Sharing Data and Business Logic Between Microservices

Mehmed Ali Çalışkan
Published in
26 min readNov 22, 2023


In the realm of modern software development, microservice architecture stands out as a beacon of scalability, reliability, and sustainability. At its core, this architecture paradigm champions the distribution of business logic across a constellation of self-contained, product-like microservices, each governing its own distinct domain. Such an approach begins with a deeply analytical mindset, fragmenting the software landscape into manageable, autonomous segments. This analytical phase is rooted in the principles of domain-driven design, where the smallest functional units of software are identified and developed as meaningful domains. These domains typically encapsulate the primary entities of your application, such as customers, orders, products, invoices, and payments.

However, the real challenge — and the focus of this article — lies in the synthesis of these disparate domains. Creating a seamless, non-blocking, performant, and error-free medium for communication and data sharing between microservices is a task that demands both technical acumen and strategic foresight.

In a previous article, A Guide to Excellence in Microservices: 12 Essential Practices, we explored the theoretical underpinnings of both the analytical and synthetic aspects of microservice architecture. Building on that foundation, this article delves into the practical strategies and solutions we’ve developed at Hexaworks to enable effective consumption and interaction of business logic among microservices.

Common Cases and Issues in Inter-Service design

In a microservice-based architecture, numerous independent services each control their own domain, managing both data and the business logic related to that data. However, this independence is somewhat illusory.

Consider an Invoice service, whose primary responsibility is to generate customer invoices based on orders. These orders might involve products across various categories and brands, each subject to differing prices influenced by ongoing marketing campaigns. At first glance, it appears that the Invoice service independently manages the creation of invoices. Yet, a closer examination reveals its reliance on other microservices. Information about customers, orders, products, prices, and campaigns are not inherently part of the Invoice service’s domain. They are, instead, managed by separate microservices.

This scenario underscores a fundamental truth about microservices: no service is entirely standalone. Each microservice inevitably must interact with others, not only to access data but also to leverage their business logic. This interconnectedness, while beneficial for modularizing and scaling applications, also introduces a set of challenges in ensuring efficient, reliable, and coherent inter-service communication and operations.

Case 1: The Need for Remote Data in Operational Processes

In the realm of microservice architectures, a frequent requirement is for a microservice to obtain external data to execute its business logic. This dependency on remote data introduces various complexities.

Take, for example, a Basket microservice in an e-commerce application. Its primary function is to compute the total amount payable at checkout, necessitating access to product prices. In this context, rather than directly accessing the database of another microservice, which is against microservice design principles, the Basket service would typically retrieve this information via an API provided by the Product microservice. This method ensures that each service remains loosely coupled and maintains its autonomy.

The complexity of data retrieval can vary. In straightforward scenarios, the Basket service might receive static product prices through the Product service’s API. However, in more complex setups, the required data might not be as readily accessible or straightforward. For example, if the e-commerce platform employs dynamic pricing strategies influenced by marketing campaigns or discount coupons, the Product (or another) microservice may need to perform additional computations. In such cases, the API would provide not just raw data but also the results of complex rule-based calculations. This demonstrates that in more intricate scenarios, it’s not just the data that is shared between microservices, but also the logic and rules necessary to process that data.

Case 2: The Need for Remote Data in Aggregation

In contrast to the operational data needs discussed in Case 1, there are scenarios where remote data is required primarily for presentation to the user. This type of data aggregation presents its own set of challenges and considerations.

Consider a Product service within an e-commerce platform. This service might hold only the IDs of product categories, which are sufficient for its internal operations. However, when it comes to displaying products on the user frontend, additional information, such as the category names, becomes necessary. These descriptive details are typically managed by a separate Category service.

In such instances, the Product service needs to integrate data from the Category service. This integration can be straightforward if the Category service provides static data directly from its database. But, as with operational data, the complexity increases if the required information is dynamically managed. The Category service might, for instance, provide category names that are subject to change or localization based on user preferences or regional settings.

In these situations, different aggregation solutions come into play. Since the primary goal is to enrich the product information for presentation purposes, the strategies for fetching and combining data from the Category service might differ from those used for operational data needs. These solutions, which we will explore in the following sections, aim to efficiently collate and present data from multiple microservices in a cohesive and user-friendly manner.

