What did I learn the year we develop a start-up from scratch?

Welcome to this awesome list of the know-how acquired in the further development of witzum: a technological platform editorial-market oriented

Walter Giu
Walter Giu


Our aim, from the beginning, was to start to work — to experiment — in a project that allow us to put in practice all our study about “Silicon Valley industry”

We start to build a Start-up

We were excited in that time with Techcrunch, Gizmodo, Y-Combinator, Fast Company… and all that immense cultural movement and growing ambitions to disrupt every traditional market

So, in order to disrupt the micro fiction editorial market by planning and developing a start-up from scratch, I acquired a lot of knowledge in:

- Market research

- Business model

- UX / UI Design

- User Flow / App Flow / Wireframing

- Product Management: Agile, Bootstrap, Scrum and Lean development

- Development Tools Apple iOS

- Android Development Tools

- Growth Hacking / Inbound Marketing


- Google Webmaster Tools

- Google AdWords /Google Analytics / Mixpanel /Intercom.io

- Facebook Ads

- Hootsuit

- Github

- Brand registration

- Equity in start-ups and another Paul Grahams assays

- And so on…

Witzum still need a lot of work and was pause in beta stage, but is — 24/7 — open to explore what we are capable to archive

You can check out the ux development process in this two case studies:

Product Design — Case Study

Reader Experience Design — Case Study

