Getting Started is Often My Greatest Writing Challenge

Walk the dogs, get coffee, empty recycling, get coffee, sit down, get up …

Don Simkovich, MA
Hey Don: The Days of Don Simkovich


Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

If my to-do list was feed for livestock, then it’d choke a horse. Yep, it’s that big. Want to compare sizes and see who’s is bigger?

If that’s the case, then why can’t I sit down and begin tapping the keys to make sense?


I wrote an article this summer that:

Writing Online is Like Struggling to Start My Lawnmower

I think it’s true. In that piece, I wrote about the need to generate momentum and that writing articles in the hopes of building a fan base is like yanking and yanking on a pull cord.

This morning is different.

I am the lawnmower. And my mind is the pull cord.

One of the challenges working from home is that you can get pulled into other things like schooling questions, the dogs yapping, neighbors saying hi. There are lots of distractions.

But many times the distractions are internal.


My belief is that the to-do list can seem vague until I really start working on it and making progress. Have you felt that? You have this sense that…



Don Simkovich, MA
Hey Don: The Days of Don Simkovich

Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.