The Flock Summer Recap: Highs, Lows, and What’s Next

The Flock
The Flock
Published in
8 min readOct 16, 2018

Well, summer is officially over and it finally feels like it. The Flock team has been busy brainstorming how to tackle year two, and we’re so excited for what’s ahead — we’re developing a mentorship program, big blog ideas, and plenty more meet-n-greets to keep in your calendars. As we buckle in for fall, here’s our summer recap — the highs, lows, and what’re excited about this fall. It’s not goodbye, summer, it’s “see you later.”


Senior Strategist, Anomaly

Amelea’s trip to Portugal.

LOVE — I’m still buzzing about my solo surf trip to Portugal and Spain. As someone who recharges by being alone, living in New York takes a toll on you. Living with roommates, commuting on crowded subway cars, and working at places that prioritize group collaboration and the weekly “thirsty Thursday” make it nearly impossible to be alone with your own thoughts. So taking a trip where I had space and time to reconnect with myself was incredibly healing. And it served as a good reminder to prioritize self-care and do more things that scare me.

HATE — The pressure to keep up. Despite that fact that the days are longer, summer always leaves me feeling like I’m not doing enough. Everyone back home seems to be going on epic hikes and road trips while my New York friends are partying on rooftops and drinking rosé in the Hamptons. Meanwhile I’m sweating profusely on a humid subway platform.

EXCITED — Fall surf! The waves are better and the lineups are less crowded. While I’m still very much a beginner, I can’t wait to play around (i.e. wipe out and swallow A LOT of saltwater) for another month or so before it gets too cold.


Senior Mobile Strategist, Horizon Media

LOVE — It’s hard to explain, but summer nights in NYC, the city feels like it’s alive, awake after the sleepy heat of the day. It’s easy to feed off this energy and use it to keep you up until the early hours of the morning. Stay up until the sun starts to rise, construction workers start going about their day with their “We Are Happy To Serve You” paper cups, and crash into bed right as the birds begin to chirp. Just try and do it on a weekend.

HATE — As someone who wears clothing on the masculine side of the spectrum, summer means I wear pants. Every. Single. Day. Subway platforms are stiflingly hot and not only does sweat drip down my back, but did you know your knees can sweat? They do. I then have to awkwardly explain to coworkers that yes, I’d rather sweat than wear a dress or skirt and yes, even if it was over 100 degrees I would still wear pants to the office, and no, I’d rather not show you pictures of me in a dress, thank you.

EXCITED — Fall is the best season in NYC. Everyone comes back from their vacations, the leaves start turning, mornings are crisp and sunny. Plus, it’s all the excitement leading up to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course, all the Christmas fun.


Senior Brand Strategist, ROKKAN

A rooftop moment from Chelsea.

LOVE — The sun rising at 5:30am, setting at 9pm and all of the potential sunlit joy between those hours. My perfect summer day would include gym, coffee, reading the paper, going to the beach, taking a nap and returning to a BBQ on the roof with friends. I cannot think of anything more perfect.

HATE — The humidity. I recently cut nine inches off my hair and contrary to popular belief, short hair means more styling time. And the rain/humidity/sweating from the subway did not do me any favors. I really tried to embrace the “Parisian messy” look.

EXCITED — Turtlenecks. Mock turtlenecks, sweaters, fall boots and consistently trying to recreate every look from When Harry Met Sally.


Copywriter, MRM//McCann

LOVE — I spent a lot of the summer bbq-ing in my best friend’s backyard and tanning on her rooftop in Bushwick. It was the perfect chill way to get outside, get some sun, and also not have to make plans.

HATE — I would typically say the heat (I get grumpy about humidity), but this summer I was stuck inside my office thinking about none other than Christmas campaigns since June. So my brain is pretty confused about what month it is and what the weather should be when I go outside anyway.

EXCITED — I loveeee the weather in the fall. Taking fall walks in the city with leaves on the ground and cozied up in sweaters is my favorite. I’m also going back to Oregon for a good two weeks in October and I haven’t been back in over a year, so it’ll be good to soak in some PNW vibes for a while.


Graphic Designer, JWALK

Kasey’s trip to Portugal.

LOVE — Summer started (and peaked) with a two week trip to Portugal. I left with a heart, soul, and stomach so full that I’m sure my friends are sick of hearing me talk about it. It was also a good time for some personal growth and to be able to marry that growth with the joys of travel had me feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy. PS: I’ll still talk your ear off about it.

HATE — I actually felt a lot of anxieties this summer! I transitioned to a new job, moved to a new apartment, I freelanced outside of my normal job, and I was feeling pretty spread thin. Most of my summer has been spent reading, meditating, and trying to find the things that bring me zen. There’s a happy ending: the zen has been found.

