13 Newsletters to Add to Your Inbox

Kate Rohrich
The Flock
Published in
7 min readMar 4, 2020

Staying up-to-date can feel overwhelming. Especially when a news cycle can be over before you even tune in. I find myself constantly battling between wanting to just turn everything off and also wanting to be informed. I think the key is to find a good balance.

That’s why I personally like getting a lot of my news in the form of newsletters. They’re easy to read, often quick digests of what’s going on in the world, where you can dive deeper if you have time or feel particularly interested in something.

These are all free ones that are my favorites, but a lot of them have paid subscriptions as well for more or different content, which I have to recommend you do if you’re able — supporting paid journalism is important!

Another word on combating the overwhelming feeling of the news — I do subscribe to all of these, but I definitely don’t read them all everyday. I like to pick and choose when I have time and it’s nice to have them just sitting in my inbox. I don’t have to search too far to know where I’ll get the information I need or from writers that I know I already enjoy. I also have each of these as a filter in my gmail that helps me keep them separated from each other and the rest of my messages. You can do this by going to Settings > Filters and Blocked Addresses, clicking Create a New Filter, then filling in the “From” section to the sender and clicking “Skip the Inbox” and applying a label.

Here we go.

Industry Related News

Ad Age Wake Up Call
Get the highlights of the most important daily news delivered to your inbox every weekday morning, combining Ad Age reporting with key developments from other sources, plus our ICYMI roundup of the week’s best every Saturday.

I used to read this on the bus on the way to work because it’s easy to read and quick to get information. I’d know all the big things that had happened in the previous day and how it relates to advertising and media.

Ad Spot
A Friday rundown of the week’s most talked-about ads.

These are the ads you should know. What are people talking about, why are they talking about it, and one of the things I really like that they included — who made it. This is an easy way to stay up on the latest, see what’s working, and see where the content you like is coming from (which might just tell you where you want to work).

Where Are The Boss Ladies
Uplifting Ad Lady News

Where Are The Boss Ladies has been around for a while, but their newsletter is just getting started. They highlight talented women in leadership, an agency that is pushing the mark on gender equality, and big cultural moments in media or advertising. It’s well-written and women-powered so it makes for a great read.

We Are Next
The industry in your inbox. Delivered Mondays.

If you aren’t subscribed to We Are Next, where have you been? This SOJC favorite is just that for a reason — Natalie Kim has been inspiring students and advertising professionals alike with her weekly newsletter of helpful advice from all over the industry. Even a few years out of school, I like reading this newsletter to see what other people are doing in advertising or recentering myself with the techniques for confidence, good habits, and day to day life.

Topic-Specific News

A newsletter for people who are pissed off about the climate crisis.

HEATED is important. If you’re worried about climate change (and you should be) but don’t know all the info or feel like you don’t know what to do, this is a great way to get informed. What’s great about this newsletter is that it’s all original reporting (rather than just digests of information like some of the ones I listed above) and that it takes current events that may seemingly not be related to climate and shows exactly how it’s all linked together.

A no-bullshit newsletter about sexism in sports.

Power Plays is all about seeing equality for women in sports and discussing the surrounding issues in the industry. Truly, I’m not even a huge sports fan, but I am a fan of women getting the pay, resources, and coverage they deserve. And this newsletter helps me understand the power dynamics in sports that also have a huge effect on our culture and our media.

Financial news you’ll actually enjoy reading. Delivered straight to your inbox. For free.

Each issue of this newsletter starts out with a variation of “Here’s what you need to know in 3:13 minutes” and gives you the exact amount of time it will take you to get important information for the day. Who doesn’t have an extra 3 minutes to become a little more informed? Each day, they bullet point three big stories of the day (even if you stopped here, you’d at least know the big headlines!) and then goes on to break down each in a way that makes complicated issues easier to understand: What’s Going on Here? What Does This Mean? Why Should I Care?

All Around News

The New Paper
The daily news in as few words as possible, delivered by email each weekday morning.

I found The New Paper when a friend shared it with the thought that there is so much sensationalism and bias in the news now that it’s overwhelming — and honestly a little depressing. The New Paper is dedicated to reporting just the facts with as little bias as possible. They rewrite headlines to get to the point, link their sources inline, and help you get all the major news without going crazy (a feat in our current political environment for sure).

The New Yorker
Get the best of The New Yorker, in your in-box.

The New Yorker is a little crazy in that it has 16 (!) newsletters that they put out on a daily or weekly basis. But the good thing is that you can pick and choose what topics or writers interest you and just get those. I personally like The Daily Humor (great New Yorker cartoons and other funny stuff) and Goings On About Town (recommendations for the best things happening in New York City), but they also have newsletters about food, podcasts, politics, and more.

The Daily Skimm
Get clarity on what’s happening in the world so you’re prepared for whatever the day brings.

The Daily Skimm focuses on news, money, and living smarter. Good content and helpful information. And it’s concise, witty, and a big bonus: written by women for women.

News + Fun

Internet Brunch
Ever wonder where people find the best news, GIFs, and trends from across the Internet? Subscribe now to see our secret recipe.

This one is written by a Content Director at the agency Big Spaceship, and it’s honestly one of my favorites. This is just a real quick get for all of the trends, memes, and moments that I missed online. It’s easy to read, pretty fun, and I find myself sharing the things that are linked.

Women. Culture. Self-care. Motivation. A free, informative, and inspiring daily update — all wrapped up in a quick, fun-to-read email.

Newsette is filled with stories that are a little more on the fun and cultural side of the news. They also do Q&As with some great women, talk about affordable fashion, and provide little bits of inspiration.

Girls’ Night In
Reimagining how women take care — through down-time and quality friend-time. Created by women for women.

Girls’ Night In is another one of my favorites. Maybe because I relate to it on a ~spiritual~ level but maybe also because the team of writers is personable, funny, and down to earth. They feature great interviews, new products to try, and one of my favorite sections “smart reads of the week.” I undoubtedly find something interesting here to read and share in my group chats for a little discussion. Plus, they focus on finding balance and what feels right for you in terms of self-care, which is rare when self-care is becoming more and more a buzzword and marketing tactic.

There are definitely other newsletters out there that I didn’t mention. These are just the ones that I’ll take a peek at in my inbox if I have a few minutes to spare. Leave a comment with one of your favorites that you’d recommend!

Kate Rohrich is a copywriter at Madwell. Her five year plan includes getting a dog, finding the best mac and cheese in NYC and learning sign language. Follow her on Instagram.

