Harnessing Vue-Router Middleware Guards for a Cleaner, Sustainable Code Culture

Mustafa Dalga
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2023

As a front-end developer, my journey has been marked by constant learning and a relentless pursuit of crafting clean, maintainable code. Today, I want to share my experience with the heybooster , where we utilized Vue-router middleware guards, classified into distinct groups, to streamline our codebase. The categories we established were useRouterAuthGuard, useRouterCustomAuthGuard, useRouterGlobalGuard, useRouterOnboardingGuard, and usePageAuthorization.

Categorizing Vue-Router Middleware Guards

In this project, the first significant challenge was to manage the complexity of the Vue-router middleware guards. The solution lay in categorizing them according to their functionalities:

  1. useRouterAuthGuard: This served as the primary defense against unauthorized access. It allowed us to maintain a secure route path that required user authentication.
  2. useRouterCustomAuthGuard: As the name suggests, this was a custom guard tailored to handle unique conditions not covered by the primary AuthGuard.
  3. useRouterGlobalGuard: This was a catch-all guard applied to all routes, ensuring a unified, base-level control across our application.
  4. useRouterOnboardingGuard: This was specifically designed to guide new users through the onboarding process, enhancing user experience.
  5. usePageAuthorization: This was an extra layer of authorization applied to specific pages where elevated user permissions were required.

By creating these distinct categories, we were able to establish a clear and concise system for handling different types of route guards, enhancing the overall readability and maintainability of our code.

The Power of Documentation: TSDoc Comments

Documentation, often overlooked, is an essential aspect of writing clean, maintainable code. In this project, we utilized TSDoc comments, which served multiple purposes:

  1. Code readability: TSDoc comments helped in making our code more readable, enabling any new developer on the project to quickly understand the code’s purpose and functionality.
  2. Self-describing code: With TSDoc comments, the code became self-describing. It eliminated guesswork, making it easier to debug and maintain the code.
  3. Enhanced team collaboration: It encouraged collaborative efforts within the team, with every member able to understand and contribute effectively to the project.

Challenges, Solutions, and the Path Forward

Naturally, the journey wasn’t without its hurdles. Initially, understanding and categorizing the middleware guards was a daunting task. But with persistent efforts and focus on clean code principles, we were able to classify the guards effectively. TSDoc comments played a crucial role in this process, allowing us to document our understanding and progress, thereby making the code more approachable for future reference.

Going forward, the goal is to continue fostering a culture of clean code within our team. Emphasizing documentation, sustainable practices, and effective categorization of components will be our primary strategy. It is our belief that these practices will lead to a more maintainable and scalable codebase, and a more collaborative and efficient team.

Innovation is a continuous journey, and every small step matters. By sharing our experiences, we hope to contribute to the broader development community and encourage practices that promote sustainability, clean code culture, and comprehensive documentation. We are excited about the future and look forward to learning from the innovative contributions of others. We believe in a collaborative environment where knowledge is shared, and everyone grows together.

In conclusion, working on the heybooster project has been an enriching experience, filled with challenges and learning opportunities. The Vue-router middleware guards categorization, combined with TSDoc comments, provided a solid foundation for clean, maintainable code. It is a testament to the fact that well-structured, well-documented code not only aids in the current project but also paves the way for future development efforts.

Encouraging Documentation and Clean Code Culture

A significant takeaway from this project is the power of good documentation. By using TSDoc comments, we were able to improve the readability and maintainability of our code, making it easier for any new (or existing) developer to understand the code’s functionality. This is a practice we plan to continue and encourage in our future projects.

Additionally, adhering to clean code principles and best practices was an essential part of this project. We strived to write code that was not only functional but also clean and easy to understand. This focus on clean code culture led to a more efficient development process and a more maintainable codebase.

In the end, our experiences with the heybooster project reinforced the importance of these principles. Through categorization of Vue-router middleware guards and the use of TSDoc comments, we were able to create a project that was robust, maintainable, and scalable. This experience has further motivated us to continue adhering to these principles in our future projects, and we encourage other developers to do the same.



Mustafa Dalga

Software Developer | Nature and Animal Photographer