Find & Fix | Duplicate Transactions

Sema Çelik
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2023

Sometimes when you look at your sales data, do you say there is something wrong with this?When you are analyzing your sales data, you might encounter with more purchase data(value) than you were expecting, it is pretty normal to be worried because this will cause your strategy to appear wrong.

What Are Duplicate Transactions in Google Analytics?

When a single transaction is logged more than once in your analytics data, Google Analytics considers this to be a duplicate transaction. This may occur for a variety of reasons, including when a consumer reloads the order confirmation page after making a purchase or when a transaction is captured by numerous tracking codes on various sites.

You may get an unreliable image of your e-commerce success as a result of duplicate transactions that distort your statistics. Your revenue and transaction counts may be inflated as a result, which might result in poor business decisions. For instance, if you have a lot of duplicate transactions, your sales and transaction metrics can be better than they really are, giving you the impression that your company is doing better than it really is.

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