What’s in your data?

Hari Rajagopalan
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2018

Thanks to new consumer protection laws, you can now download your data from most major products. After processing my data, I learned about how much horse shit my friends and I said in the past on Facebook. I learned I watched “How to save a Life” 106 times and that I probably shared a YouTube account with my parents.

I learned I clicked on significantly more ads on Google than on Facebook, and that 867 advertisers on Facebook targeted me directly.

Before deriving these insights, I downloaded my Facebook and Google data. My Facebook data was over 600MB compressed and my Google data was split across 16, 2GB files. So massive bro… Many of the files were too large to open without causing memory crashes. I found these raw data dumps fairly useless.

I began greping (searching) thru my data to count how often I had said various phrases, and quickly realized there were a lot more questions I wanted answered:

  • What have I said that’s offensive?
  • How has my usage of Facebook and Google changed over time?
  • What days of the week do I waste the most time?
  • Who do I interact with the most?
  • How do advertisers to target me?
  • Do I click on more ads on Google or Facebook?
  • What was my most watched YouTube video?
  • What kind of photos do I post?

We, the generation obsessed with hyper tuning every parameter for the products we build have so little insights about what matters most: ourselves. We’ve been feeding these dopamine-fueled beasts without understanding how much we’ve put in. It’s time we make digital health & understanding usage a priority.

To help you make sense of your data, we built hey.ai. Learn about yourself now.

We’re currently in alpha *excuse our bugs* for Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. We analyze your data dumps from these platforms, build pretty graphs that answer questions about your digital footprint…

Our initial focus will be to support primarily english-speaking products in order of monthly active users. We will support Google’s core products, Twitter, and LinkedIn by Jan 2019, and introduce a paid solution for deeper analytics, filters, and premium insights by Q2 2019.

Please reach out to info@hey.ai if you want to add a specific network, or have any other questions you want answered.

TL;DR: You have lots of data everywhere. We’re building an encrypted analytics platform to help you analyze it. Share any insights you discover about yourself!