Case 3: The Need to Be Notified of State Changes in Related Services

In microservice architectures, each service autonomously manages its own data and state changes. However, inter-service dependencies often necessitate that a microservice be informed of state changes in another service. This need for cross-service communication is a critical aspect of ensuring cohesive and responsive system behavior.

Take, for example, a Notification service within an application. Its functionality is contingent upon being aware of new user registrations, a process managed by a separate User service. Upon a new user registration, the Notification service needs to trigger a welcome email. Similarly, a Logistics service would need to know when an Order service has created a new order to initiate the logistics and delivery process.

These scenarios highlight a common challenge in microservice architectures: ensuring that relevant state changes in one service are effectively communicated to and acknowledged by other dependent services. This challenge mirrors real-life communication where the smooth operation of a system, or in broader terms, a community or organization, depends on the timely and accurate exchange of information regarding significant events or changes.

Addressing this challenge involves designing a communication strategy that allows services to remain aware of and respond to pertinent changes in the state of other services. The details of these strategies, which enable services to operate harmoniously and efficiently, will be explored in the solution sections of this discussion.

Case 4: Managing Distributed Transactions

In microservice architectures, executing transactions that span multiple services introduces a complex challenge. Unlike the simpler inter-service communication described in Case 3, where services merely notify each other of state changes, distributed transactions require a more sophisticated approach that includes the capability for rollback in case of errors.

Consider a typical payment process involving the Order and Payment services. These services must collaborate closely to ensure the transaction is completed atomically — that is, the entire operation either succeeds or fails as a whole. If any component of the transaction fails — say, due to a payment processing error — the system must have mechanisms in place to either roll back the entire transaction or handle the inconsistency in a way that does not negatively impact the overall business process.

To address these challenges, distributed transactions in microservices often employ the Saga pattern, first described by Molina and Salem in 1987. This pattern provides a structured approach to managing long-lived transactions and compensating actions in a distributed system, ensuring data consistency and integrity across services. The specifics of implementing the Saga pattern in microservices, along with its advantages and considerations, will be explored in detail in the subsequent sections of this discussion.

Case 5: Managing Common Operations Across Microservices

In a microservice-based software system, certain operations are universally relevant and cannot be neatly encapsulated within a single service. These common operations necessitate a coordinated approach across all services, often requiring each microservice to adopt specific transactional patterns to participate effectively.

A prime example of such a common operation is user authentication. Typically, authentication occurs at the start of a service request. Although there may be a dedicated Authentication service, this doesn’t absolve other microservices from being involved in the authentication process. Each service must be capable of handling authentication aspects as part of their operational flow.

Another significant common operation is error handling. During the processing of a request, if an error occurs, it’s essential that each microservice has a consistent and robust method of handling these errors. This ensures that any issues are managed uniformly across the system, maintaining the overall integrity and user experience.

Managing these common operations requires careful planning in the inter-service design. It’s crucial that these operations are addressed in a consistent manner across all microservices, ensuring that the system operates harmoniously and efficiently, regardless of the specific domain of each service.

Exploring Solutions for Data and Business Logic Sharing in Microservice Architectures

In the world of microservice architectures, effectively sharing data and business logic between different services is a complex yet vital aspect. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; rather, various patterns have been developed and refined to address this challenge. These patterns vary in their approach and application, and their selection often depends on specific factors such as the frequency of data access needs, the volume of the data involved, and the nature of the business logic to be shared.

In this section, we will delve into an array of solution patterns designed for data and/or logic sharing across microservices. Some of these patterns are often used in conjunction, complementing each other to create a robust and scalable system. Others serve as alternatives, each suited to different scenarios and requirements within the microservices landscape. Our exploration will cover the key characteristics, use cases, advantages, and considerations for each of these patterns, providing insights into how they facilitate effective and efficient inter-service communication and operations.

By understanding and applying these patterns thoughtfully, architects and developers can build microservice systems that are not only functionally rich but also maintainable, scalable, and resilient in the face of evolving business needs and technological advancements.

