DIY Guide: Converting a Xone 42 Mixer into a Rotary Mixer

Mehdi Massrali
Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2023

Installing the MC Audio DIY rotary kit for the Allen & Heath Xone 42 mixer can be challenging, but it does not require any soldering experience. Careful attention and patience are essential to ensure a smooth installation process and prevent any mistakes.

By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to modify your Xone 42 mixer to function as a rotary mixer.

Note: This tutorial is specifically for the MC Audio DIY rotary kit for the Allen & Heath Xone 42 mixer. It may not be applicable for other rotary mixer conversion kits or other models of mixers.

  1. Accessing the internal components: Removing the front screws

Gently remove the front screws. Keep all the screws in a safe place for later. This will allow you to access the internal components of the mixer and begin the process of installing the rotary kit.

2. Accessing the internal components: Removing the back screws

You only need to remove the 5 specific screws, it is not necessary to remove all the screws.

3. Revealing the internal components: Carefully removing the front panel and flipping the mixer on its right side

After gently flipping the front of the mixer to the side, start by disconnecting the middle ribbon connected to the power supply and the crossfader cable

Gently remove the clip, should come off easily…

4. Detaching the Volume Faders Unit: Removing the screws and disconnecting the plugs

To detach the unit that is connected to the volume faders, first, remove the screws that are holding it to the board. Carefully lift the unit, then gently disconnect the white plugs. This will allow you to detach the entire unit from the mixer.

5. Disassembling the channels: Removing each channel individually

Removing the old knobs from the front of the mixer panel: Using hand to pull them, then using extractor pliers to twist and remove hex shaped nuts is the first step to detach the channel unit from the back

Step 2 — Removing the filter buttons: Using a slim tool to pull them upwards, cleaning the PCB by removing any glue from the other side should make this process a lot easier. Please be careful and gentle…

Removing the effects unit: Carefully taking it off, then repeating the process for each channel, putting it aside

5. Installing the new rotary board: Assembling and transferring each channel”

Assembling the new rotary board: Take each channel one by one and begin by positioning it on the board. Secure it in place by using extractor pliers to twist and fix the hex shaped nuts, then reattach the filter buttons. Repeat this process for each channel.

A crucial tip: When reattaching the FX button, ensure that the long plastic part is placed behind the PCB board for each channel.

6. Connecting the volume unit: Attaching each rotary unit to its corresponding socket on the volume PCB board

Once the rotary units are connected to the corresponding socket on the volume PCB board, it is important to make sure that they are securely fastened and properly aligned. This will ensure that the rotary units will function correctly and provide a smooth and responsive experience while adjusting the volume. If you have any doubts or concerns, double-check the connections and alignment before proceeding

7. Installing the Volume Unit: Attaching it to the new Rotary board and Channels

Now that the new rotary board and channels are assembled, it’s time to connect the volume unit. This involves attaching the volume unit to the new rotary board and channels. Make sure that the connections are secure and properly aligned to ensure that the volume unit functions correctly.

8. Adjusting the Rotary Volume Knobs: Align them, Hold them perpendicular and Tightening the hex nuts

To secure the rotary volume knobs in place, it is important to align them and hold them perpendicular to the board. Once the knobs are in the correct position, use the extractor pliers to tighten the hex nuts. This will ensure that the knobs stay in place and can be smoothly adjusted during use. It’s important to make sure that the knobs are tightened enough so they don’t come loose but not too much that they are hard to turn. Double check the knobs are aligned and tightened before moving on.

9. Finalising the Reassembly: Reattaching the ribbons back to their original location for both the power supply and crossfader

Cross Fader
Power Supply

10. Reassembling the Xone 42: Putting the assembled unit back in the box and securing it with the screws

The final step is to reassemble the Xone 42 mixer by putting the assembled unit back into the box and securing it with the screws. This is a straightforward process, however, it may take some time and patience to ensure that everything is properly aligned and secured. It is also important to note that putting back the crossfader may be a bit challenging and you may need to refer to the manual or online resources for guidance. Once everything is in place and the screws are tightened, your Xone 42 mixer will be almost ready to use as a rotary mixer, providing you with a unique and authentic DJing experience.

Note: The kit comes with new silver shiny screws for the front panel, you can replace the old ones…

11. Securing the knobs: The knobs have a small screw that can be used to tighten them in place

This is the final step in the process of converting your Xone 42 mixer into a rotary mixer, securing the knobs in place. Each knob has a small screw located at the bottom which can be used to tighten the knob in place. This will ensure that the knobs stay in place and can be smoothly adjusted during use. Make sure to double-check all the knobs are tightened and aligned before you start using the mixer as a rotary mixer. Congratulations, your Xone 42 mixer is now a rotary mixer and ready to use in your DJ performances!

Final Setup

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful in converting your Xone 42 mixer into a rotary mixer. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out for support. Happy mixing!



Mehdi Massrali
Editor for

I have many years of experience in music and technology and I love experimenting with new equipment and techniques.