EXCITED — After my trip to Portuguese paradise, I pretty much immediately started planning for my next trip: France! I’ve been immersing myself by learning the history, language, wine, and cuisine and am now Babbel’s best-undiscovered influencer. Come fall time, I’m very much looking forward to cooking cozy French cuisine.


Art Director, Mother

Rachel at Forrest Hills Stadium.

LOVE — Negronis! Lisbon! Camping! Throwing Dudley in a lake! Music Festivals! Beer Festivals! California! Shakespeare In The Park! Upstate! Ice cream! Backyard parties! Rooftop parties!

HATE — How wet this summer was. I’m used to the sweaty humidity by now, but I felt like it rained just about every weekend. Give me some fall showers and I’m happy… but I don’t love sweating to stay balanced in my soaking wet sandals while carrying my whiny, damp dog, an umbrella, my backpack, and my sanity.

EXCITED — Starting anew! I continue to hold onto my elementary school mindset that fall is actually the New Year. *throws confetti* I’m moving in with my boyfriend (woo), taking more ceramics classes (does anyone need a mug?), and turning 25. This past year has been filled with a lot of change for me, and I’m excited to keep growing.


Freelance Strategist

Rachelle’s Brooklyn exploration.

LOVE — Ferry-hopping to Red Hook and the Rockaways (+ lots of other stops). The Ferry is the most chill way to travel in the summer — no need to deal with the sweaty underground subways stations. The ferrys usually take longer than the train, but what else do you have to do on a sticky hot Saturday? Feel the wind in your hair and escape to a beachy part of Brooklyn!

HATE — Client vacation schedules. As a freelancer, clients being out for a lot of the summer means that I have less work, less income, less fun money for summer. I’ve learned to just plan ahead for the slow period and either go on my own vacation or just relax because things always get busy again in the fall.

EXCITED — Buying school supplies!!! I treat myself to new office supplies every fall. Back to school notebook and pen shopping is probably the #1 thing I miss from being in school.


Strategist, VIRTUE Worldwide

LOVE — Spending time outside, whether it’s just walking somewhere you might usually take the subway, going to the beach, picking a bar with a patio even if you get bug bites, etc. Might be a ‘hot take’ (no pun intended…) with the obscene humidity here, but I think growing up in Oregon I’m conditioned to appreciate and take advantage of sunny weather.

HATE — How fast it passes! And the inconsistent / unpredictable weather. I always come in thinking “And this is the summer I’ll finally do ____,” but then lazy days kick in, quite a few thunderstorms in the case of this year, and just when you come to terms with summer ending, it literally won’t. (Almost 80 degrees on Oct 1.)

EXCITED — Seasonal products! Food, scents, decor, dog biscuits, you name it. Color me basic, but as a big Trader Joe’s shopper, they have every seasonal item you could ever ask for and the ones that you didn’t. Pumpkin season is fun, but even more excited for peppermint, spiced fruits, etc.


Copywriter, Mother

Sarah in Paris.

LOVE — In the summer, everything that’s already great about New York is elevated. Restaurants? Say hello to al fresco. Museums, with impressive air conditioning, are suddenly even more artful. Concerts in the park? Shakespeare in the park? Picnics in the park? Yes to all of them! Even walking to get groceries is nice when the sun is shining.

HATE — The burnout. It’s been four months of frantically trying to squeeze every drop of sunshine and good times out of the sky and into my mouth. By the end of the summer, I’m ready to curl up with a book and take a nap instead of reading it. Time to cancel some plans, catch up on Shameless, and put some chili in the crockpot. Text me in three months when I emerge from the comfort den.

EXCITED — Cooking! I always struggle to cook when it’s warm out. But once the temperature drops it’s on folks. Is this the year I master my mother’s bolognese? Maybe. Baked chicken, reduction sauces, lemony scones — let’s party.


Strategist, ROKKAN

LOVE — I love finding mini moments of escape while living in New York, especially during the summer. Whether it’s taking the train to Rockaway Beach for some tacos, hanging out at Governor’s Islands, going to concerts in Prospect Park, renting a car to drive around the Hamptons, or hopping on a plane with friends to the Virgin Islands, this all lets me recharge (and also get some good summer ‘grams).

HATE — The look of my credit card statement during the summer (the struggle between being responsible and having fun is real).

EXCITED — Growing up in LA, I feel like I never got to truly appreciate fall, but both Oregon and New York completely changed that for me. Bring on the pumpkin spice lattes. Bring on the witchy chic fashion. I am here for it all.