Synchronous Inter-Service Calls: A Basic Yet Vital Pattern

Synchronous inter-service calls represent one of the most fundamental and widely used patterns in microservice architecture. This pattern mirrors the basic principles of functional programming, where a function calls other functions and utilizes their return values to complete its own operation. Similarly, in a microservices context, when a service requires data or information from another service, it makes a direct call to that service’s REST or gRPC API and waits for the response.

The appeal of this approach lies in its straightforwardness and simplicity. If a service needs information, it directly queries the relevant service and proceeds based on the response received. However, while its simplicity is advantageous, this pattern comes with notable drawbacks:

1. Dependency: Utilizing synchronous calls creates a tight coupling between the calling service and the remote service. The calling service’s operation becomes highly dependent on the availability and responsiveness of the remote service.

2. Blocking Nature: Synchronous calls are inherently blocking. When a service makes a call to another service, it must wait for the response before it can continue its own processing. This wait time can lead to delays, especially if the remote service is slow or unresponsive.

Despite these disadvantages, synchronous inter-service calls remain a popular choice due to their straightforward nature. However, it’s crucial to use this pattern judiciously. It is best suited for scenarios where the remote service is reliably available, and the frequency of calls is not so high as to impede the flow and performance of the calling service.

Expanded Use of Synchronous Inter-Service Calls: Triggering Remote Operations

In addition to fetching data or information, synchronous inter-service calls are also employed to initiate remote operations that are crucial for the completion of a process. For instance, a User service might use this pattern to trigger a Notification service to send a welcome email immediately after a user registration. This demonstrates the versatility of synchronous calls, extending beyond mere data retrieval to include the activation of specific actions in another service.

However, it’s important to note that this pattern should be used for triggering remote operations only when the outcome of the triggered process is immediately needed in the ongoing operation. This is because, like data retrieval, these calls are blocking; the calling service must wait for the completion of the remote operation before proceeding. This dependency means that the calling service’s performance and reliability are closely tied to the remote service’s response time and availability.

Therefore, while synchronous inter-service calls offer a straightforward way to both retrieve data and trigger remote operations, they should be used judiciously, particularly in scenarios where the immediate result of the remote operation is critical to the calling service’s workflow.

Asynchronous Inter-Service Calls: Enhancing the Classic Call Model

Building upon the foundation laid by Synchronous Inter-Service Calls, the Asynchronous Inter-Service Call pattern introduces a significant enhancement by reducing the blocking effects inherent in the synchronous model. While the basic premise remains the same — making calls to another service — the asynchronous approach revolutionizes how these calls are handled.

In scenarios where multiple remote calls are necessary, and the results of these calls are independent of one another, the asynchronous model shines. It allows for parallel execution of these calls. Instead of waiting for each call to complete sequentially, all calls can be made simultaneously, effectively leveraging the distributed computing power of the microservices environment. This parallelism significantly reduces the overall waiting time for the calling service, as it no longer remains blocked by each individual call.

A practical example of this pattern’s efficacy is when a service needs to retrieve information for multiple entities in a single operation. For instance, if a process requires the emails of 100 users, these requests can be sent asynchronously to the User service. The User service, in turn, is responsible for handling and responding to these requests, potentially through internal load distribution mechanisms or by scaling out with multiple instances.

The asynchronous pattern is not limited to data retrieval; it can also be effectively used to initiate and wait for the completion of remote operations. This approach is particularly beneficial when the calling service needs to perform other tasks while waiting for the response, thus optimizing resource utilization and improving overall system responsiveness.

By adopting the asynchronous call pattern, microservices can achieve greater efficiency and responsiveness, especially in high-load scenarios where simultaneous requests and operations are the norm. This pattern represents a critical step forward in optimizing inter-service communication within a microservice architecture.

Data Replication: Balancing Performance with Consistency

In scenarios where a microservice frequently requires access to data managed by another service, data replication emerges as a viable solution. This approach involves duplicating the necessary data from the remote service’s database into the local database of the requesting service. While this might seem like a duplication of effort and storage, in many cases, the performance benefits outweigh these concerns, especially in modern applications where response time is critical.

