Jobs for Your Personality: Jobs For People With Anxiety

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5 min readNov 1, 2018

All too often we’re told to look for the same factors when choosing a job. How well does it pay? How easy is the commute? What will the Christmas parties be like?

Same old, same old.

But what if these factors were trumped by something else? Something far more important, that should be dictating the course of our entire career.

Our personalities.

As well as catering to your personality type, it’s important to take other neurological factors into consideration. And one of these factors is anxiety.

Anxiety is perfectly normal. And it can affect any of us at any time. But for some people, anxiety is a long-term issue that can affect day-to-day decision as well as career choices.

But here’s the good news.

As anxiety has become more widely recognised, tools and techniques have been developed to help its sufferers thrive.

So if you suffer from anxiety, or know someone who does, what career options are most suitable? And what skills can you bring to them? Let’s find out.

Career Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety comes in all shapes and sizes. For some of us, it can come in the form of occasional panic attacks while others may suffer from diagnosed anxiety disorders.

Career anxiety disorder (CAD) and social anxiety disorder (SAD) are very common in the UK.

In fact, the most recent Psychiatric Morbidity Survey suggests that there are over 6 million people in the UK with an anxiety disorder.

And whatever form of anxiety you may suffer from, it can have a big impact on our careers.

I Can’t Get A Job Because of Anxiety

Anxiety in the workplace affects each of us differently. But here are a few ways it may affect your work day to day.

Meeting deadlines

Anxiety sufferers may struggle to set and meet deadlines for fear of missing them

Maintaining personal relationships

Whether it’s with colleagues or management, anxiety can sometimes discourage sufferers from building positive working relationships.

Making presentations

While many of us hate the idea of public speaking, presentations may make people with anxiety feel particularly nervous and even ill.

What’s more, some people with anxiety find applying for jobs both mentally and physically draining, affecting their chances of getting onto the career ladder in the first place.

But here’s the thing.

There’s no reason why anxiety should dictate our careers. In fact, it’s more treatable now than ever. And with the right mindset, anything is possible.

Getting A Job With Anxiety

When getting a job with anxiety, there are a few things to consider.

Assess the Industry

Take a look at the industry as a whole and think what it will expect of you. Industries like accounting or finance typically have tighter deadlines whereas industries like the creative arts, though still pressurised, may grant you greater freedom.

Assess the Company

It’s important to know how a specific company may affect your anxiety. Do they have a good HR team? What are their policies towards mental health? Use the job hunting process to assess if they’ll be a good fit.

Assess the Job Demands

Most importantly, it’s good to know what impact your day-to-day tasks may have on your anxiety. Mentally engaging tasks may prevent any unnecessary worry and working independently may ease social anxieties.

Best Jobs For People With Anxiety

While all career paths are open to those who suffer with anxiety, there are some jobs that can sidestep potential difficulties.


While working in IT demands a certain level of social interaction, more value is placed on a candidate’s analytical skills. Plus programmers tend to work independently.


Clearly structured projects can help ease anxiety. By focussing on building things, you’re less likely to worry about your own concerns.

Personal training

Dieticians, nutritionists or personal trainers often work in low stress environments. Also, providing life-enhancing advice to others can help ease personal anxieties

Creative arts

The escapism of creative exploits tends to distract from day-to-day worries. As such, it can be a good career option for people with anxiety.

Worst Jobs For People With Anxiety

Coping with anxiety often means pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. That being said, there are some careers that may be more challenging than others. These may include:


Sometimes dealing with complaints and loud conversations can exacerbate anxiety.


Fast paced and deadline driven environments can stop people with anxiety from performing at their best.

Law enforcement

The high pressure and public nature of policing can make it a challenging environment.

Making Anxiety Work For You

Here’s a secret.

There are times when anxiety can be an advantage. The key is managing it correctly. Here are just a few examples and how to put them to good use.


Anxiety can push us to achieve perfection. And while this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s important to set limits on any overly persistent behaviour.


A little self-reflection is a great for any employee but over-thinking can be dangerous. So be kind to yourself when you make a mistake.


More cautious and thoughtful than most, people with anxiety tend to be good decision makers and problem solvers meaning they can make excellent managers.

Thriving With Anxiety

Here’s the thing.

Nobody should have anxiety dictate their career. But there are a few things to bear in mind when dealing with workplace anxiety.

Know your capabilities

Don’t let anxiety deter you from exciting opportunities. Instead, focus on your strengths and let them drive your career choices.

Tell your employer

The more we talk about anxiety in the workplace, the better equipped we are to respond to it. Don’t be afraid to let your employer know if it affects you.

Stay connected

Keeping in touch with friends, family and colleagues is a great way of managing anxiety day to day. Whether it’s a phone call, an email or a quick hello, it all helps to ease any feelings of isolation.


Conditions like CAD and SAD are treatable conditions that shouldn’t dictate the course of your career. However, it’s important to evaluate your capabilities and find a job that allows you to showcase them without worry.

And remember, facing up to anxiety is half the battle. Any challenges, both social and professional, can be overcome with the right techniques and attitude, meaning your career can take whatever path you want.

For more careers advice, visit our insights page.

This article was originally published on Advance



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