
Free LinkedIn Premium for 6 months

Harsh Kumar Khatri


Hey there. Are you someone who is looking for free LinkedIn Premium subscription?

My friend, you have landed on the correct article. In this article we are going to look at how you can get a LinkedIn premium subscription free of cost for 6 months but before moving towards how we can get the subscription, let’s look at what all benefits you will be getting if you are a premium member on LinkedIn.

Benefits of being a Premium LinkedIn Member

  • InMail: LinkedIn InMail allows you to contact anyone you are not connected to on LinkedIn.
  • See more profiles when you search: If you are trying to expand your LinkedIn Network, then getting more than the standard 100 results in LinkedIn search will come in useful. Each premium account type (except for Job Seekers) includes a minimum of 300 search results.
  • Premium search filters: There are different levels of search filters.
  • See expanded profile views: Limited profile views will only show you the very basics about a person and their profile summary when they are out of your network. Expanded profile views will allow you to see their first name, photo, job details, recommendations, educational background, skills, and any other information or applications they have added to their profiles.
  • See who has viewed your profile: LinkedIn allows you to see who has viewed your profile if you turn on the setting to allow others to see if you have viewed their profile. With a premium account, you can see that list without having to give up your own viewing privacy. But instead of just seeing who viewed your profile, you will also get to see which keywords people searched to get to your profile.
  • Not jus these there are more benefits which are added with a premium account which could be found here.

How to get Free LinkedIn Premium Subscription for 6 months?

To get a free LinkedIn premium subscription for six months, you need to first click here and fill the required details. A gist of what all is to be filled is shown in the image below.

After filling these details and clicking on the verify my student status, you will be taken to the second page where you need to upload your student id card or your fee slip. Prefer uploading your student id card as it increases your chances of getting verified.

After uploading the photo of your student id card you need to wait for 2 mins for the verification to complete. After waiting for two mins if your student id card is verified you will be provided with a screen where you will be having a button/code to redeem your free LinkedIn premium subscription for 6 months. In my case there was a redeem button clicking which it opened LinkedIn for me and the 6 month premium was activated for me.

On this screen you will be able to see the activation date and the expiry date as well.

Now you can enjoy the premium features for LinkedIn.

Hope this article was helpful for you. If it provided you with some value then please give it a clap and share it with your friends so that they can also get the benefit.