However, the implementation of data replication must be handled with care to maintain data consistency. The original remote database remains the source of truth, and the replicated data must be kept synchronized. This synchronization ensures that changes in the original data are accurately reflected in the replicated data.

There are multiple methods to achieve effective data replication:

1. Using Specialized Tools: Some database servers offer built-in data replication tools, and there are third-party tools available that can facilitate this process.

2. Custom Event-Driven Replication: Alternatively, a custom solution can be developed using an event-driven approach. This involves listening for state change events (such as creation, updates, or deletion of entities) in the original service and mirroring these changes in the replicated data. This method offers the flexibility to selectively replicate only the necessary data attributes. For instance, an Invoice service might only replicate the id, name, picture, and price of a product, whereas the original Product service database contains a broader set of properties.

While data replication does entail additional storage costs and poses challenges for maintaining consistency, its impact on performance can be substantial. By reducing the frequency of cross-service calls for data, replication can significantly enhance the responsiveness and efficiency of a microservice architecture.

Hybrid Approach to Data Replication: Synchronous Initialization with Event-Driven Maintenance

A nuanced variation within the Data Replication pattern combines initial synchronous data retrieval with subsequent event-driven updates. This hybrid method tailors data replication to the specific needs of microservices, striking a balance between immediate data access and efficient, ongoing maintenance.

1. Initial Data Retrieval via Synchronous Calls: The process begins when a microservice first needs data from another service. It employs a synchronous call to fetch the necessary data, ensuring the microservice starts with an accurate and relevant subset of data. This initial step is critical, especially for services that require specific, targeted information to kick-start their operations.

2. Event-Driven Updates for Maintenance: Following the initial data synchronization, the microservice transitions to an event-driven approach to maintain and update its data set. It listens for pertinent changes or events in the source service (like updates or new entries) and applies these changes to its replicated data. This strategy reduces the need for repeated synchronous calls, leveraging the efficiency of event-driven mechanisms to keep the data current.

By adopting this hybrid approach, microservices can efficiently manage their data replication needs. The initial synchronous fetch ensures immediate access to the required data, while the event-driven updates maintain the data’s relevance over time without incurring the overhead of continuous synchronous requests. This approach effectively balances the immediate data access needs of microservices with the overarching goal of system efficiency and scalability.

Common Shared Data: Leveraging Redis and Elasticsearch for Scalable Data Access

In microservice architectures, efficiently managing data that is frequently accessed by multiple services can be achieved through a common shared data approach. Using platforms like Redis or Elasticsearch, data can be replicated in a read-only format, accessible to all services. This method, while reminiscent of a monolithic approach, is distinctly different and offers several advantages in a microservice environment.

1. Read-Only Data Replication: The original service responsible for managing a particular data set replicates this data into a shared medium like Redis or Elasticsearch. This replication is strictly for read-only purposes, ensuring data integrity while allowing widespread access.

2. Scalability and Performance:

Redis: Known for its in-memory caching capabilities, Redis offers exceptionally fast data retrieval, making it ideal for scenarios where speed is paramount and the data size is manageable. It’s particularly well-suited for data that is accessed frequently but not excessively large, such as user sessions, category information, or commonly used enumerations like country or city names. Redis’s in-memory technology enables it to provide quick responses, essential for high-performance applications.

Elasticsearch: While not as fast as Redis for certain types of queries, Elasticsearch is capable of handling larger datasets. It offers a balance between speed and capacity, sometimes outperforming traditional database access methods. Elasticsearch is a good fit for larger, more complex data sets that require both efficient storage and reasonable access speed.

Both Redis and Elasticsearch benefit from their scalable structures, capable of handling millions of requests within short timeframes. This approach to shared data not only facilitates efficient data access across services but also allows for the scaling of read operations independently from the original data management service.

This common shared data strategy provides a solution that is both efficient and scalable, fitting seamlessly into the distributed nature of microservice architectures. It allows services to access shared data quickly and reliably, enhancing overall system performance without compromising the microservices’ autonomy and scalability.

