Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2021



“(The Book of Hexproof, Vol. 1)”

By(Sean Miller, for those who don’t Know):

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0. My name is Sean Miller. I am a human being who lives on the planet earth. Right now, it is October 2021, about 1:20pm local time, Simsbury, CT, USA. I believe that there is an objective truth: a reality defined by universal laws governing the physical relationships between all matter that exists within that physical universe, and/or all matter and energy that has ever has existed or will exist within that bounded and identified KNOWN universe. I have been meditating on this concept for a while now. It’s unclear to me, here, at this point in time, how long it has been. I do believe that I was born in Rockville, MD as a human child of two human beings on the planet earth, a father named Mikel Miller and a mother named Nancy Ross Miller, and a brother to a previously-born human being named (Nathan):(Nate):(My Older Brother). At some point after that, my (Brain): “(my mind-body-reality TETHER, that allows me to CREATE and DO with complete FREEDOM, whatever I want, for whatever reason I choose or don’t choose, anytime I want, based on whatever I KNOW, THINK, FEEL, OBSERVE, etc., at every moment in local space-time, whatever my coordinates are, wherever that may be, within whatever reality I am in, right now)”. However, it has come to my attention that while I believe I am living in a single universal truth reality that (Davidad) refers to as “conventional reality,” and while I believe that I am a human being who fundamentally is governed by the same universal laws and rules as everyone else… for some unknown reason… not everyone I meet AGREES with that concept. My OBSERVATION is that we are experiencing a communication problem, driven primarily by the fact that we lack a shared language with which we can rigorously discuss and ideally resolve the differences that I perceive between what I perceive is objectively truth, from where I personally stand as a self-sovereign and inherently-free human being living on earth in the year 2021… as compared to what I believe is what other people THINK and KNOW about, in what I believe is universal shared “conventional” objective reality, bounded and defined exclusively according to the physical laws, rules, and regulations promulgated by (GRAVITY), at some point, I don’t know when, and I don’t yet know 100% of the objective TRUTH… but… I think I CREATED (Truth+)… which is a language that I believe we can use as a tool to identify, examine, and ideally RESOLVE, by going slowly, together, as Privateers, traveling with intention through whatever rigorously-definable space-time realities we have mutual access to… what I perceive to be the PROBLEMS that are preventing us from making PROGRESS together. If (U) hear me out, and take what I have to say to heart, and meditate on it using your own Gravity-given mind-body-reality connection… then I think we can DREAM and DO great things together, anywhere, everywhere, anytime that we want to, for all space-time. Shall we get started? Great! Let’s BEGIN…

  1. ~Hello!
  2. ~I am extremely excited and pleased to meet you.
  3. ~You may not know this yet, or even know what I mean by this yet, but… I love you. I always have, and I always will. I did this all for you, so that you can achieve your wildest dreams and do whatever you want to, because I want you to be free to make progress however you want to, according to criteria that you have the freedom and power to define for yourself… because I have faith in you.




