“Image of a blonde woman standing in a festival with lens flares in silhouette” by Maxime Bhm on Unsplash

Day 205 / 2018 — Love Is a Booster for Creativity and more in the latest daily issue

Top design and frontend links from my daily curation at HeyDesigner

Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018


Love Is a Booster for Creativity

When AI will be as clever to replace a psychologist, it will be able to replace a designer — by FlowMapp

Yes, Alan, There Is An ROI For UX Design

Alan Cooper recently wrote that the value of design should be obvious to everyone in the organization. If someone is asking you to explain design’s value, it’s because they can’t see it — by Jared M. Spool

When Designers Should Let Go Of Ideas

In UX design, there is a gray line between what ideas should we let go versus keep. Even if an idea doesn’t work right now, should we keep working on it? — by Tiffany W. Eaton

Booking.com — UX Case Study

Booking.com has grown from a small Dutch start-up to one of the largest travel e-commerce companies in the world — by Filippo Rovelli

A One Year PWA Retrospective

The idea of building a “Progressive Web App” (PWA) is not new, but its definition has changed with the emergence of key technologies like service workers — by Zack Argyle

JavaScript Fundamentals Before Learning React

This month, all articles are sponsored by TRUMPF Laser GmbH. The german company I worked with is using a sophisticated React with GraphQL and .NET tech stack — by Robin Wieruch

Storybook: The Next Chapter

Storybook is the most popular tool for building and customizing UI components. It now tops 26k GitHub stars, 1M npm downloads per month — by Michael Shilman

Progressive Web Apps 101: The What, Why and How

Have you ever seen an “Add to Home Screen” banner, like above, while browsing a website? — by Shruti Kapoor

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