Tailoring the Lifecycle of Redis Entities Based on Data Properties

When using Redis for common shared data in microservices, particularly for live data, it’s effective to manage the lifecycle of Redis entities based on specific attributes of the data. This approach ensures that the cache remains relevant and optimized for current operations.

1. Data-Driven Expiration: The expiration of data in Redis can be dynamically set based on certain properties of the data itself. For instance, in a movie ticketing application, ticket entities can be stored in Redis with an expiration time that aligns with the event’s occurrence. Once the event date passes, the ticket naturally becomes less relevant for immediate operations and can expire from the cache.

2. Live Data Focus: The use of Redis is particularly well-suited for ‘live’ data — information that is in active use or has immediate relevance. This is contrasted with ‘archived’ data, which is typically stored in more permanent, persistent storage solutions. By focusing on live data, Redis caches remain lightweight and efficient, optimized for speed and immediate access.

3. Event-Based Data Management: In addition to time-based expiration, Redis entities can also be managed through event-driven mechanisms. For example, updates in the source service, such as the completion of an event or a change in ticket status, can trigger corresponding updates or removals in the Redis cache.

4. Monitoring for Optimization: Regular monitoring of how data is accessed and expires in Redis is essential. This monitoring can provide insights into usage patterns and help in adjusting the lifecycle management strategies to ensure that the cache serves the most relevant and timely data.

By aligning the lifecycle of Redis entities with specific properties of the data, microservices can utilize Redis more effectively. This strategy ensures that the cache provides fast access to current, relevant data, enhancing the performance and responsiveness of the system.

Aggregation Layers and the Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern

In many instances within microservice architectures, presenting data to users involves aggregating information from various services. This is where the concept of Aggregation Layers or the Backend for Frontend (BFF) Pattern comes into play, particularly when dealing with data that isn’t managed by a single microservice.

1. Role of Aggregation Layers: These layers or services are specifically designed to aggregate data from multiple sources. Unlike the common shared data pattern where a single service replicates its data, the aggregation layer actively collects data from various services. This collection is often done through an event-driven approach, ensuring that the aggregated data is current and relevant.

2. Connection to CQRS Pattern: The BFF or aggregation service aligns with the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern. CQRS separates read (query) operations from write (command) operations, allowing for optimization in how data is retrieved and manipulated. The aggregation service, in this context, focuses on the query aspect, gathering and presenting data efficiently.

3. Backend for Frontend (BFF): This specialized service acts as a mediator between the front-end (such as web or mobile interfaces) and the various back-end services. It is responsible for fetching, aggregating, and returning data in a form that is readily consumable by the front-end. By doing so, it simplifies client-side logic and improves performance by serving pre-aggregated data.

4. Data Storage and Access: Typically, these aggregated data sets are stored in scalable storage solutions like Elasticsearch. This not only allows for efficient data retrieval by the BFF but also makes the aggregated data accessible to other microservices that might need it. The data stored here is often read-only and logic-free, making it straightforward for any service to access without additional processing.

5. BFF as a Scalable Endpoint: The BFF serves as a scalable endpoint for all query requests from frontend and mobile clients. It effectively handles these requests by fetching the already aggregated data, thus reducing the load on individual microservices and optimizing the overall user experience.

In summary, the Aggregation Layer or BFF pattern provides a centralized, efficient means of aggregating and serving data from multiple microservices. This approach not only streamlines data presentation for user interfaces but also enhances the scalability and performance of the microservice architecture.

Event-Driven Design in Microservices

Event-Driven Design is a cornerstone of modern microservice architectures, prized for its non-blocking performance and ability to distribute workload efficiently. This design pattern hinges on the use of an intermediate message broker, such as Kafka, RabbitMQ, or various cloud messaging services. These brokers are adept at handling a massive volume of events with high efficiency, processing millions of events in mere milliseconds.

1. Core Components — Publisher and Subscriber: The pattern is fundamentally based on the interaction between publishers (or producers) and subscribers (or consumers). When a state change occurs in a microservice, it generates an event. This event is then published to the message broker. Subscribers to this event are subsequently notified and can react accordingly.

