Day 201 / 2018 — A Primer on UX/UI Design, Thinking in Triplicate, Dead End Design Careers, Exercises to Learn UI Design and more design and frontend links

Top design and frontend links from my daily curation at HeyDesigner


A Primer on UX/UI Design

Sometimes you need to explain what design is to people who don’t understand it, but need to — by Khoi Vinh // filed in Product Design, UI Design, UX Design

Thinking in Triplicate

Remember all that crowing about how design — interactive, user-centered, design-thinky design at scale — would change the world? — by Erika Hall // filed in Design Thinking

Escape Routes From Dead End Design Careers

Entering the design profession is sometimes like love at first sight, but it can also be something you simply want to do and learn to respect — by Avi Ashkenazi // filed in Career

5 Practical Exercises to Learn UI Design (For Free)

Trying to get a design education from design articles is like trying to eat a meal of crumbs — by Erik D. Kennedy // filed in UI Design

Switching From Another Design Tool to Figma? Here Are 4 Things to Know

When we first started Figma in 2012, we made the difficult decision to focus on digital design— by Valerie Veteto // filed in Figma

Styling React Components

How to style React components is a controversial subject. There has been debate about whether styles should be defined in JavaScript using one of the new CSS in JS solutions— by Ben Honeywill // filed in Javascript, React.js

Foundations of Machine Learning

How to style React components is a controversial subject. There has been debate about whether styles should be defined in JavaScript using one of the new CSS in JS solutions — by David Rosenberg // filed in Machine Learning

Love Letter to Vue

In the frustratingly fast-paced, ever-shifty and profoundly fashion-driven JavaScript web development ecosystem, it’s not easy to find something that one can even stand to use, to say nothing of love — by Alex Balashov // filed in Vue.js

How to Setup Tailwind With PurgeCSS and PostCSS

Tailwind is an interesting framework because instead of providing a set of widgets like Bootstrap or others, it provides utilities — by Flavio Copes // filed in HTML & CSS

DSS — Deterministic StyleSheets

DSS (Deterministic StyleSheets) is a component-oriented CSS authoring system that compiles to high-performance atomic CSS classes-based stylesheets — by Giuseppe // filed in HTML & CSS

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