated table conditions.

Our journey began with the challenge of fetching distinct product IDs based on specific criteria, followed by a deeper dive to gather comprehensive details for these products. While this approach required a manual orchestration between the two steps, it illuminated the path for handling complex queries with precision and efficiency.

This exploration not only highlights Sequelize’s capabilities in addressing advanced data retrieval needs but also opens the door for discussions on potential ORM enhancements. As tools like Sequelize continue to evolve, the anticipation grows for features that could automate such compound queries, making complex data handling more intuitive and less cumbersome for developers.

The strategies and insights shared in this article aim to equip developers with the knowledge and tools to tackle similar challenges in their projects. As we look forward to advancements in ORM technology, the possibilities for more seamless integration of complex queries into application development seem both promising and exciting. Our collaborative journey through these challenges reflects the dynamic nature of web development and the continuous quest for more elegant solutions in data management.