2. Practical Example: An illustrative example would be a Notification service in an application. This service could subscribe to a ‘NewUserCreated’ event. When the User service creates a new user, it publishes this event, along with the user’s data, to the relevant channel or topic (e.g., in Kafka). The Notification service, upon receiving this information, can then proceed to send a welcome message to the new user. This pattern can extend to more complex workflows, such as the Notification service further publishing an event for an Email service to send out the actual email.

3. Best Practices and Hybrid Approaches: While event-driven design can be implemented purely, it often coexists with synchronous methods in a hybrid model. Best practices in this design include ensuring robust error handling, maintaining event idempotency, and implementing effective monitoring and logging to track event flows and troubleshoot issues. Efficient management of event queues and ensuring data consistency across services are also crucial.

4. Event-Driven Design in Complex Workflows: In more complex scenarios, like those involving transactional processes across multiple services, event-driven design forms the backbone of patterns like the Saga pattern. This will be explored in greater detail in the subsequent section.

In summary, Event-Driven Design offers a powerful paradigm for microservice architectures, enabling services to communicate and collaborate in a highly efficient, scalable, and decoupled manner. By leveraging message brokers and adhering to best practices, this design pattern can significantly enhance the responsiveness and robustness of a microservices-based system.

Proper Chaining in Event-Driven Processes: Addressing Non-Linear Workflows

Event-driven architectures in microservices often involve linear chains of events, where each microservice performs its task and triggers the next step in the process. However, real-world scenarios can introduce complexities that deviate from this linear model, leading to potential issues in workflow management.

1. Case Study: E-Commerce Application Workflow

- Linear Workflow (Figure 1): In a straightforward e-commerce process, the checkout initiates with the Basket service, followed by Order creation, Payment processing, and finally, the Logistics service starting the delivery. Each service listens for the completion event of the previous step, executes its function, and then publishes an event for the next service. This linear chain ensures a seamless flow without state conflicts.

- Non-Linear Workflows:

— Case 2 (Figure 2): Sometimes, a service may depend on multiple events. For instance, the Order service might wait for both the Checkout completion and Warehouse stock confirmation. This dependency creates a temporary state in the Order service, as it accumulates events before proceeding. This design can lead to process conflicts and maintenance challenges due to its non-linear and state-dependent nature.

– Case 3 (Figure 3): In another scenario, a service, while primarily event-driven, might also need to make synchronous calls to another service for additional information. This breaks the linear event chain and introduces the complexities of synchronous communication, affecting the workflow’s simplicity and potentially its reliability.

2. Streamlining Non-Linear Workflows: A Unified Redesign Approach

In response to the challenges identified in cases 2 and 3, a unified redesign can effectively streamline the workflow, shifting from a non-linear to a linear, choreographic saga pattern.

2.1 Sequential Event Chain with Cumulative Data: The Checkout service initiates a purchase request, followed by the Warehouse service conducting availability checks and publishing a ‘Checkout Confirmation’ event. This event includes both the Warehouse’s item availability data and the original basket data from the Checkout service.

2.2 Role of the Order Service: The Order service, subscribing to the ‘Checkout Confirmation’ event, no longer needs to aggregate data from multiple sources. It starts the order process based on the comprehensive data provided in the event.

2.3 Benefits of the Redesign: This approach aligns with the choreographic saga concept, where each service independently contributes to a coordinated process. By structuring the workflow as sequential steps, we achieve a conflict-free, stateless design. Each service clearly defines its role, with dependencies only on the preceding event.

This redesign not only resolves the potential conflicts inherent in the original designs but also enhances the overall efficiency and clarity of the process. It exemplifies the principles of a well-orchestrated event-driven architecture, emphasizing the importance of sequential processing and minimizing state dependencies in microservices.

The Saga Pattern: Evolving Transaction Management in Software Development

The concept of sagas, introduced by Hector Garcia-Molina & Kenneth Salem in their seminal 1987 paper, initially addressed the management of long-lived transactions (LLTs) in databases. The saga pattern, at its core, is about breaking down a large operation into smaller, manageable transactions, each building upon the output of the previous one.

From General Problem-Solving to LLTs

Originally a broad approach to problem-solving, sagas have been particularly influential in transforming how complex transactions are handled. The original paper proposed sagas as an architectural solution for managing LLTs, emphasizing a departure from the traditional atomic transaction model.

Atomicy and Compensation in Sagas

Unlike the conventional approach where a transaction sequence either fully commits or rolls back, sagas introduce more nuanced and performance-oriented error handling strategies. For instance, if a payment process in an order system fails, sagas suggest compensatory actions rather than a complete rollback. This approach views errors as an expected part of the transaction pathway, requiring specific compensatory mechanisms for each potential failure.

Saga Pattern in Microservices

With the advent and popularization of microservice architecture, the saga pattern found new relevance and application. It has been redefined as a powerful tool to describe and manage workflows involving multiple, interdependent microservices.

In the realm of event-driven design within microservices, sagas manifest primarily in two forms: choreography-based and orchestration-based, concepts popularized by Chris Richardson. Choreography-based sagas rely on each service knowing and performing its part of the overall process independently, while orchestration-based sagas involve a central coordinator directing the process across services.

In summary, the saga pattern has evolved from a general approach to problem-solving to a sophisticated method for managing complex, distributed transactions in microservice architectures. It emphasizes decentralized control, error handling with compensatory actions, and the efficient coordination of multiple service operations, making it a cornerstone of modern software design principles.

Orchestration-Based Sagas in Microservices

Orchestration-based sagas offer a centralized approach to managing transactions in microservices, where a coordinating logic or service orchestrates the entire workflow based on the outcomes of each step.

1. Centralized Workflow Management: In this pattern, an orchestrator (a specific piece of code or service) is responsible for coordinating the sequence of transactions that constitute the saga. This orchestration ensures effective error handling and makes the saga’s flow more transparent and easier to comprehend for developers.

2. Communication Mechanisms: While still potentially event-driven, orchestration commonly involves making synchronous or asynchronous requests to different services. The orchestrator triggers and controls service transactions, guiding each step of the process.

3. Example — Uber-Like Application Workflow:

- The user requests a ride through the mobile app, providing current and destination locations.

- This request is sent to a ‘Drive Saga’ orchestrator.

- The orchestrator requests the Drive service to identify available, nearby drivers and then instructs the Notification service to contact a selected driver.

- Once the driver accepts, the orchestrator sends user and driver details to both parties and proceeds to initiate the payment process.

- Following payment confirmation, the orchestrator instructs the Notification service to inform both parties that the ride has commenced.

In this scenario, the orchestrator acts as a central coordinator, managing each transaction. It can employ various communication methods, including both synchronous and asynchronous calls, to interact with different services.

4. Advantages and Limitations:

- Advantages: Orchestration-based sagas offer a clear, sequential understanding of the workflow, with each step being explicitly managed by the orchestrator. This can simplify debugging and maintenance.

- Limitations: However, this approach can introduce blocking behaviors, as the orchestrator waits for responses from services before proceeding to the next step. This characteristic may not align well with the principles of microservice architecture, which favors decentralization and non-blocking processes.

As a result, while orchestration-based sagas provide clarity and control, they are less favored in microservice architectures where choreography-based sagas, promoting a fully event-driven and decentralized approach, are generally preferred.

Choreography-Based Sagas in Microservices: Decentralized Process Management

Choreography-based sagas in microservices represent a decentralized approach to orchestrating complex workflows. Unlike orchestration, where a central coordinator manages the process, choreography involves each service independently determining its actions based on the events it observes. This model is akin to a biological system where each unit operates based on stimuli, without a central command.

1. Biological Analogy: In choreography, each microservice acts like a cell in a biological body, responding to and sending signals (or events) within the system. There is no central coordinating logic; instead, each service knows its role and reacts to relevant events.

2. Redesigning the Uber-Like Application with Choreography:

- User Ride Request: The user requests a ride via the mobile app, providing location details. This request goes to the Drive service.

- Drive Service’s Role: The Drive service, upon receiving the request, publishes an event with the user’s ride request and nearby driver details.

- Notification Service’s Role: The Notification service listens for new ride requests and notifies the identified drivers.

- Driver Acceptance: A driver accepting the ride sends a response to the Driver service.

- Ride Acceptance Event: The Driver service publishes a ‘RideAccepted’ event with relevant ride details.

- User Confirmation: The Notification service informs the user about the driver’s acceptance and seeks final confirmation.

- Ride Confirmation and Payment: Upon user confirmation, the Drive service publishes a ‘RideConfirmed’ event, triggering the Payment service to process the charge and publish a ‘PaymentDone’ event.

- Ride Commencement: The Drive service, upon receiving the payment confirmation, updates the ride status to started. The Notification service then informs all parties that the ride has commenced.

3. Distributed Logic and State Management:

- Each service in this choreographed sequence acts based on specific event triggers. There is no central coordinator; the Drive service, while appearing central, does not manage the entire business logic.

- Throughout the saga, each service maintains its state, updating it after each event-driven interaction. This decentralized state management ensures that the overall workflow remains flexible and resilient to individual service disruptions.

Choreography-based sagas thus offer a robust framework for managing complex, inter-service workflows in microservices. By distributing the business logic and state management across various services, this approach aligns well with the principles of microservices architecture, promoting scalability, resilience, and independent service functioning.

The Symphony of Saga Patterns

As we conclude our exploration of saga patterns in microservices, it’s clear that these patterns play a pivotal role in orchestrating complex, distributed processes. Whether through the centralized command of orchestration-based sagas or the fluid, decentralized dance of choreography-based sagas, these patterns enable microservices to operate in unison, much like musicians in a symphony.

In orchestration, we observed how a conductor-like component directs each part of the transaction, ensuring clarity and order. On the other hand, choreography brings to life a more organic, collaborative performance, where each service autonomously contributes to the overall narrative, akin to an ensemble where each player knows their cues and timing.

The choice between orchestration and choreography ultimately depends on the specific requirements and nature of the application. Orchestration offers more control and simplicity in tracking, while choreography promotes flexibility and resilience. Both patterns, however, underscore the core principles of microservices — autonomy, loose coupling, and scalability.

As microservice architectures continue to evolve, the saga patterns will undoubtedly play a crucial role in addressing the complexities of distributed transactions and workflows. They offer a framework for services to collaborate efficiently, ensuring that the end-to-end process flows smoothly, much like a well-composed piece of music.

In the ever-changing landscape of software development, the saga patterns stand as testament to the innovative and adaptive spirit of this field, offering elegant solutions to complex orchestration challenges in microservices.

Crafting Cohesion in a Distributed World: The Art of Data and Logic Sharing in Microservices

As we reach the culmination of our exploration into the multifaceted realm of sharing data and business logic in microservices, it’s evident that this aspect forms the cornerstone of building scalable, efficient, and robust microservice architectures. From the precise orchestration of services to the seamless choreography of events, each pattern we’ve discussed contributes to a larger tapestry of interconnected services, each playing its unique yet harmonious part.

We delved into the intricate dance of synchronous and asynchronous inter-service calls, where the balance between immediacy and non-blocking communication is key. We navigated the nuanced strategies of data replication and the use of common shared data platforms like Redis and Elasticsearch, balancing performance with consistency. The saga pattern, both in its orchestration and choreography forms, illuminated the paths of transaction management, presenting a paradigm shift from traditional monolithic processing to a more dynamic, distributed environment.

These patterns are not mere technical implementations; they are a reflection of a broader shift towards systems that are more adaptable, resilient, and aligned with the ever-evolving business needs. The choice of pattern depends on the specific context and requirements — whether it’s the need for real-time responsiveness, the efficiency of data access, or the complexity of transactional workflows.

In the grand scheme of microservices, the sharing of data and business logic is akin to a symphony orchestra. Each service, like a musician, plays its part, guided by the sheet music of these patterns. The conductor — whether an orchestration service or the inherent design of a choreographed system — ensures harmony and synchronicity, leading to a performance that is greater than the sum of its parts.

As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of software architecture, the principles and patterns discussed here will serve as a guide, helping architects and developers to design systems that are not just technically sound but also elegantly orchestrated. In the world of microservices, the art of sharing data and logic transcends mere functionality; it becomes a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and strategic foresight in the digital age.

